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Showing posts from February, 2024

Even the most creative AI requires humans.

The AI can make images from music and texts. It can create many things faster than humans. But the AI is not itself creative. It needs that text or music for the image. AI requires humans to make ideas for things that it creates. The AI has many abilities. But it requires special orders to make those things.  AI is not an initiative. And that means. It cannot work as a compositor or some other creative worker.  It's possible. That the AI can create something. Like poems or paintings of some topics. When AI makes that thing, it requires topics about what it should do. Without those orders or queries, the AI does nothing.  Then it follows certain rules and connects texts from different sources. The problem with that model is that the system is powerful and effective. But it has no deep knowledge about things.  This means the AI cannot realize things that it reads. It can collect data. But in those cases, the AI follows page rank. So the AI follows the URL. And maybe then it looks at

The new DNA toolbox can make everything without CRISPR.

The new DNA toolbox uses bacteria to create and multiply the DNA for genome research and genetic engineering. Researchers can use artificial DNA to fix genetic errors and make new types of cells for things like energy production. The ability to interconnect DNA from different sources over species borders opens a world where only imagination is limited.  The problem is that the DNA must be done in large numbers so that the system can make enough artificial cells for the DNA transplant. The DNA sequence must transfer into artificial DNA with a very high accuracy. Then that artificial DNA must be injected into the cell, where the original DNA is removed, because that cell must create the artificial DNA.  The problem with the artificial DNA is how to multiply it. If that problem is solved, the system can create new artificial DNA and artificial species. The AI-based solutions can connect images from different species, and then the system can search the DNA sequences. They are similar to an

The race for new input tools is running fast.

The mouse and mousepads are quite old systems. The new tools like ultra-advanced fighters require the new type of control tools that are more effective than other systems. One of those systems is neural control which uses signals straight from the brain or neural tracks controlling computers and robots.  Elon Musk says, that the person who got the first neuro-implated microchip can move the mouse on the screen. That is very interesting, but the problem with those Neuraport microchips is that they need a surgical implantation operation.  Those microchips can used to make the singularity the hybrid system. That merges the internet and the human mind into one entirety. The Neuraport microchip allows people to control any device using that microchip and BlueTooth connection.  But the thing that limits the use of those neural microchips is the surgical operation. This is the reason for researchers to develop external systems that are like hats. And the person can use them without surgical o

The robot water striders are the fastest and smallest miniature robots.

"Researchers at Washington State University have developed the smallest and fastest micro-robots, potentially transforming fields from artificial pollination to surgery. Utilizing shape memory alloys for movement, these robots—significantly lighter and quicker than previous models—aspire to achieve greater autonomy and efficiency by mimicking natural insect behavior. Credit: WSU Photo Services." (ScitechDaily, Scientists Have Created the World’s Smallest, Lightest, and Fastest Fully Functional Micro-Robots) The new miniature robots can walk on the water. Their structure is a straight copy of the water striders. The small bugs that can walk or slide on the water. On the water strider's feet is small hair and their weight is divided on the layer so that it will not fall through the surface membrane.  This system, that the Washington State University created uses small rows to move the robot. So the robot stands on water. And the rows move it. Another way is to use small-siz

The new bendable sensor is like straight from the SciFi movies.

"Researchers at Osaka University have developed a groundbreaking flexible optical sensor that works even when crumpled. Using carbon nanotube photodetectors and wireless Bluetooth technology, this sensor enables non-invasive analysis and holds promise for advancements in imaging, wearable technology, and soft robotics. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, From Sci-Fi to Reality: Scientists Develop Unbreakable, Bendable Optical Sensor) The new sensor is like the net eye of bugs. But it's more accurate than any natural net eye. The system is based on flexible polymer film and nanotubes. The nanotubes let light travel through it. And then the film at the bottom of those tubes transforms that light into the image. This ultra-accurate CCD camera can see ultimate details in advanced materials. The new system can see the smallest deviation in the materials.  And that thing makes it possible to improve safety on those layers. The ability to see ultra-small differences on surf

Machine learning meets chemistry.

