Of course, those crystals can act as the sensors of the magnetic sense. But is there some other and same way interesting explanation because those crystals are in our brains,
Is the purpose of magnetite in our nervous system simply acting as the switch that connects the inner membrane of the neuron to the axon when the connections are needed? That thing would explain why those magnetite crystals are in our nervous system?
Why is the magnetite in our nervous system? The fact is that maybe we have the answer for that thing. Maybe the purpose of the magnetite crystals is to pull the inner membrane and the end of the axon together. And that thing opens the road for the message that goes through the nervous system. The system would work like this.
When the nervous system requires the route or connection it simply warms the magnetite crystals at the membrane and the end of the axon. That happens by increasing the energy production of the mitochondria. That thing increases the magnetic effect of magnetite. And then the axons will transmit the data in the cell.
Those magnetite crystals can replace by using nanotechnological microchips. That means those microchips can inject into the nervous system of bugs or birds. They can use to remote control living organisms. And the nanotechnical microchips can send data to the data transmitter, which sends the senses of the animal to the computer by using the internet.
The system can connect with the GPS location system. And EEG data can send to the command center by using the GPS transmitter. The command center can send the control signal by using a two-way data connection.
The microchips can install in the proteins that the neurons are using as a nutrient. Then they will put in the amoeba or bacteria that is traveling to the neuro-tissue. And then the programmed cell death kills those transportation organisms. Those bacteria or amoeba will release those microchips over the brain tissue, and then the feeding system of neurons will position them in the right places.
Magnetite has caused one very interesting theorem. That mineral can be used as the hard disk and what if the radio waves are used to stress the magnetite bites in the nervous system? That thing would transmit electricity to the nervous structure.
Can we someday see things that happened just before humans or animals died by stressing the magnetite from the brains of the corpse by using radio waves and superconducting quantum technology? The power of quantum computers can make it possible that the EEG curves of the animal or humans can turn into a film that can be seen on the screen of the computer.
But in some other visions, those magnetite crystals that are stored in the nervous structure can store the last experience before death. That thing requires extremely accurate sensors.
Theoretically is possible to return the memories of the dead person. If the crystals which are found from the head of dead persons are put in a superconducting chamber. And observing those crystals with very accurate sensors. The EEG curves that are stored in those crystals can return to observable form.
Can maybe store on the computer's hard disk. And then the EEG can maybe somewhere in the future decode to the screen of the computer. The idea is that the superconducting magnetite crystals are stressed with radio waves. And the superconducting sensor can see the changes in the curves of the radio waves when they are traveling through the magnetite crystals.
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