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Showing posts from September, 2021

The high pressure and miniature technology can make the room-size quantum computer possible.

  The high pressure and miniature technology can make the room-size quantum computer possible.  The quantum computer (left) can install in a similar structure. That is used as the pressure vessel of the nuclear reactor (right). That pressure vessel allows rising the pressure around the quantum computer. And the water of the cooling system can replace by using liquid hydrogen. This thing means. The same systems made for nuclear power can use in quantum computers.  The problem with room-temperature quantum computers is that the oscillation of atoms or other things in the qubit must stabilize. The oscillation of the qubits is removed. By decreasing the temperature of the system to zero kelvin degrees. And the researchers must protect the system against outcoming radiation that can disturb qubits.  Researchers can find One of the answers for the structure of quantum computers from the nuclear power plants that are used. The quantum computer will put in the place of the nuclear fuel element

The room-temperature operating table-size quantum computer is coming.

Image I) IBM Quantum system one. I don't know how effective that kind of system is. Anyway, the fact is that in binary computer systems the personal computers are not ever so powerful as supercomputers. We are not expecting that laptop computers can make the same things as some supercomputers in the supercomputing centers.   But even low-power quantum computers are more powerful than regular binary computers. And if we are thinking that the power of the work stations rises 1000 times that is a great advance in computing. This type of system can run complicated tools than ever before. And the thing is that all workstations can interconnect together by using the WLAN.  The weakness of quantum computers is that they are massive systems. Those systems require absolute stable conditions and the temperature in there must be absolute zero point. In quantum systems, researchers must eliminate all oscillation and all effects that can turn electrons out of the track. So there must be some ot

The flight of NASA's Ingenuity helicopter is turning harder and harder.

Image I: Artist's impression of the Ingenuity helicopter flying over Mars.  The helicopter that flies over the Martian hemisphere is a very impressive tool. It can operate in an atmosphere which density is less than 2% of Earth. In so low pressure even the smallest changes mean a lot of things. Today the pressure of the atmosphere of Mars is about 1% of the Earth's atmosphere because winter is coming to that planet.  And that means the mission of that helicopter is turning more difficult. Soon the pressure is so low, that the rotors cannot rise that helicopter to flight. The same technology that is used in Integuinity can be used also for many other purposes. The high-flying helicopters can fly at 1% of the pressure of the sea level. Can be the next-generation tools for civil and military aviation.  There is the possibility that the similar helicopters that the Integuinity are will use to rise the rocket which mission is to return the samples from the red planet to Earth to the

How are the algorithms advancing?

    How are the algorithms advancing? The thing that limits the power of the algorithms is the infrastructure. If we want to make artificial intelligence that operates in large areas. That thing requires powerful hardware. If we want to make a robot car that can operate in so-called natural environmental infrastructure. That requires more complicated artificial intelligence algorithms than people even believe.  If we want to put a man-shaped robot to sit in that robot car and put it to go shopping for us, that requires even more complicated and heavy algorithms than the car, which operates in the highway environment where are strict orders and everybody follows them. When a robot walks on the streets it requires so-called fuzzy logic because there is the possibility that it faces the person who is not following orders.  If somebody will not care for the robot or tries to the robot. That machine is needed to make the protocol. The robot can meet things like children, who would not notic

Light computer rises the power of the binary computers that are still needed to control quantum computers.

