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Bioships are large-scale robots which are using biological components for their vital actions.

The "cyborg submarine" (The electric eel that carries a backpack, where is all needed sensors)

There is introduced a vision to hybridize electric eel and small-size submarine to the cyborg submarine. The electric eel would be in the chamber. And it produces electricity for the miniature submarine which can be used for both civil and military purposes. The " cyborg submarine" is the backpack that is connected to the fish, and it controls it by using neural-electric stimulation. The electric eel is the motor and the electric producer for that system. 

The electrodes collect the electricity and stimulate the nervous system of that fish to make the electricity to the systems of that small-size submarine. That submarine or backpack can equip with cameras, laser systems, or whatever is needed. 

The things like the electric-forming cells of the electric eels can use for making electricity for many systems. That kind of biological power source can deliver electricity to nanomachines and mobile devices. That thing requires that the chambers where those cells are connected and theoretically there is no limit for the size of the chamber series. The limit is in the nutrient that this thing needs. 

But in some wild visions, those electric produce cells can benefit as biological power sources. Theoretically, those cells could use to make electricity for larger size things like mobile telephones computers, and even small-sized electric cars. 

One of the most interesting ideas in the world is the "bioships" or bio machines. Those machines can be interstellar spacecraft, which are using the biological parts for their vital actions. Stephen King's novel "The Tommyknockers" is introduced one version of the bioship. 

In that book is the alien "galleon", where the aliens pedal the generator for making energy for the systems of that craft. Those kinds of ideas are always fascinating. And they are bringing brand new ideas for the systems, which must operate centuries. 

And they are bought an idea of the bioships. The self-repairing spacecraft and robots in the mind of the futurologist. There are three versions of futuristic and hypothetical bioships.

1) The living neurons are controlling the actions of the spacecraft (or aircraft)

The craft uses living neurons to control its actions. The idea is similar to the drones that are using neurons to control themselves. But in that case, the craft and the mass of neurons are much higher. And in some visions, the central computer of the craft is the brain, what are under the domes. 

Those brains are controlling the computers and entire craft by transmitting their EEG through the computer which decodes the EEG  to control the systems. And the same way the computer decodes the feedback of the system to the living brain tissue. That kind of craft can be the final hybridization between intelligent race and machine. 

The futuristic craft must have the plants where it grows nutrients for that tissue. But that is one of the ways, how to solve the problems of interstellar travel. 

Also, the crew members can use BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) for controlling spacecraft or the regular aircraft. That interface is not requiring surgical implants. The needed thing is that the electrodes are collecting data from the brains. And send those EEG curves to a computer are put in the hat or helmet. 

2) The electricity for the systems is created by using biological components.

 The electricity for the systems is created by using biological components. Those biological components can be the same cells that are creating electricity for electric eels. The electric level of those cells can rise very high. 

The neural system includes electricity. That means that this electricity can collect from the batteries. And that kind of thing can use as the auxiliary power for the craft. 

Or that system can base the large groups of bacteria or the cells. That is producing very high voltage electricity. The cells that are making electricity for electric eels can act as biobatteries. And a large group of those cells can operate power sources for ion engines and deliver electricity to the systems of the craft or space stations.

In the most exotic visions, The cloned or artificial muscle cells can use to rotate the generator. And that thing is making possible that the craft can operate very long time. The cells are forming artificial muscles that are used to rotate wheels that are moving the power sources. 

3) The self-repairment of the craft bases the bacteria or the DNA-controlled crystals. 

 The self-repairment of the craft bases the bacteria or the DNA-controlled crystals. In that case, the silicon core algae or bacteria can be used to form the structures used to close the leak of the craft. That kind of algae can form the base that is covered by carbon fiber. 

That kind of system might be very effective for repairing structures. And that thing means that this kind of organic technology can be the base of tomorrow's space and another kind of technology. 

The things that are described above can also work in human-size robots. 

The "alien autopsy" is offering innovation about the futuristic robot. Which can use the methods that are described above. 

These kinds of machines are not necessarily very large-size. And the thing that is introduced in the Alien autopsy film is given an innovation for the robot, which is using the living neurons for controlling its systems. The idea is that in the robot are the tubes, where the mycoplasma is pumped. 

And then the virus will transform that mycoplasma into neurons. There are sensors all around the tubes, which are sending the data to the servo-engines that are moving the robots. This is one of the visions of neural system-controlled machines. But the practical solution needs more work and maybe in the future, that thing is possible to make in real life. 




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