Saturday, December 30, 2023

Space X's Falcon Heavy carried a mysterious X37B shuttle to the orbiter.

    Space X's Falcon Heavy carried a mysterious X37B shuttle to the orbiter. 

When we see the timing of this flight, we must ask one question. Does the X37B robot shuttle flight have a connection with the Chinese Shenlong Shuttle's flight? Both of those shuttles are quite similar. So that can mean that Shenlong and X37B might have similar missions.  The term "Shenlong" means "God dragon" or "Divine dragon" in Chinese mythology. 

And that supports the theory that Shenlong's mission is also to collect antimatter from space. And Shenlong is also suitable for anti-satellite and anti-ballistic missile operations, as well as, military intelligence duties. Because X37B and Shenlong are both highly secretive, their main operator could be the military. 


The thing is this. Falcon Heavy rocket rises that X37B shuttle to a very high altitude, where it can take images and affect another satellite. Very good ability to change trajectory makes those systems suitable satellite killers that target GPS and other important satellites that are needed for combat support.

The miniature robot shuttles are tools that the military needs for some unique missions In some visions those shuttles are the next-generation multimissio platforms that can even act as nuclear weapon carriers. Miniature shuttles can take hydrogen bombs in their cargo bay and act as super-kamikaze drones. 

Robot shuttles are multimission tools. They can operate in space for a very long time in a mode. Where their systems only store information. That means those shuttles can hover in space and record data on their hard disks. Then that shuttle can return to base, where that data will download to the servers for analysis. 

That makes. This kind of system useful tool for ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) missions. The fact is that there are lots of hidden things in those robot shuttles. Their only operator is the military, and that means their scientific missions must have some kind of connection with military work. And in most scenarios, those scientific tests serve the weapon research.

Shenlong in Chinese mythology   

Friday, December 29, 2023

The groundbreaking advance in nanotechnology.

 The groundbreaking advance in nanotechnology. 

Researchers connect nanoparticle quasicrystals using DNA. This kind of technology makes us rethink DNA and its ability to operate as a chemical computer program that controls nanomachine and other complex structure's self-assembly. The researchers took ideas for that kind of from hypothetical silicon-based lifeforms. 

The AI that connects laboratories in its entirety will revolutionize chemistry and nanomachine research. The name of that system is "AI-based co-scientist". The idea is that AI makes practical work in the laboratory. That is usually left for ungraduated students. Those mechanical works offered unwanted people like industrial spies to slip into the laboratory. 


"The simulation shows the decahedra packing together into a quasicrystalline structure on the left, with a diagram of the structure on the right. Credit: Glotzer group, University of Michigan." ( in Material Science: Scientists Construct Nanoparticle Quasicrystal With DNA)

"Coscientist, an AI developed by Carnegie Mellon University, has autonomously mastered and executed complex Nobel Prize-winning chemical reactions, demonstrating significant potential in enhancing scientific discovery and experimental precision. Its ability to control laboratory robotics marks a major leap in AI-assisted research. Credit:" ( Code to Chemistry: Coscientist, the AI System Mastering Nobel Prize-Winning Reactions)


This experiment shows that AI-based laboratory systems can create DNA. That can make structures act like cells. The DNA can control crystal and structure self-assembly. And that thing makes new types of complicated physical systems possible. The DNA-controlled physical machine self-assembly will make the next-generation nanotechnology possible. Nanotechnology makes possible the mass product of complicated nanostructures and reprogramming bacteria. 

Coscientist is the artificial intelligence that controls the laboratory and supervises the work of scientists. That thing should make scientific work safer, more valuable, and more accurate than ever before. The scientists are algorithms that control things like warnings against unauthorized chemical compounds and unauthorized production of narcotics or toxic materials. 

That scientist can also observe that people who deserve honor will get honor for work, that they have done. The scientists can also make old-fashioned access cards and keys unnecessary. The AI-based systems can recognize people by using multiple different biometric details like the retina, fingertips and maybe even DNA that it takes from the skin. The AI-based coscientist can make notes about used variables. And it can act like Chat GPT. The human scientist gives certain values to the system, and then the AI-based co-scientist does the duties like turning test tubes. 

AI-controlled laboratories are the new type of tools in advanced chemistry. AI can make sensor fusions for the laboratory. It can control fixed instruments like cameras and optical and electron microscopes. And human-looking robots and possible drones that can operate in highly accurately calculated chemical and physical environments. That environment makes it possible to calculate the reactions of the non-stable or complicated bonds with very high accuracy.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Ultrasound systems can also revolutionize medical work.

