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Showing posts from May, 2024

Generative AI can turn SciFi into reality.

"Leading AI scientists warn of the significant risks associated with the rapid development of AI technologies in a Policy Forum. They propose that major technology firms and public funders dedicate at least one-third of their budgets to risk assessment and mitigation. They also advocate for stringent global standards to prevent AI misuse and emphasize the importance of proactive governance to steer AI development towards beneficial outcomes and avoid potential disasters. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, When Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact: The AI Dilemma) Artificial general intelligence (AGI) can be the large language model, that can create smaller specific language models. And maybe the computer or programming industry works around large-scale language models. The clients use the AGI to generate those limited AIs.  The idea is that the customers pay to owners of the AGI for things like server maintenance. The owners of the AGI need money for electric bills. Thi

Pulsed plasma rockets are an interesting solution for Mars missions.

"Howe Industries is developing a Pulsed Plasma Rocket (PPR) capable of producing 100,000 N of thrust with a specific impulse of 5,000 seconds, promising to revolutionize space travel by enabling faster and safer manned missions to Mars and beyond. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Mars in a Flash: How Pulsed Plasma Rockets Are Revolutionizing Space Travel) The new pulsed plasma rockets (PPR) with 100,000-newton thrust and a specific impulse of 5000 seconds are the tools that can transport humans to Mars. In a very short time. If we compare that time with chemical rockets. The pulsed plasma systems can use fusion, fission, or antimatter to create high-energy plasma that pushes the rocket forward. The light antimatter system uses the antimatter or positron injection into the water or hydrogen.  The system that raises the propellant's temperature can also be radio waves, microwaves, or lasers. In a radio wave-based system. Plus and minus radiowaves

The AI is an excellent spy.

The AI can lie if programmers order it to do that thing. One of the biggest threats in the AI world is that somebody creates a copy of the well-known AI. And then, that actor turns the data traffic to that trusted AI's digital twin. The limited AIs can used as the modules that operate under one domain. The versatile AIs can act as attack tools.  Or the digital twin of the well-known AI chatbots can used as the greatest honey pots in the world. The AI-based chatbot can store all queries that users make. And answers that they get in the mass memories. There the intelligence can analyze that data.  The attackers may work for some governments. And if they can create a large number of limited AIs they can create the entirety that is the same way versatile as the Chat GPT or Bing. But the programmers can modify that thing into the cyber attack tools.  When we talk about language models and especially network-based giant applications. There is always a small possibility that hackers creat

New AI-driven drones learn like animals.

"Photo of the “neuromorphic drone” flying over a flower pattern. It illustrates the visual inputs the drone receives from the neuromorphic camera in the corners. Red indicates pixels getting darker, green indicates pixels getting brighter. Credit: Guido de Croon" (ScitechDaily, The Future of Flight: Researchers Develop Neuromorphic Drones That Learn Like Animals) The animals and their training are inspiring new drones and other robots. The idea is similar to teaching dogs. When a dog makes something as it should, the instructor gives candy to it. That thing motivates the dog, and in the case of a drone or robot, the operator pushes enter and accepts the operation.  In the traditional learning model, the operator remote-controls the robot when it makes something for the first time. Then those operations are stored in the machine's memory. But the more advanced systems can imitate other machines or humans when they learn something new.  In those systems, the robot observes

The future of work is cooperation with AI and humans.

The AI is the tool, that divides the opinions. Some people resist it because they are not ready for that. But is that the real reason for why some people search only negative things about AI? AI can deliver our resources for productive work if we want to do that thing.  But it also can give the possibility to sack 50% of workers. Then we can think about this "we are not ready" argument. When we see people who say that "we are not ready for AI", we can ask "Who are we"? When workplaces took computers in offices. Nobody said that workers are not ready.  Everybody was ready when computers came to their desks. There were courses, and then if the person didn't learn how to use a computer. Well, that person was allowed to find another challenge. And still today there are people, who are not be you with everyday tools like mobile telephones. But we must use those systems because they are so fantastic.  The mobile telephone can break our privacy, and if we car

The breakthrough makes it possible to create sustaining chemical compounds for nanotechnology. 

"Researchers have detailed the structure and function of the enzyme styrene oxide isomerase, a tool that enables green chemistry by facilitating the biological equivalent of the Meinwald reaction. This enzyme’s ability to produce specific products with high efficiency and stereospecificity holds significant potential for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, promising more sustainable and environmentally friendly processes. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Bionanomachine Breakthrough: A Master Key for Sustainable Chemistry) Nanotechnology makes it possible to create new types of treatments. In medical use, long and complex molecules make sure. That medicine is released only at the right point. When an enzyme touches the medicine molecule it cuts chemical compounds.  And that activates the medicine. The medicine molecules can equipped with the transportation molecule or enzyme that makes the medicine travel into the right cells. This molecule

A silicone offers a new way to make the quantum superposition and entanglement.

"Researchers at the University of Manchester and the University of Melbourne have developed an ultra-pure silicon crucial for creating scalable quantum computers, which could potentially address global challenges such as climate change and healthcare issues." (ScitechDaily, World’s Purest Silicon Paves the Way for Next-Gen Quantum Computers) A silicone offers a new way to make the quantum superposition and entanglement. Quantum entanglement does not necessarily happen between two particles. The quantum computer can make that process also between two electromagnetic or quantum fields. The vital thing in that process is that the quantum fields are slight enough. Then the system can make the superposition and entanglement between those quantum fields. The photoelectric phenomenon makes it possible to transform the solar panels into the quantum computers. But a practical solution requires absolute pure silicone. In those cases, the laser ray transmits data into the silicone layer

Does the universe stretch or does it create space?

The universe's expansion is one of the strongest evidence of the Big Bang. The Big Bang was not the bang. It was an event where energy and material reach a certain energy level. All known materials and energy formed in that case. And the problem is that the universe's expansion is not what it should be. The problem is that dark matter and dark energy dominate the universe. In some models, dark matter could exist before material formed.  Or material reached energy levels, between our universe's energy minimum and energy maximum. But if the dark matter existed before the Big Bang. And its temperature is lower than the energy minimum in the universe, which means visible matter covers that dark matter by its energy. Cold Dark Matter (CDM) may consist of a material whose energy level is lower than the energy minimum in the universe.  In some models, there are two forms of dark matter.  Does the hypothetical dark matter particle called weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) b

Researchers can use AI-driven video games to test machine learning.

Statistics-based machine learning is quite easy to make.  AI playing video games is a big deal because those systems can used to create machine learning. The virtual environment is an excellent place to develop AI and its ability to learn things. The screenshot above this text is from the sniper game on the Y8 homepage. In that type of game, the AI can observe the direction in which the gamer moves.  The machine learning base is in statistics. The system makes a database about the mover's directions. Then the AI opponent will use those statistics to aim the gamer. Those statistics are the tool that will make the AI an ultimate opponent.  But that is the biggest weakness of this kind of statistics-based algorithm. There is the base model about the direction where the gamer wants to move. Most gamers will turn in a certain direction. Because they are right-handed. Left-handed people are better, especially in martial arts like boxing. The reason for that is that the punch comes from t