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Showing posts from August, 2021

Synthetic biology enables microbes to build muscle cells or any other cell group.

Genetically engineered bacteria can be used to make muscle proteins and muscle cells. In medical use, that kind of bacteria can use to make the cloned muscle cells. That is created by using the patient's DNA. In that case, the patient's DNA will be separated from the muscle cells. Or any other wanted cell type).  And then that DNA will be multiply by using PCR. After that DNA will transform into a virus that will be injected into the nucleus of bacteria. The own DNA must be terminated during that process.  That thing can use to make muscle tissue for the patients, whose muscles are destroyed. But the same technology can use to make all other tissues. This kind of thing can use to make a large number of patients whose tissues are destroyed.  But even if that technology is far away in the future artificial muscle cells can use to make food for people.  Synthetic biology allows making the meat in cell cultures. That thing would give the solution for the ethics of meat production.

Can the "Internet of things" sometimes replace long-range transportation?

In the film above this text is the fastest ship in the world. The ground-effect aircraft can easily be the size of the ship. But it's hard to control, and the needed aviation systems need fuel. So what if we would replace the cargo ships by using automatic factories. The CAD images of the products can send over the internet to the 3D printer factories.  The 3D printers are perfect CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) systems because they are flexible. In those systems, the 3D printers are operating in a vacuum. And that allows those factories to make extremely high accurate metal parts where are no bubbles inside them.  The idea of the world where the objects are sent to the internet for the receiver, where is the 3D printer came into my mind one day when I walked over the post boxes. The idea might seem funny, but why in those mailboxes cannot be the 3D printers, and that allows making the stuff in those boxes.  That means the people would send the data of the gift to the printer. 

When are the first everyday quantum computers coming for users?

The beginning of the quantum era will be cloud-based quantum computing. Quantum computers will use over the internet.  The first every-user quantum computers would be servers that are operated through the Internet. But sooner or later the first quantum laptops are coming to the supermarkets. The silicon-based microchips might say for a while as controllers of the subsystems. But that kind of system will turn to old fashion.  Practical quantum computing can be already at the door, but what does that term mean? When we are talking about practical computing, we are forgetting that there are many types of computers. And the most powerful systems are far away from our desks. They are deep inside the ground and regular users do not even know about their existence. We can have access to those computers through the "cloud".  The cloud means that the user doesn't know what type of computer working with the problem. That is reserved for that certain user. The AI can help the cloud

The advanced civilizations can adjust the brightness of the stars by using Dyson's spheres.

(Image I) Theoretically adjusting the brightness of the stars is quite easy. There is needed only the large number of satellites that are aiming the microwave or laser radiation to the star. Or the entire star can surround by using a megastructure called Dyson's sphere. Dyson's sphere-type megastructures can use for creating even stars. The advanced civilization can control entire stars and collect energy by using Dyson's spheres. The enormous megastructure will surround the entire stars and back holes and collect the energy from those objects.  That is one vision of how the extremely advanced civilization can operate at the interstellar level. In some visions, the extremely large-size Dyson's spheres can also use to make stars. The system would act like this. The needed parts are two Dyson's spheres. One of them is a surrounding star or black hole, and another will go in the interstellar nebula.  Then the system starts to collect hydrogen ions in the middle of it,

Can we control the development of artificial intelligence?

The problem with controlling AI and its development is that the technology behind that thing is open source. The AI is in the center of the ICT development and the entire ICT infrastructure is different than any other business area.  The development tools for making the new software have a very low price. And everyone can learn programming languages. That means the R&D (Research and Development) process in the ICT and especially the software development is extensive.  Many of the processes in the ICT industry is not controlled by leaders of the corporations. They are lead from the "downstairs". And the thing is that AI is starting to develop itself. The development process of AI is always similar to the other development processes.  1)Assay or recognition of the need to make something different.  2)Planning how to make those changes 3)implementation or making the thing real 4)Testing how the changes will act with the existing platform 5)Maintaining making system more and

The new materials are not just "materials". They are intelligent entireties that can repair themselves.

The image above this text is portraying the cube of the physical model of the universe. But it can also portray the new type of hybrid materials that are created for the space programs. That material must only cover by using metal layers. And it's suitable for space missions because there are very small contact layers between outer layers.  The material is not conducting thermal energy through it. That kind of hairy material can also form a single-used heat cover. In that case, the material is vaporizing and takes the heat away from it. But if that material is connected with a 3D printer system. That allows remaking that layer again after the heat stress. This material can be made by using every kind of fiber like wool.  In that case, the cultured cells that are forming the wool are installed in small robots. Those robots are carrying cell cultures, that are forming the calls that are making the fibers. That is covering the layer by using this material. Those robots might have a sm

Small-size suborbital and orbital vehicles are interesting tools for civilian and military missions.