 Ultrasound systems can also revolutionize medical work. 

The ultrasound helmet can observe blood flow in the brain while a person operates in real-world situations. That kind of system can create images and help predict possible blood flow anomalies in the brain. If one system has multiple uses that makes it more effective. 

3D scanning ultrasound sonar systems are tools. That can create 3D images of the inner organs. A functional ultrasound system (fUS) is used to operate as the BMI (Brain Machine Interface) sensor system. As I wrote in the last text.  The use of ultrasound-based systems in the BMI cuts unnecessary data away from the control system. 

If the receiving system must filter no-relevant or unnecessary data away from data flow it requires a hard operating system. That makes the system The EEG-based systems input too much data to a computer, and too accurate data makes things like welding robots slow, and the fact is, that all robots must not have the ability to work as surgeons. 


ETH Zurich researchers have shown for the first time that microvehicles can be steered through blood vessels in the brains of mice using ultrasound. They hope that this will eventually lead to treatments capable of delivering drugs with pinpoint precision.

*A technology developed at ETH Zurich over the past few years for controlling microvehicles using ultrasound also works in the brain, as researchers have now been able to show.

*These microvehicles are gas bubbles, which are harmless and dissolve once their job is done.

*In the future, these microvehicles could be equipped with medications and deliver them to specific points in the brain. This may increase the efficacy of the drugs and reduce their side effects.

( Riders: How Ultrasound Microbubbles Could Change Medicine)

"Scientists have developed a novel family of polymers that effectively kills bacteria, including E. coli and MRSA, without causing antibiotic resistance. This breakthrough, involving multidisciplinary collaboration, marks a significant step in addressing the public health threat posed by superbugs. Credit:" ( Marvel: Scientists Develop Polymers That Defeat Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs) The problem is how to get those polymers near bacteria. And ultrasounds can be one of the solutions. 


But the functional ultrasound system (fUS) can also operate as the controller that drives medicals, like new nanotechnical polymers and nanobubbles to the right points. The new nanopolymers are like springs that go inside bacteria. And then the bacteria's enzymes launch that spring, which destroys the bacteria cells by cutting their protein shells. The system can drive those polymers to the right point using sound impulses.

Another tool that is mentioned is the so-called nano-and microbubbles. Researchers at the ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, and the University Hospital Zurich have researched ultrasound-controlled micro-size gas bubbles to detect anomalies in the brain. Ultrasound systems are more effective tools than magnetic fields because those systems don't need magnetic material for interactions. 

Those micrometer-sized bubbles can brought to the body from outside or the system can create them in the blood vessels. The system can adjust the size of those bubbles and that helps the use of them to open blood vessels. The nanobubbles can also destroy bacteria. In some visions, the genetically engineered bacteria carry a small ultrasound system and it can create those bubbles using fast spinning fibers. The "local" ultrasound system can control those bubbles with extremely high accuracy. 

 In the future, the ultrasound system can create those bubbles by shaking blood cells or some polymers that are in blood vessels.  Nanobubbles can used to close blood vessels from the tumor. The system can also make nanobubbles by using the low pressure that impacting soundwaves are making. Those soundwaves can fill bacteria with nanobubbles, which makes them unable to operate.

Ultrasound-based Brain-Computer Interface is a breakthrough technology.

 Ultrasound-based Brain-Computer Interface is a breakthrough technology. 

Functional ultrasound (fUS) is the new way to make the functional BMI (Brain Machine Interface). The BMI is almost the same as BCI (Brain-Computer-Interface), where the controller uses a computer or machines using brain waves or some other details like brain area activation. The BCI can be BMI, but the main difference is in accuracy and methods of how the system detects the changes in brain activity. 

The BMI is less sophisticated than BCI. The full-scale BCI allows to write to be created using EEG. The BMI must only move the hands or feet of robots. And that means BMI is easier to make because it requires less accurate information. 

Normally, we can think that BCI is the keyboard. The operator is used by the EEG or some other method. If we want to control some machine, we can use it by using the keyboard. But that method is not very effective. For controlling machines, we have joysticks and VR gloves. 

That allows us to see how brains are operating. That system requires very highly accurate systems. However, the BMI requires only information on what brain area and sub-area is activating. 

The idea of the BMI is that the system searches the brain area activation. Another way to see what brain areas are activating is to follow the blood flow into certain brain areas. The system is easier to make than people think. The movements of the left hand come from certain brain areas in the right brain. And movement of the right hand comes from the left brain. 

