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Genetically engineered T-cells and new vaccines can revolutionize cancer therapy.

"Scientists have identified a mutation that significantly boosts the cancer-fighting ability of engineered T cells without causing toxicity. This innovative approach, which works against multiple tumor types in mice, could lead to effective treatments for previously incurable cancers and is advancing toward human trials. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Engineer Human T Cells 100x More Potent at Killing Cancer Cells)

1) Current immunotherapies work only against cancers of the blood and bone marrow

2) T cells engineered by Northwestern and UCSF were able to kill tumors derived from skin, lung, and stomach in mice

3) Cell therapies can provide long-term immunity against cancer

 (ScitechDaily, Scientists Engineer Human T Cells 100x More Potent at Killing Cancer Cells)

Researchers are interested in things like Chornobyl wolves and foxes. They are somehow more resistant to cancer than other animals. Those animal's immune defenses may recognize abnormal cells faster than the so-called normal animal's immune system. Chernobyl's wolves are living in an area that has a higher radioactive level than other areas. So that thing must affect the immune system so that it can fight against cancer more effectively than other animal's immune systems. 

The problem with cancer therapy. Especially cancer prevention is that the treatment can start only if a person gets cancer. Another problem is that the cancer cells are a person's cells. And that makes it difficult to activate immune cells to fight against them. Cytostatic treatment is the traditional way to fight against cancer. 

Those kinds of therapies are difficult and long-term things, and people are afraid of cancer rest of their lives. If cancer can prevented, and the immune system can remove mutated cells from the body, that means the person will not need therapies that last years. 

A personalized customized vaccine. Made using cells from a receiver's body. Can help the immune system to recognize cancer cells. Those personalized vaccines can revolutionize cancer therapy. The requirement is that. Those cells are taken from the person's body who receives the vaccines. 

Vaccines can used to help the immune system recognize the cancer cells. In that process, the laboratory turns a person's cells will turn into cancer cells. Then the system destroys those cells. And take their shell antigens to the vaccine. After that, those antigens will be injected into persons. And that thing makes it possible to vaccinate the body against cancer. The anti-cancer vaccines require that the creators use the person's cells. 

Genetically engineered T-cells are the next-generation tool against cancer. It's possible to create. T-cells that have a boosted ability to recognize cancer or bacteria cells can enhance the immune system's capacity to recognize non-wanted cells. But genetic engineering can make many more things to those cells. Genetic engineering makes it possible to hybridize macrophages with B and T-cells. That thing allows those cells to clean destroyed cells from the body. 

And that thing gives those cells superpower for actions against cancer and infections. The T-cells are the immune system's cells whose mission is normally to mark the cells. That is non-wanted. But if T-cells can create antigens. That can destroy those non-wanted cells. It can be more effective. It's better than cancer can detected before it starts. The same technology can used to recognize other non-wanted cells and antigens.


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