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The quantum tugs between water molecules can be more fundamental than nobody even imagined.


The quantum tug between water molecules can be the thing that causes strange properties. But that thing can also open the road to understanding things like gravitation better. And the great question is, can the gravitation base the same way to quantum tugs as the strange interaction between water molecules. 

There is also the possibility that between all other atoms and molecules is the quantum tugs. That are explaining the three elements of the material are solid, liquid and gas.

The quantum tug between water molecules can be the thing that causes strange properties. That thing is interesting because other materials have the three states of matter, liquid, solid, gas. Oops, I forgot the plasmatic state of matter, and the water also acts like plasma in the strong magnetic fields. The polarity of water molecules causes that the magnets can affect to those molecules. 

But the thing is that also metals and other materials are turning to liquid and gas while the temperature is rising high enough. That thing means that there could (or will) be quantum tugs between the atoms and molecules. That are forming the other materials like iron or silicon. The reason why water is turning to gas or vapor. Can be found that the distance between the molecules rises too high when the temperature rises. And the quantum tugs cannot touch the molecules anymore. 

The melting process of the materials is always similar. The rising temperature causes that the material turns softer and then it will turn liquid. So that means the process that happens in the water is similar to iron atoms. 

And the quantum tugs can explain why the metals and other materials are turning superconducting in low temperatures. While the electron is facing the quantum tug, where is the hole or the tug is separated that jump between molecules takes the energy from the electron.


The quantum brains 

The quantum tugs can make it possible to make the "quantum brains" the quantum neurocomputer, the most powerful data handling tool that has ever been imagined. In that system, the quantum tugs are acting as the synaptic gaps. 

The quantum tugs are causing the idea that this thing can be used for making microscopic artificial neurons. That thing makes it possible to make the "quantum brains" the quantum nervous computer. The quantum neuro computer is one of the most powerful data handling tools that have ever been imagined. 

In that case, the rows of the water molecules, some other ions or electrons can connect to the corners of the fullerene molecule. That system is extremely fast and powerful hybridization between quantum and neurocomputer. That thing can be the revolutionary design in learning computers. 

Learning process in the world of computers is simply expanding the number of the skill. Or otherwise saying the number of stored and sorted data in databases and connections between those databases are increasing when computer learns. 

In quantum neural computers, the qubits or electrons are acting as neurotransmitters. The electrons are traveling between the molecules in the quantum wires that are created by the rowed ions. And the quantum tugs are acting in the same role as the synaptic gaps in the human nervous system. And the role of the electrons or qubits in this system is the same. As the neurotransmitters in the living nervous system. 


The quantum tugs can be the same way revolutionary with the fifth natural force. 

Is the origin of the quantum tugs in the movement of gluons between the quarks? The quantum tug is the movement in the quantum field of the atoms. That are forming the molecules. So is some kind of quantum tug behind the gravitation?

The quantum tugs are moving between molecules like gluons are moving between the quarks in the protons and neutrons. So can there be some particle that moves between the electrons and nucleus of the atom? And can the quantum tug be the key to mysterious gravitation?

Is gravitation the group of quantum tugs between planets and other great atomic groups? The idea is that gravitation is the quantum tugs that are getting more power for their punch when there are larger groups of atoms behind them. If the large group of atoms is kicking quantum tugs. That gives them more force than the kick of the single quarks. 

The gluons are forming similar quantum tugs between quarks like the atoms of water molecules are forming quantum tugs between other molecules.  And if we are concluding that the same effect continues also in the larger scale structures the gravitation could also be some kind of group of the quantum tugs. 

There are lots more quarks behind those kicks than the quantum tugs between the protons and neutrons. They are interacting longer distances than if there is only a couple of the molecules behind the punch of the quantum tugs. So the quantum tugs are taking their energy from the quantum fields of the atoms. 

And the fundamental idea is that the quantum tugs are the key to gravitation or the fifth fundamental interaction. So quantum tug is the effect that is forming in the movement of gluons. Travels through the nucleus of atoms and electron core turn to gravitation that travels across the universe. 

Can the quantum tug be the key to the GUT (Grand Unified Theory)? Is it the magic stick, that helps to connect the gravitation with other fundamental interactions? The fundamental interaction means the same as a fundamental force because all of the forces (strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravitation) are at the same time pulling and pushing particles. 

As an example, the gravitational interaction means that Earth is pulling the dropping apple to it. But Apple is also pulling Earth to it. So the Earth and Apple are both moving but we cannot just measure the movement of the Earth because it is too small for the measure. 

So the quantum tugs are the things that are moving back and forth between the molecules. Just like gluons are moving between the quarks inside the protons and neutrons. That observation can be the same way revolutionary in the world of physics like some fifth fundamental interaction. That quantum tug between molecules can take researchers closer to find the mysterious graviton. 

And why I wrote this? The reason for that is that if we are thinking the matter from the smallest particles to the biggest entirety we might see that the reactions and interactions that are happening between the subatomic particles like quarks and gluons should happen between the larger structures. 

Now research is found a similar interaction between molecular structures that are happening between quarks. So is there some kind of quantum tugs or groups of quantum tugs between the macro-molecules like planets and stars?

If something happens between the water molecules that thing should also happen between larger materials structures. So is the gravitation of the tugs between the large molecular structures? Can the quantum tug between the water molecules answer the question, "why the gravitation is so different than other fundamental interactions"? And can the quantum tug be the key to the GUT (Grand Unified Theory)? The magic stick combines the fundamental interactions to the most fundamental theory in history. 









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