The primordial black holes are the black holes that size is atom-class. Sometimes those black holes are also called quantum black holes. There is the possibility that the smaller black holes are the size of the quarks. Those atomic-size or even smaller black holes are forming in nature when the X-or gamma-rays hit the planet or atom. The thing that makes the primordial black holes interesting is that they can use as power- and communication tools.
And now somebody is saying that the black hole is destroying the information that drops in there. The idea is this. When the wave movement is traveling through the event horizon or that point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light will pull that wave movement straight. So that means the information that is impacting the black hole will be destroyed. That means we cannot teleport data through the primordial black hole. Or can we?
There is also a so-called "regular" way to use black holes as a communication tool. In that method, the black hole's radiation beam is used as the carrier. The laser ray will send the energy pulses to that beam, and the receiver observes the changes in the energy level of that radiation beam.
There is the possibility that we would put the primordial black hole rotating so fast that it would superposition. And then pump energy to that superpositioned and entangled primordial black hole by using laser rays. The system can observe the energy level of that superpositioned and entangled black hole pair.
And laser sends "morse signals" to that object. The black hole would superposition between two chambers. And that thing can be used for sending messages. The primordial black holes can use also as an energy source. In that case, the black hole is trapped in the chamber and material will be driven to it. The primordial black holes are similar black holes with the others.
But they are much smaller. Theoretically, those black holes can use to pull the quarks away from the protons and neutrons. That thing can make it possible to create antennas that can capture dark energy. The system can use the quantum bridges between those quarks for interacting with the invisible wave movement.
And maybe someday in the future, this thing can use to capture dark energy for energy production. The idea is that the quantum antenna will capture dark energy and transform it into regular energy.
Small black holes can use for energy production quite easily. The material disk around them is one of the highest energetic objects in the universe. Regular solar panels can capture energy from the transition disk. In some visions, the small-size black holes can use as the power source for space rockets.
The black hole will position in the absolute round chamber which is open to the back. And the energy ray of the black hole is pushing and pulling the futuristic spacecraft ahead. The radiation beam will impact the front side of the chamber and also the back moving ray will push the craft. The energy level of the black hole can adjust by adjusting the material that drops in there.
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