"N/AA graphical represntation of the robotic device helping to repair a diseased blood vessel". (Interesting engineering, Magnetic robotic catheter devised to efficiently treat ischemic strokes)
Those robots can inject interleukin 12 (IL-12) or mRNA. That makes cells create that chemical straight to cells. The system can also inject mRNA that orders cells to destroy themselves into the cells.
Nanotechnical robots can operate in the human body. They can remove dirt from blood vessels. The same robots can also remove tumors and non-wanted cells. The miniature robots can use nano-manipulators and graphene axes to destroy non-wanted cells. The wireless system along with Virtual Reality or augmented reality makes it possible to control those small robots using data gloves and the operator sees everything that the robots see.
The robot can remove both things, tumors, and dirt from blood vessels. And that thing makes it possible to create new types of medical treatment that are not poisonous, and the bacteria and cancer cells cannot create resistance for those robots. Robots can use things like nanotubes to destroy the targeted cells. The nanorobots can hunt single cancer cells from the body. And one version of how this system can interact is the cell culture that the system carries. Those cells can create antibodies and the nanomachine injects them to the right point.
"Columbia Biomedical Engineer Ke Cheng has developed a technique that uses inhalation of exosomes, or nanobubbles, to directly deliver IL-12 mRNA to the lungs of mice". (ScienceDaily, Nanobubble Breakthrough: Unlocking the Power of Inhaled Therapy for Lung Cancer).
The genetic transfer makes the cells produce Interleukine 12 (IL-12) themselves. And that is the breakthrough in cytostatic therapies.
That ability can make Interleukin 12 call immune cells destroy cancer cells by accelerating inflammatory reactions. Interleukine 12 also cuts the blood flow to the tumor. And that thing makes those cancer cells weaker. The problem is how to make interleukine 12 travel straight to the tumor. The IL-12 can also help T-cells to mark cancer cells as hostile.
The nanorobot can also be a bubble or AI and microchip-controlled bubble-making machine. Patients can inhalant nanobubbles that carry interleukin 12 (IL-12) to the lung cancer cells. But then another way is to use the nanorobots to fill targeted cells with small bubbles. The miniature robots can also deliver things like mRNA to the cells that program them to die. This is one way to make the systems that can remove cancer cells.
The intelligent bubble is the small nanorobot that surrounds targeted cells and denies their metabolism. This kind of version can replace the interleukin 12 injections straight to tumors. The nanobubbles can also prevent the tumor from getting nutrients by closing blood vessels that transport nutrients to the tumor. The biggest difference between nanobubbles and regular cytostates is that the tumor cannot create resistance against nanobubbles.
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