The image above: illustration image The new light transistors are making 1000 times faster binary computers than ever before. And that thing can make it possible to create more effective binary computers. But also that thing makes the use of quantum computers more effective.  We are living in the time of quantum computers. So why the speed of regular or binary computers is needed to rise? The thing is that even if quantum computers are turning more and more common there is one thing that is making them limited.  The data input to the quantum system happens through binary computers. So increasing the speed of binary computers would make that bottleneck between the binary and quantum computers larger. There are two ways to make ultra-fast binary systems that can input or transmit between regular computers and quantum computers.  The first way is just to make the microcircuits superconducting. The problem with the superconducting microchips is that the electric flow will jump over the swi
The flying car made its first intercity flight in the Czech Republic. The flight took 35 minutes from the international airport in Nitra to the international airport in Bratislava on Jun. 28, 2021. Flying cars are low-cost aircraft that have the capacity also drive on highways.  The idea of this kind of vehicle is not very new. The first idea of the winged cars that everybody can own and park in their garage was introduced after WWII. At that time technology was not at the level that this kind of vehicle is possible.  The reason for that is that the engines and batteries were too heavy. And the turbine engines used too much fuel. Turbines are also noisy. And the noise is one thing that is slowing the creation of this type of vehicle. The electric power which uses batteries or fuel cells makes it possible to create lightweight, low-noise flying machines.  By using modern battery technology is possible to make aerial vehicles that are using electric engines. Some start-ups are working wi

O'Neill cylinders and travel outside the asteroid belt

This artist’s conception from the 1970s shows the interior of an O’Neill cylinder. (Credit: NASA)  The O'Neill cylinder is theoretical construction of the space station or spacecraft which involves an environment that looks like Earth. There are plantations, houses, and other things that are on Earth. But everything has been made in the rotating cylinder. The centripetal force is making the artificial gravitation inside the cylinder. And that allows the crew to live as they would live on Earth. So that's why the O'Neill cylinder is called the "artificial Earth".  The creator of that idea Gerard O'Neill introduced that there is a small city in the cylinder. The idea is that the O'Neill cylinder would work as the platform for benefiting the resources of the entire solar system. And maybe that kind of system would make humans travel to another solar system. The question is how that kind of system would get its electric supply? The answer would be the nuclear

What is the alternative explanation for the Brookhaven (Fermilab) observations?

The image above portraits the g−2 storage-ring magnet. That system Located at Fermilab. Originally researchers created that system for the Brookhaven g−2 experiment. The geometry allows for a very uniform magnetic field to establish in the ring. (Wikipedia/Muon g-2) So what causes the interesting anomaly in the Brookhaven (Fermilab)low-energetic particle accelerator? The answer could be also a very weak gravitational effect. That turns the trajectory of the particle in the Muon g-2 experiment. If the fifth force is not existing could that thing that causes too strong curving in the Brookhaven laboratory be the gravitational wave of another universe?  The thing is that the "fifth force" is much much weaker than the gravity. It's harder to see than other natural interactions. And there is the possibility that it's not even existed. But there is also the possibility that the scale of the "fifth force" is extremely large.  Maybe it's visible only in the inte

The light-emitting cells are tools that can use for many purposes.

"Illumination of a book (“Paradise Lost,” by John Milton) with the first generation of nano bionic light-emitting plants. Credit: Seon-Yeong Kwak" (ScitechDaily/The Next Generation of Nanobionic Light-Emitting Plants) As you see in the image above this text, the bioluminescence plants can produce a quite bright shine of light. That means the bio-light can use as the normal light source. Maybe in the future, we are using light-emitting cells as regular light sources.  If the genome that makes the cell shine transfer to the cells. It makes them shine. The bioluminescence light will make it easier to follow the behavior of the cells. If in some plants is delivered the genetically engineered corn or other species. The biological light makes it easier to follow how effective those species can be. If we are thinking the bioluminescence and genetically engineered vegetables the shining meat-eating vegetables can revolutionize the biological defense of the nutrient vegetables.  The x

Is this the beginning of the computer-controlled mechanic evolution?

The quantum computer-based neural network can solve mathematical problems thousands of times faster than any other computer. That means this kind of system can break any code that is made by using the binary computer.  But if the quantum computers are running algorithms that can collect data from the free internet, that thing can use for many things that have been fiction yesterday. Those kinds of algorithms are the things that are forming search words by using artificial intelligence.  When the system is ordered to search data about making the car. It starts to make the database by using words that downloads the homepages that are handling the production of the automobiles. Then the databases are cumulating and the connections of the tables are increasing. And finally, the system has so much data and connections that it can create automobiles independently.  Can artificial intelligence get out of control? The quantum computers are starting to plan new quantum computers. And that thing

The smallest of all miniature flying systems can use for many things.