"MIT chemists have developed a computational model that can rapidly predict the structure of the transition state of a reaction (left structure), if it is given the structure of a reactant (middle) and product (right). Credit: David W. Kastner" (ScitechDaily, Machine Learning Meets Chemistry: New MIT Model Predicts Transition States With Unprecedented Speed) Machine learning means. The system makes memos about things that it does. A learning machine is like a man, who writes in a notebook. And then that machine can escalate those notes over the entire system. The learning machine is like some laboratory assistant, who writes everything that is done in a test environment with chemical tests into notebooks. In machine learning, computers make those memos automatically.  In chemistry, that means that the system observes some reactions, and then it puts all the details in the memory. This thing helps the AI-based systems to multiply the chemical and physical environment for the c

The new AI requires new processors.

  AI is the ultimate tool for laboratories. But it requires lots of calculation power. The advancement of self-driving labs in chemistry and materials science, employing AI and automation, promises to revolutionize research by accelerating the discovery of new molecules and materials. Milad Abolhasani highlights the need for standardized definitions and performance metrics to compare and improve these technologies effectively. Credit: (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Research: How AI-Driven Chemistry Labs Are Redefining Discovery) The AI is a revolutionary tool for many things. It's powerful even if there are no quantum processors. That is the beginning of a new era of technology for civil and military purposes.  The AI-controlled laboratories can create new chemicals and new materials. And the AI can also create programming code faster than any programmer can do.  The new AI can create images from text and music. And the AI can watch your body language and see if yo

Robots can destroy tumors in the human body.

"N/AA graphical represntation of the robotic device helping to repair a diseased blood vessel". (Interesting engineering, Magnetic robotic catheter devised to efficiently treat ischemic strokes) Those robots can inject interleukin 12 (IL-12) or mRNA. That makes cells create that chemical straight to cells. The system can also inject mRNA that orders cells to destroy themselves into the cells.  Nanotechnical robots can operate in the human body. They can remove dirt from blood vessels. The same robots can also remove tumors and non-wanted cells. The miniature robots can use nano-manipulators and graphene axes to destroy non-wanted cells. The wireless system along with Virtual Reality or augmented reality makes it possible to control those small robots using data gloves and the operator sees everything that the robots see.  The robot can remove both things, tumors, and dirt from blood vessels. And that thing makes it possible to create new types of medical treatment that are no

Genetically engineered T-cells and new vaccines can revolutionize cancer therapy.

"Scientists have identified a mutation that significantly boosts the cancer-fighting ability of engineered T cells without causing toxicity. This innovative approach, which works against multiple tumor types in mice, could lead to effective treatments for previously incurable cancers and is advancing toward human trials. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Engineer Human T Cells 100x More Potent at Killing Cancer Cells) 1) Current immunotherapies work only against cancers of the blood and bone marrow 2) T cells engineered by Northwestern and UCSF were able to kill tumors derived from skin, lung, and stomach in mice 3) Cell therapies can provide long-term immunity against cancer  (ScitechDaily, Scientists Engineer Human T Cells 100x More Potent at Killing Cancer Cells) Researchers are interested in things like Chornobyl wolves and foxes. They are somehow more resistant to cancer than other animals. Those animal's immune defenses may recognize abnormal cells

The seven pillars of AI.

The new revolution in room-temperature quantum systems can pave the way for new quantum power.  "Conceptual art of the operating device, consisting of a nanopillar-loaded drum sandwiched by two periodically segmented mirrors, allowing the laser light to strongly interact with the drum quantum mechanically at room temperature. Credit: EPFL & Second Bay Studios" (ScitechDaily, The End of the Quantum Ice Age: Room Temperature Breakthrough) The new advance in room-temperature quantum systems makes the new compact and maybe cheap quantum computers possible. The new quantum systems are more powerful than any binary computer before.  And that tool is the next step to the general AI or Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Super AI or Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). The room-temperature quantum computers can act as the platform for the more complex algorithms. Those systems are the tools that collect and combine data into new entities faster than ever before.  The new sy

AI and quantum computers boost material research.