"The latest advancements in Brain-Machine Interfaces feature functional ultrasound (fUS), a non-invasive technique for reading brain activity. This innovation has shown promising results in controlling devices with minimal delay and without the need for frequent recalibration. Credit:" ( Control Breakthrough: Caltech’s Pioneering Ultrasound Brain–Machine Interface)

Ultrasound-based BMI is the newest technology in non-surgical BMI.  The ultasound systems detect changes in the brain blood flow in blood vessels. That thing allows the interface that be error-free in electromagnetic fields. 

Regular BCI used MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) based systems. That makes them vulnerable to electromagnetic fields. Ultrasound-based 3D imaging systems also can detect changes in brain activity using ultrasound. And that thing is one step toward safe, easy-to-use, and non-surgical BMi systems. The accuracy of those systems that use the blood flow as the tool, and how to observe the changes in brain area activation is lower than EEG-based systems. 

BMI doesn't require very high accuracy. But if the user wants to write texts or something like that the user needs virtual keyboards. 

The virtual keyboard can be virtually very large. The BMI user can move the virtual robot hand on the screen. And that allows users to write things for computers. 

The other user interfaces fill the BMI. The speech-to-commands applications allow us to give spoken commands to computers and robots. Sometimes noisy environments or non-certain speech cause trouble for computers to understand commands. And that requires the virtual keyboards. 

But things like virtual keyboards and other kinds of tools can make this kind of system so accurate, that they are suitable for everyday work. The action-camera-based UI (User Interface) is a small media projector that projects images to the table. The system sees from the action camera which virtual button the user pushed. 

The VR-based UI uses a virtual keyboard that the user sees in VR glasses. Then the user must only move their fingers on air. The system just positions finger movements to the virtual keyboard by connecting data from action cameras. The system makes calibration using a couple of static points. Then it asks the person to point a finger on some letters. That kind of system can fill the BMI systems. And give it higher accuracy.

Superconductors and LEDs play a vital role in next-generation computing.

 Superconductors and LEDs play a vital role in next-generation computing. 

Optical or photonic computers are effective tools because they can act as a gate, between quantum and binary computers. The thing that makes them more effective than electric computers is their temperature is lower. That gives them the ability to operate longer at full power. The difference between photonic computers and regular electric computers is photonic computers can keep their maximum power at room temperature. 

This is one reason why superconductors are under research. The superconductor or electricity without resistance will solve the temperature problems of high-power computers. In normal computers, resistance causes the temperature to rise. And that disturbs the computer's internal data transmission. 

Materials like promising LK-99 shattered, and researchers think. That internal superconductivity at room temperature is impossible. However pressure-based superconductivity is under development or research. 

The solid-state quantum computer that operates at room temperature requires room-temperature superconductors. The qubit that travels in the wire is very sensitive against outcoming radiation and effects. The superconductor makes it possible to control the qubit states. In binary computers, the superconductor keeps the temperature low. 


"Chip scale, ultrafast mode-locked laser based on nanophotonic lithium niobate. Credit: Alireza Marandi" ( but Mighty: How a Laser on a Chip Is Changing the Game in Photonics)

"X-ray absorption spectroscopy, an essential tool in material analysis, has evolved with the advent of attosecond soft-X-ray pulses. These pulses allow simultaneous analysis of a material’s entire electronic structure, a breakthrough led by the ICFO team. A recent study demonstrated the manipulation of graphite’s conductivity through light-matter interaction, revealing potential applications in photonic circuits and optical computing. This advancement in spectroscopy opens new avenues for investigating many-body dynamics in materials, a key challenge in modern physics. Credit: ( Leap in Graphite: Attoscience Lights the Way to Superconductivity)

"Researchers from the University of Surrey and the University of Cambridge have discovered how LED bulbs, using metal-halide perovskites, can facilitate fast data transmissions. This breakthrough in LED technology could revolutionize home and office networks, significantly enhancing data communication speeds and efficiency." ( the Future: How LED Lights Could Revolutionize Internet and Data Transmission)


The room-temperature superconductor is possible, but it requires very high pressure. The room-temperature superconductor requires about 200 GPa pressure. The laser-based systems that are used in fusion tests can create that pressure in the 2D carbon atom layer. 

Researchers found a new fundamental way to turn carbon into a superconductor. They used attosecond soft X-ray laser impulses to turn graphite or 3D carbon structure into superconducting. The attosecond lasers can create very high pressure. The problem with those systems is that they need a very much energy. 

We know that the internal structures of the Sun are also superconducting. It's possible that using plasma, laser, and magnetic field combination the system can create conditions where there is no resistance. In that model, the plasma makes the pressure that anchors nanotubes in static positions where there is no internal oscillation in that material. 