  (The image I): "A 3D micro flier sits next to a common ant to show scale. Credit: Northwestern University"(ScitechDaily/Winged Microchip Is Smallest-Ever Human-Made Flying Structure – The Size of a Grain of Sand)  The most miniaturized flying machines are the size of a grain of sand. The technology what those flying microchips are using is quite simple. The flight of those nano-size helicopters is basing the opposite-rotating rotors used in Russian Kamov-helicopters. And the power source can be wireless radio waves or chemical or small nuclear batteries.  The radio waves-based wireless energy transmitting offers those helicopters almost unlimited operational time. In that case, there are no harmful chemicals needed and the systems are easier to produce. The production methods of those miniature helicopters are similar to microchips. And the system uses integrated antennas for power transmission.  The chemical batteries are giving limited operational time. And nuclear batter

What makes primordial black holes so interesting?

The primordial black holes are the black holes that size is atom-class. Sometimes those black holes are also called quantum black holes. There is the possibility that the smaller black holes are the size of the quarks. Those atomic-size or even smaller black holes are forming in nature when the X-or gamma-rays hit the planet or atom. The thing that makes the primordial black holes interesting is that they can use as power- and communication tools.  And now somebody is saying that the black hole is destroying the information that drops in there. The idea is this. When the wave movement is traveling through the event horizon or that point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light will pull that wave movement straight. So that means the information that is impacting the black hole will be destroyed. That means we cannot teleport data through the primordial black hole. Or can we?  There is also a so-called "regular"  way to use black holes as a communication tool. In tha

How to make a switch or router that uses the DNA molecule for routing data?

What the DNA needs that it can control a physical robot? The fact is that DNA needs a switch or router that can transmit the electric signals between microchips in the multiprocessor system. The DNA can control nano-size switches simply when the length of the molecule is chancing it press nano-size switch. When the DNA is controlling the router it can be connected to the nano-size needle and moving that thing the system can aim the route of the signal.  Making the router or switch that uses the DNA molecule as the controller is quite an easy thing. The DNA molecule is in the chamber and changing the length of that molecule is possible to determine if the value of the connection is 0 or 1. The DNA molecule would touch the nanotechnical switches.  When the length of the DNA increases it pushes those contact layers. And that thing makes it possible to cut or connect the circuits in these nanotechnical chambers. But the DNA molecule can act as the 3-layer qubit. In that case, the molecule

New tools are making more accurate images of brain activity than ever before.

Imaging brain activity is allowing to find out how suitable some profession is for a person. But it also serves the development of the new type of robot interfaces.  New brain imaging tools are fantastic. Connecting the modern computing tools with traditional sensors like PET, EEG, and MEG sensors is a way to get fundamental data from brains. The AI will help to get more from the old fashion systems. And analyzing the old stored data by using modern tools. Is making it possible to get more data from the old records. The AI makes it possible also to interconnect data from those systems. And that thing makes the revolutionary computing solutions.  The data from the brain scanners can be driven to the supercomputers through the internet. This ability makes it possible to run complicated artificial intelligence programs during the imaging process. And artificial intelligence can see anomalies very easily from the images and files that are stored during the examination.  The new imaging too

The new futuristic solar-electric thruster is opening the new road to the asteroid belt and inner solar system.

NASA:s new Psyche probe would send to the asteroid belt for taking samples of those rocks. The asteroid belt is one of the most promising areas for space mining. Those systems would act very simple way. In the first version, the spacecraft just closes the promising asteroid in the plastic bag and pulls it to the Earth orbiter. And then robots will cut it in pieces and send those bites to the Earth by using returning capsules. In the more futuristic scenario, the asteroids will cut in pieces at the asteroid belt, and then the mass drivers would send them to Earth.  The mass drivers would shoot those asteroid bites to the mylar or kevlar net. The system would decrease the speed of those bites by targeting the magnetic field that has the same polarity as the bite of the asteroid. And in that case, the magnetic push effect will slow those objects. The problem is that those bites must react to magnets. So in that case the system can connect the iron bite to other materials. And shoot them t

Material development by using AI. And scanning tunneling microscope.