"By replacing the atoms on one side of the nanosheet with a different element, the team has realized a nanosheet that can spontaneously roll into a scroll when detached from its substrate. Credit: Tokyo Metropolitan University" (ScitechDaily, The Next Wave of Nanomaterials: Precision-Engineered Nanoscrolls) The new tool for metamaterials is the metamaterial called nano-scrolls. Those nano-scrolls can used to cover layers. They can used as nano-size ion cannons. Ion cannons can create nano-size origami over layers.  Nano-size ion cannons can used shoot ions over things like graphene layers. That thing can be used for making nano-scale components like atom-size transistors and resistors over the graphene layer. That thing makes the microscopic microprocessors possible.  The new metamaterials are making the impossible possible. The new abilities of the quantum scale design using AI-boosted quantum computers offer new types of materials. In some models, the quantum-size designs m

NASA's moon radiotelescope can work as a testbed for a manned moon station.

Above: Lunar Crater Radio Telescope (LCRT) on the Far-Side of the Moon. NASA's next big space radio telescope can be on the moon. The telescope would be LCRT (Lunar Crater Radio  Telescope). The size of this telescope would be an impressive 1km. The LCRT would be similar zenith telescope of retired Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope)in China. But LCRT would be far bigger than those Earth-based telescopes are.  The LCRT would be on the other side of the moon. The system can send data to Earth through lunar-orbiting satellites or the bright-side-based communication station. That is connected with wires to LCRT. The moon-crater telescope on the Moon can also act as an impressive intelligence system. that can see communication on the Earth if that telescope watches Earth.  Above: FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) (Astronomy Now) However, there have been non-official visions about the optical telescope on the moon. That t

Can we control the AI anyway?

  "An in-depth examination by Dr. Yampolskiy reveals no current proof that AI can be controlled safely, leading to a call for a halt in AI development until safety can be assured. His upcoming book discusses the existential risks and the critical need for enhanced AI safety measures. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Risk of Existential Catastrophe: There Is No Proof That AI Can Be Controlled) The lab-trained AI makes mistakes. The reason for those mistakes is in the data used in the laboratory. In a laboratory environment, everything is well-documented and cleaned. In the real world dirt, and light conditions are less controlled than in laboratories.  We are facing the same problem with humans when they are trained in some schools. Those schools are like laboratory environments. There is no hurry, and there is always space around the work. And everything is dry. There are no outsiders or anybody, that is in danger.  When a person goes to real work there are always tim

Neural network-like abilities in self-assembling molecules can revolutionize nanotechnology.

"Recent research challenges the conventional division between ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’ molecules within cells, showing that structural ‘muscle’ molecules can also process information and make decisions through nucleation. This discovery, highlighting a dual role for these molecules, could lead to more efficient cellular processes and has broad implications for understanding computation in biological systems. Credit: Olivier Wyatt, HEADQUARTER, 2023" (ScitechDaily, Breaking the Brain-Muscle Barrier: Scientists Discover Hidden Neural Network-Like Abilities of Self-Assembling Molecules Researchers unveiled neural network-like abilities in the self-assembling molecules. That can help to find out the brain-muscle barrier. And unveil the way how brains control muscles. However, the neural network abilities in the self-assembling molecules open new paths for the robots and their self-assembling structures. The neural network ability in physical molecules mak

New laser technology paths the way to new types of secured communication and weapon technology.

Water and laser technology.  An advanced 3D printer system can use water. Or water ice to create large structures in cold places. And things like laser elements can use water in laser elements. The high-power lasers require long elements. The system can send empty laser tubes to space and then fill them with absolutely clean water ice. That spacecraft is delivered into space in tanks.  The laser would contain glass tubes. And then the system fills it with water. Absolute clean water, developed for nuclear weapon projects can used to make homogenous ice. During that process, the electrolytic system splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen. Then those gases will burn back together. And that process removes the gas bubbles and dirt from water. In regular laser tubes, the dirt, or non-homogenous parts in material break the laser element. The reason for that is the scattering light that forms non-homogeneous energy structures in the laser element. And that energy pushes atoms away.  Water