Sunday, August 29, 2021

Does the universe have no beginning, as Stephen Hawking thought?

"Timeline of the metric expansion of the universe. Where space, including hypothetical non-observable portions of the universe, is represented at each time by the circular sections. On the left, the dramatic expansion occurs in the inflationary epoch; and at the center, the expansion accelerates (artist's concept; not to scale)". (Wikipedia, Big Bang)

The question is: is there even the beginning point for the universe? Is it possible that there was no beginning for the universe? In this text term "universe" means the bubble of material in space. And space means the dimension where that bubble of material is hovering. The Big Bang is the point of spacetime where the material is released to the universe or space. 

The reason why singularity theory has been dominated the discussions about the beginning of the universe. Is that we haven't believed that light or photons can turn to the material. And when we are talking about antimatter-matter annihilation. We must realize that annihilation happens between all particle-antiparticle pairs. So quark and its anti-quark are also annihilating like other particle and antiparticle pairs. 

Annihilation simply means that the particles are turning to energy. And the ability to form material from light or energy means anti-annihilation. So confirming that thing opens the new paths for the Big Bang theories. 

That thing means we should define the Big Bang to the point, where the material was forming in the universe and the new tests have proven that the material can form straight from the energy. So where that energy came from in the case of the Big Bang? Maybe it came from other universes. And here I mean the universe is like the bubble where all material existed. But the space continues beyond this bubble. 

And that causes the theory that the light quants impacted with photons and formed the electron-positron pairs, that formed annihilation called the Big Bang. So in this version of the Big Bang theories the universe, or the space where entire material that we know existed before the Big Bang. And there was some kind of wave movement that turned to the material. So the Big Bang released material to the space. But it didn't form the space, where the universe is. 

When the light forms material forms the electron-positron pairs that thing causes an interesting idea. Is it possible that when the Big Bang happened that thing formed two universes? 

So if we are thinking that way the original Big Bang happened outside our universe. In that process formed two clouds of particles. The electron clouds where electrons were the majority and that cloud formed our universe. 

And in the Big  Bang also released the positron cloud or the cloud where positrons were the majority and the electrons were the minority. Then the material formed through the annihilation from the electron-positron pairs to higher particles.  And that means that the same reaction should happen in that another universe. 

Those two universes are the universe where we are living and the antimaterial universe. That thing is causing interesting ideas about the things like alien creatures. We have noticed that the particle can turn matter to antimatter and backward. That means there is the possibility to travel between those universes. But the material must turn from material to antimatter. 









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