Artificial intelligence can develop new materials. The thing that artificial intelligence does best is to collect data from limited environments. The AI can work without sleep and follow the processes non-stop. If artificial intelligence has the right tools. It can follow how the atoms are connecting in a certain type of chemical environment.  The AI can follow the images that laser and other microscopes send to the computer and adjust the strength and type of radiation or other energy stress. The system can use different wavelengths of radiation like UV or IR radiation. Or it can remove some frequencies of the EM radiation off. Of course, the AI must have the ability to use UV or IR lights and laser microscopes.  Laser microscopes scan the surface like radars. The UV-lasers are the most accurate optical systems today.  So, laser-microscopes are actually like lidars (laser radars). The accuracy of the system depends on the wavelength of the laser radiation.  But if the system uses more

Standard model updates and the fifth force

The elementary particles of the Standard model Should we update the standard model? Definitely yes. But the thing in that operation is that. Almost every single thing that is calculated and made in physics uses the standard model as the matrix. And in that case, there is the possibility that the calculations are wrong. If the standard model is wrong that means that all things bases on that model are wrong. The Muon G-2 experiment and the experiments made after that experiment have shown that there is the possibility of the existence of the "Fifth force" or "fifth fundamental interaction". So if we are thinking of the standard model and the four fundamental interactions we must say that there is the possibility that the "fifth fundamental force" is even more dominating but at the same time weaker than gravitation.  The reason why that thing is possible is that when the fundamental forces are turning weaker when their scale or effective distance is increasin

We must prepare for the quantum age of the internet.

Image: Pinterest Quantum technology brings new threats but also new possibilities.  Single-photon imaging technology can make quantum data transportation safer than ever before.  Breaking the quantum data transportation is the theoretically easy thing. The particle will superposition in the laser ray that transports data. And the sensor detects the changes in the energy level in that superposition. This type of eavesdrop can avoid if the data transportation qubits have serial numbers.  That means the system can have the data transportation qubits and only the numbered qubits. And if the system has let's say 7 layer qubits, or otherwise saying qubits that have 7 states. There can be security states between those layers or states.  That means the qubit has layers 0-6(Calculation of qubit layers begins always from 0). The most out layer can use as the security state. And there can be "public layers" (4 and 5). Then there can be another security layer (layer 3). And layers 1

Are the magnetite crystals in neurons nontechnical switches? Is their purpose to create connections between axons in the nervous system?

  Of course, those crystals can act as the sensors of the magnetic sense. But is there some other and same way interesting explanation because those crystals are in our brains,  Is the purpose of magnetite in our nervous system simply acting as the switch that connects the inner membrane of the neuron to the axon when the connections are needed? That thing would explain why those magnetite crystals are in our nervous system?  Why is the magnetite in our nervous system? The fact is that maybe we have the answer for that thing. Maybe the purpose of the magnetite crystals is to pull the inner membrane and the end of the axon together. And that thing opens the road for the message that goes through the nervous system. The system would work like this.  When the nervous system requires the route or connection it simply warms the magnetite crystals at the membrane and the end of the axon. That happens by increasing the energy production of the mitochondria. That thing increases the magnetic e

Stopping problem with Turing's machine

Image:Pinterst The problem with binary computers or Turing's machines is that they must stop before they start their next mission. That is one of the reasons why the development of quantum computers started. In quantum computer is enough, when one of its layers stopped for taking the mission or code in it. There is of course problem that the inputting data to the quantum processor fail.  Because there is the possibility the support system tries to download data to the busy layer. The stopping problem is the thing that makes the system slow. The problem is that we cannot see outside is Turing's machine ready for the next program.  If the machine is running and handling some other program, that thing will turn Turing's machine out of control. It's like trying to put another tape in the movie projector which uses film while it's running. The film will be lost. And if that thing happens in the computer every data is lost. And if the calculation is lasting weeks. That th