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The future of work is cooperation with AI and humans.

The AI is the tool, that divides the opinions. Some people resist it because they are not ready for that. But is that the real reason for why some people search only negative things about AI? AI can deliver our resources for productive work if we want to do that thing. 

But it also can give the possibility to sack 50% of workers. Then we can think about this "we are not ready" argument. When we see people who say that "we are not ready for AI", we can ask "Who are we"? When workplaces took computers in offices. Nobody said that workers are not ready. 

Everybody was ready when computers came to their desks. There were courses, and then if the person didn't learn how to use a computer. Well, that person was allowed to find another challenge. And still today there are people, who are not be you with everyday tools like mobile telephones. But we must use those systems because they are so fantastic. 

The mobile telephone can break our privacy, and if we carry company telephones in our pockets, that thing allows the telephone's owner to see our location and what we talk about every second. So why do we carry our workplace's telephone in our pocket? If a company gives a telephone to us, that telephone should be only for work use. It is probably not meant for personal use. So why our workplaces don't lock those telephones outside the working day? 

Artificial intelligence is coming, whether we are ready or not. Those algorithms are tools that can make our lives easier, or they can turn our lives into hell. In the hands of authoritarian governments, AI is the ultimate and destructive tool, that can break privacy and make all mobile devices the surveillance tools. 

The deep fakes and digital actors created using dead bots can be used in intelligence work. But they are tools that can break people's privacy. It's possible that people make digital twins of themselves and then slip to the beach on a sunny day. And the digital actor represents them in the digital meetings. Those tools are fundamental things, and creative AI can make them operate exactly like humans. In the hands of hackers, those things are good tools for fishing rod information of people, who are not prepared for this kind of attack. 

The problem with AI is that it can also make many things more effective. Things like dead bots are tools that people can find on the net. And misuse of those things is possible. Things like FSB can use virtual characters to uncover things that governments cannot tolerate. But also Western law enforcement officers can use those tools to uncover pedophiles and drug dealers. So in this case the use of AI depends on the user.

And it can release our working time to make and innovate better work and products. When we see AI, we must see it in its entirety. Things like "Dead bots" and deep fakes are tools that can cause moral and ethical discussions. Why the AI don't mark the deep fake images and deep fake animations? Using marks they made using the AI? Deep fake animations are only a series of deep fake images, and those things are a threat to democracy. Deep fake animation can used to destroy people's reputations. 

Dead bots are dead people's digital models. But dead bots can used to make digital twins or digital actors using the data, that a person shares on the internet. That thing allows the people to make the digital actor that portrays themselves and that digital twin represents people in digital meetings on a beautiful summer day when a worker is at the beach. But those digital twins can also be used as espionage tools. Intelligence officers or hackers can use dead bots for phishing attacks. 

Attackers can create digital twins of the company leaders using dead bots. And then, they can start to keep the digital meeting. The AI and interactive actors make it possible. The digital actor can also make works that they get. And those things can make it exactly like real humans. 


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