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Why calculating the clicks in the net is problematic?

The problem with the indexing system of the Internet is that it calculates only the clicks that homepages can get. And that thing means that the popularity of the homepages is determining the place where the homepage is in PageRank. The number of clicks is easy to fish by using some so-called "cheap methods". That means that the jokes and other things are increasing the clicks to the homepages. 

Some advertisement agencies are invoicing the customers by calculating clicks to their homepages. And that thing can cause very high bills. Because there is the possibility that the homepages are auto clicked. And if the hundreds of homepages are clicking the target all the time. That causes even millions of clicks per day. 

The system is calculating the clicks. And it would not even follow how long people are staying on those homepages. That thing causes that the people who are working in the service providers which payment bases the number of clicks. Is sometimes blamed that they are clicking the homepages of their clients. And that thing causes an increase in the bills. 

The problem is that the interest of advertising companies is not the same as the owners of the products or services. Advertising agencies need the clicks and that means for them is the same where those clicks are coming from. The automatic clicking system for a certain IP address is easy to create. The Chatbot can modify for auto click system very easily. 

When the person opens the program and then writes a certain home address, that will activate the loop that creates multiple clicks to the target. Or hacker can write that program by using C++ or some other programming languages. And if the system uses a fixed target address creating that program doesn't take a very long time.

And what people are thinking of the product is the same for those companies. There is introduced, that the AI-based system that follows how long the user of the certain IP address is spending in the homepages could be compulsory. And the system should detect does that user makes anything on the pages? That thing can make the system possible to eliminate the automatic clicks. If they are coming from a certain IP address. 

And if some programmer makes the series of homepages that are clicking targeted homepages that thing causes many clicks to targeted homepages. In those "auto-click" systems there is the number of homepages that are linked to entirety. And when one of those homepages gets a click it sends it forward. 

All others that are in the entirety are sending the click to the targeted homepage. That code is easy to find on the Internet. And it's made in PHP because the platform of the homepages may change. Sometimes that causes the change of the IP or the net address of the homepage. 

Or maybe the owner of the homepages is changing its name. And the customers must find the new homepages. So in the old homepages is made the code, that automatically transfers person to the new homepages. There is the possibility to make the code. That closes the tab while the system clicks the user forward. And that makes this kind of code-trap hard to detect. 

There is a possibility to create a series of homepages. That is sending the clicks to a certain homepage. When the user clicks some link, there is series of homepages and the user will "travel" through those homepages, that are automatically click to the next page. And there is a code that sends the clicks to targeted homepages. That thing rises the place of the homepages in PageRank. So the popularity of the homepages means more than the thing, what those homepages are involving. 

PageRank favors the well-known homepages. And what is the thing means? The homepages that are used for marketing the well-known products are getting more clicks. Or actually, the thing that is rising the position of the homepage is that people are clicking it.  The place where the homepage is in the PageRank means very much in that case. 

When people are searching for some product or service, they are not clicking too many homepages. They spend about 15 seconds on those pages, and if there is no response they are hitting the next homepage. That thing happens especially in the case that everyday products or services are bought from the net. When people are searching for things like clothes they are searching for well-known products. 



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