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Neural network-like abilities in self-assembling molecules can revolutionize nanotechnology.

"Recent research challenges the conventional division between ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’ molecules within cells, showing that structural ‘muscle’ molecules can also process information and make decisions through nucleation. This discovery, highlighting a dual role for these molecules, could lead to more efficient cellular processes and has broad implications for understanding computation in biological systems. Credit: Olivier Wyatt, HEADQUARTER, 2023" (ScitechDaily, Breaking the Brain-Muscle Barrier: Scientists Discover Hidden Neural Network-Like Abilities of Self-Assembling Molecules

Researchers unveiled neural network-like abilities in the self-assembling molecules. That can help to find out the brain-muscle barrier. And unveil the way how brains control muscles. However, the neural network abilities in the self-assembling molecules open new paths for the robots and their self-assembling structures. The neural network ability in physical molecules makes it possible for the system can self-assemble complicated structures. 

That thing can make it possible that the amoeba-looking robots that can change their forms can turn into reality. Self-assembling molecules can also make it possible to create self-fixing structures for ships and aircraft. That kind of thing can turn the Sci-Fi tales about the liquid metal robots into reality. The thing is that the neural network abilities in the molecules can turn tools like hard disk self-fragmentation into the physical world. 

"Japanese researchers have innovated a “one-pot” method to produce palladium nanosheets, offering significant improvements in energy efficiency and catalytic activity. This breakthrough in nanotechnology could transform the use of palladium in various industries, marking a significant step towards more sustainable energy solutions. Credit: Minoru Osada" (ScitechDaily, One-Pot Wonder: The New Nanosheet Method Catalyzing a Green Energy Revolution)

The self-fragmentation in the nanosheet can make a revolution also in solar power. However, the same systems that can control the palladium nanosheet can be used to create the self-assembling layers. The idea is, that the system can pack data to those particles in the photonic form, and then the layer can self-assemble itself. 

And there are many more applications than just the amoebae robots that can change their shape. The system's ability to defragment physical material also increases data security to the next level. The data package can transported in physical pieces. And when those pieces drop to the layer. When those robot puzzle pieces get commanded, the system reforms those puzzles into the new entirety. 

The ability to control the molecule's position is the fundamental advance for making complex nanostructures. The self-assembling molecular structure can use the same methodology as self-fragmenting data structures. 

If the system can transfer data and control the proton's position in the nanoaxle, that can revolutionize nanotechnology. When protons are opposite to each other. That turns nano-axles and protons away. And if there are two electrons like a water molecule on the other side of the nanoaxle that turns the electrons into another proton. That will pull molecules to each other. 

That thing makes those messages impossible to break. Nobody can fragment the entirety that is in multiple different places that are long distances from each other. And that makes it possible to carry those puzzle pieces to one position. Those data-carrying nanomachines would be like metal powder that the courier transports for the user in physical form. 

If the system can program physical molecules it can turn physical self-fragmentation into the new level. When physical molecules make the structure. They require the same information type as some data structures. They require information on what data structures are on the side of the center structure. The ability to transport information between protons helps to make that kind of ability. 

The idea is that the protonic structures are put in nano-size manipulators or nano-size axles. Those axles turn protons inside the molecular structure. Or out from the structure. The protons turn the point in the molecules electronegative. The ability to control the nano-axle's position makes it possible to turn molecules in the direction that the operators want. 

When two protons are against each other. They would repel each other. If there are electrons against protons, that pulls the molecules into each other. That thing makes it possible to control the shape of the molecule. And that thing would be a fundamental tool for creating large-scale nanostructures.


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