 Dawn Aerospace Mark II Aurora (Image I) The new operator in the private spaceflight sector is New Zealander "Dawn Aerospace". That corporation's suborbital drone made its maiden flight and that means that there is worldwide interest in the small orbital and suborbital shuttles that can host manned or unmanned missions.  The mission profile of those small spacecraft can also be hybrid. That means the shuttle can take the remote-control man-looking robot to the orbital, and that vehicle can operate independently or under remote control and fix the satellites which are damaged.  The suborbital aircraft can make the ballistic jump out of the atmosphere by using two methods. In the first version, the launch will happen by using traditional rockets.  The smallest suborbital vehicles are using launch vehicles like Pegasus rocket which can launch from aircraft or rise to the high atmosphere by balloon before their rocket system is launched.  And in the second version. The TAV (T

Maybe the cyborg-spiders are creating the next-generation clothes and bulletproof vests.

Above is the image of a cyborg bug. And the same way the spider can be implanted by using microchips. The same microchips used for taking bugs under the control can use to control spiders. The tactical spiders can give venomous bites to enemies. But they can also use for productive work.  The spider's net is one of the toughest materials in the world. That natural fiber is tougher than kevlar. But the thing that is making benefit that material difficult is how to produce that fiber. By using biotechnology is possible to culture the cells that are forming that material. Then that fiber is injected into the systems.  There is one problematic thing in this process. That is making the canvas by using the spider's fiber. Theoretically benefiting the spider's net fiber is not more difficult than benefiting cotton or any other natural fiber like silk. But the maker of that masterpiece is one of the most feared animals in the world.   The simplest idea for creating long enough fibe

Does the universe have no beginning, as Stephen Hawking thought?

"Timeline of the metric expansion of the universe. Where space, including hypothetical non-observable portions of the universe, is represented at each time by the circular sections. On the left, the dramatic expansion occurs in the inflationary epoch; and at the center, the expansion accelerates (artist's concept; not to scale)". (Wikipedia, Big Bang) The question is: is there even the beginning point for the universe? Is it possible that there was no beginning for the universe? In this text term "universe" means the bubble of material in space. And space means the dimension where that bubble of material is hovering. The Big Bang is the point of spacetime where the material is released to the universe or space.  The reason why singularity theory has been dominated the discussions about the beginning of the universe. Is that we haven't believed that light or photons can turn to the material. And when we are talking about antimatter-matter annihilation. We mus

The killer robots and their ethics

The problem with research and development is that we are thinking things too much from our point. When somebody introduces something new, the answer is always "no way we must follow the traditional way". And the argument is that our grandparents made things like that.  There are always people who are against new things and new ideas because the old rules fit them. Those people are generals who are sitting in headquarters. The people who might not like their role in the traditional military system are the men, who execute orders in 40 degrees temperature and dust.  If that person shoots somebody who has no weapons, that means court-martial. In modern society, military men are facing psychological pressure in the field and at home. Growing recruitment problems are causing that the replacement for the human operators is looking for intensively.  One answer for the problem is to outsource the operation to mercenaries. But if there are so-called illegal activities in those troops.

Are we intelligent enough to see the intelligence of our creatures?

When we think that machines are not intelligent, we must find something that supports this thesis. The most usual argument is that we are putting limits on those machines. We are regulating the data what the machine gets and how it uses that data. So the machine cannot become more intelligent than we are, because we can stop it if it gets too much data for use. And that thing could be the worst mistake ever made.  The creator of that idea didn't probably know about the internet and autonomous machine learning. Nowadays is possible that some algorithm is searching the data and store it. Without the user don't recognize it. And that thing makes the possibility that the machine knows things that the users and programmers are not stored in that system in purpose.  Can computers be more intelligent than humans? Sometimes people are arguments that the machine cannot be more intelligent than humans by using the argument that humans are created machines, and that's why the machine

Can we someday find the intelligent and technologically advanced alien race?

Bottle-post between hypothetical colonies. Communication is the most important thing if the civilization plans for creating space colonies. So how communication between stars can happen in real life? One of the forgotten ideas is that the colonies are sending bottle-post between the stars.  The slow probe will travel between stars in thousands of years, and then it can send the data to the black hole that is formed in a certain time. The data will send to the past by using the black hole. And it should travel to the point in space and time where those hypothetical colonists created that black hole.   That thing is one of the most interesting ideas.  The system benefits wormhole where is shot the laser ray.  The researchers of those hypothetical colonies can measure the changes in Hawking's radiation energy. And those changes can decode back to information that is sent from the future.  The communication that happens between the interstellar colonies by using black holes is an inter

Why calculating the clicks in the net is problematic?

The problem with the indexing system of the Internet is that it calculates only the clicks that homepages can get. And that thing means that the popularity of the homepages is determining the place where the homepage is in PageRank. The number of clicks is easy to fish by using some so-called "cheap methods". That means that the jokes and other things are increasing the clicks to the homepages.  Some advertisement agencies are invoicing the customers by calculating clicks to their homepages. And that thing can cause very high bills. Because there is the possibility that the homepages are auto clicked. And if the hundreds of homepages are clicking the target all the time. That causes even millions of clicks per day.  The system is calculating the clicks. And it would not even follow how long people are staying on those homepages. That thing causes that the people who are working in the service providers which payment bases the number of clicks. Is sometimes blamed that they ar

The "Clearspace 1" collects junk out from space.

