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Is this the beginning of the computer-controlled mechanic evolution?

The quantum computer-based neural network can solve mathematical problems thousands of times faster than any other computer. That means this kind of system can break any code that is made by using the binary computer. 

But if the quantum computers are running algorithms that can collect data from the free internet, that thing can use for many things that have been fiction yesterday. Those kinds of algorithms are the things that are forming search words by using artificial intelligence. 

When the system is ordered to search data about making the car. It starts to make the database by using words that downloads the homepages that are handling the production of the automobiles. Then the databases are cumulating and the connections of the tables are increasing. And finally, the system has so much data and connections that it can create automobiles independently. 

Can artificial intelligence get out of control?

The quantum computers are starting to plan new quantum computers. And that thing brings to my mind my favorite SciFi novelist Stanislaw Lem and his visions of the technology that would start to live its own life. In novels "Invincible" and "Peace on Earth"  Lem predicted the drone swarms and computer-guided evolution. 

In the book "Peace on Earth" the idea was that the weapon development outsources to the moon by the United Nations. And then the system used three layers for the development process. In that fiction, the idea was that the systems are making virtual models of the new weapons and if those weapons are needed those models can be driven to the CAM system or robot factory. 

And the fact is that this kind of system is possible to make. Quantum computers can run complicated artificial intelligence programs and evolution models. 

1) Super simulator that connects CAD drawings and tactical simulations.

2) Selective simulator which uses the existing weapon systems against the new weapon system. And reports the success of the weapons to the control system.

3) The control system sees the errors and sends the feedback and improvement proposal to the super simulator. That makes chances for drawings. 

The quantum computer on Earth theoretically controls that system. But the system can make a copy of that quantum computer to the Moon. And that thing means that the intelligence of those machines can turn higher than humans. 

The idea is that the system that is creating the robots. Can use robots for finding the raw material on the Moon and those robot workers can create the new quantum computer and other things and if creators of that system are not following what computers are doing. 

That thing can make the surprise. If the quantum computer can control the robot workers, that system is making it possible to create another quantum computer in the caves. And there is the possibility that the robot factories are making surprisingly powerful drones without telling that thing to the controllers.

The power of quantum computers is incredible. And that means they can handle many things faster than ever before. The power of the quantum computer can use to design more and more powerful quantum systems. Quantum computers are the revolution. 

They can run CAD- programs, artificial intelligence, and more accurate simulations than ever before. And that thing makes the new visions for artificial intelligence and the autonomous development of the products possible. 

But when we are making the artificial intelligence that runs on the quantum computer we might face the thing that is causing surprise. The quantum neural network solves mathematical problems a million times faster than regular computers can make. 

And that thing is causing the question, can something unpredictable happen? Quantum computers are incredible tools. They can break any code in the world. But can they make something more dangerous and more powerful than we ever imagine?




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