(Image I)"Illustration of Clearspace-1, a planned active debris removal mission". Credit: Clearspace SA "(Image: ScitechDaily) The planned "Clearspace 1" is one of the first orbital cleaners. It's an AI-driven satellite, that removes space junk. The satellite recognizes the target automatically and then touches it and puts it in the box, which takes the junk back on Earth. That thing allows researching how the components of satellites can resist cosmic radiation. And that kind of data can help to create better materials and solutions for the satellites.  The UK space agency has been funded that project with £1 million. That means there is a requirement for that kind of artificial intelligence-driven system that collects the junk from orbiters. The orbital trajectories require cleaning. There are thousands or even millions of pieces of satellites, their parts, rocket stages, and everything else in space. And there is always danger that space junk is hitting

The quantum tugs between water molecules can be more fundamental than nobody even imagined.


The new quantum computers can be table-sized

The next-generation quantum computer can fit in the mobile telephone. That means the computers are turning to the quantum era. And that is the end of silicon. The breakthrough in quantum computers is making fiction possible.  The new diamond-based quantum computers can work at room temperature and they can be more powerful, fit on the desk, easier to operate, and especially cheaper than any other quantum computer in the world. The thing that makes those new diamond-based, compact-size quantum computers the most effective system in the world is that they can form the two-state quantum system. Each of those quantum computers has an internal quantum system, but those small-size quantum computers can form the network or macro-qubit. Those computers can install to the ring around the radio transmitter. The radio waves can be used as data transporter of the qubit. In that kind of radio-based system, every frequency is a certain layer or state of the qubit.  And that radio transmitter can sen

The ants give models for the futuristic small-size robots that can make complex underground structures.

The ants are making large and complex underground cities. And those cities can use as a model for making the underground complexes. Ants are perfect models for small-size robot workers which can use for making large and complex structures. Unless the in the large-size mining robots the small-size robots are acting as a team, and the destroyed participants of the team are easy to replace.  Those bugs are perfect team workers. And ants are giving ínteresting ideas for the creators of the AI-based independently operating drone swarms. And the newest idea is that the small-size robots can use for making large and complex underground bases.  The miniature robots can produce by using robot factories in their operational area.  So those miniature robot ants are the tools of the next-generation mining systems. The robot ants that are maybe the size of the microchips can have resonance, microwaves, or laser-based systems, which they can use for making the corridors in the underground areas. The

Bioships are large-scale robots which are using biological components for their vital actions.

The "cyborg submarine" (The electric eel that carries a backpack, where is all needed sensors) There is introduced a vision to hybridize electric eel and small-size submarine to the cyborg submarine. The electric eel would be in the chamber. And it produces electricity for the miniature submarine which can be used for both civil and military purposes. The " cyborg submarine" is the backpack that is connected to the fish, and it controls it by using neural-electric stimulation. The electric eel is the motor and the electric producer for that system.  The electrodes collect the electricity and stimulate the nervous system of that fish to make the electricity to the systems of that small-size submarine. That submarine or backpack can equip with cameras, laser systems, or whatever is needed.  The things like the electric-forming cells of the electric eels can use for making electricity for many systems. That kind of biological power source can deliver electricity to nan

Why are things like bacteria and bugs interested in the developers of AI?

Why are things like bacteria and bugs interested in the developers of AI? The bacteria have chemical brains.  That brain is the chemical control system that is in the DNA ring called a plasmid. The DNA plasmid's mission is to control the everyday actions of bacteria. The code that is stored in that DNA is not very complicated.  But that DNA ring is controlling everything that bacteria needs. Copying that DNA code to the electric form is possible to make the control algorithms for the robots. That has limited data handling ability. Those kinds of robots are miniature aerial vehicles or MAVs.  There is the possibility that the MAVs:s will connect with the neurons taken from the bugs. That kind of system can use to find things like chemicals or people from some area. In that case, the need for food is turned to searching for wanted things.  This thing means that the code that controls things like living organisms or robots must not be complicated. Simple but effective code is making t

The problem with computing is how to handle errors?

In traditional systems when the error level is rising the swapper-server will change the event handlers. But the problem is, how to determine the error level that is allowing to swap to the other data handling segment. And what to do with the data processed in the other data handling segments if those segments are stuck? In the case that this thing happens in the most powerful computers in the world, that thing can be a catastrophe. The time to get the most powerful computers in use might take very long.  And if the data is lost in the last meters. In that case, all work is done for nothing. If the memory just cleaned. Data is lost. And if the next opportunity to use the same computer can hide after months, because there are rows of researchers waiting for the opportunity to use the most powerful calculators in the world.  So that thing shows how important is the intermediate savings. If the data is lost the work that is used for the process is gone forever. And if the supercomputer is