In some other hypothetical versions, the laser ray will sent through the fullerene tubes. That thing should transport temperature out from those tubes. In some other models, the outcoming laser ray will press the fullerene nanotube shell to the internal laser ray. That thing can create very high pressure and anchor the fullerene in a stable position and the pressure removes oscillation. 

LED lights can be a new way to transmit information. 

LED lights can transmit information with the same accuracy as lasers. If the system can adjust the brightness or shut down and turn on LEDs with high enough accuracy those things can transmit information the same way as lasers or electric components. In binary systems, the LED will shut down and turn on. And in quantum systems the brightness or color (wavelength). That LED use determines the qubit states. 

In those photonic systems, light cells or net cameras will receive information that the LED lights send. And one difference between laser-based systems is that the sensors see those LED lights from many directions. If the LED-based support station has a roof in the middle of the room, computers can connect themselves and the internet with it. The optical or photonic networks are harder to jam or eavesdrop. It's easy to deny access to an optical network simply by pulling draperies down.  And that is enough for civil systems. 

That kind of system also can use things like ultra- or infrasound-based recognition keys. In the most advanced systems, the surveillance cameras in the space recognize the faces of the users. And then the system can give rights that person needs. The LED-based network communication can also be in drone swarms. Those LED lights are harder to jam by using radio systems. But otherwise smoke or fog can easily cut the optical communication.

Westinghouse Corporation's new "eVinci" microreactors don't need water.

   Westinghouse Corporation's new "eVinci" microreactors don't need water. 

Microreactors or micro nuclear reactors are the next-generation tools for power supply. Many of those systems are planned to be portable, and portable nuclear reactors called "PoNu" can offer non-centralized power supply solutions for temporary or static use. The operators can connect microreactors into series or in lines. And that makes those small nuclear power plants give very high power. 

Portable nuclear reactors can give very flexible solutions for many things. In some models, the portable nuclear reactor can give electricity to the truck that transports it to a ship or aircraft. Then that reactor can connect to the ship's or aircraft's electric systems. And it can give power to that. The same system can deliver energy to the area where it is transported. 

TRISO (TRi-structural ISOtropic particle fuel). fuel pellets cannot melt even at high temperatures. That makes those fuel pellets a very useful and safe way to create nuclear power. Shutting down TRISO reactors is easy. In some versions, there are two or more different sizes of pellets. And when some anomaly in operations happens, the hatch will open at the bottom of the reactor. There is a net that lets smaller pellets travel through it. That separates the fuel into 2 or more different chambers. 

The water supply has been a critical part of the use of microreactors in ground vehicles, ships, and aircraft. Normal nuclear reactors require water for cooling systems and power transfer. The nuclear reactor transfers its thermal energy to water that rotates turbines and generators. But another way to take electric power from reactors is to benefit the beta radiation (electrons) that the reactor sends. 

Westinghouse's "eVinci" reactor uses some kind of cooling pipes that transport thermal energy out from the reactor.  The liquid gas or even fast-moving air or ion flow that travels through the tubes that travel through fissile material can increase the cooling power. That is a suitable solution if the tubes themselves cannot stop the temperature rise in that reactor. 

Another thing is how to replace water in the cooling system. One of the systems that can make this thing is the gas-flow, laser- or ion-based thermal pump that sends radiation through the nuclear element or fissile material. That kind of thermal pump transports thermal energy out of the reactor. In that version, the aimed pressure impulses, acoustic beams, or laser and ion beams that travel through the hole in the middle of the reactor can transport thermal energy out from it. The laser ray can also ionize air and make the eruption channel for electrons. 

And that could explain the mystery rays below some UAPs. 

Some eyewitnesses report. That they saw some kind of laser ray. Below those things. There is a theory that the mystery beam is the thermal pump that should keep the reactor's temperature low. We all know that microreactors also can used in rockets. And those kinds of systems are powerful tools for nuclear thermal rockets like NERVA (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application) systems. 

But laser beam accelerated electrons and ions will give those systems higher speed. The photon-accelerated ions and electrons have very high speed, and the small nuclear reactor can also operate as the source for helium ions (Alpha particles) and electrons (Beta particles). The speed of those particles that travel out from the engine can rise even closer to the speed of light.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Sierra Space's Dream Chaser miniature shuttle advances ISS supply.

    Sierra Space's Dream Chaser miniature shuttle advances ISS supply. 

Dream Chaser miniature shuttle is one of the miniature space shuttles, like X37B, developed for civil and military purposes. NASA used Dream Chaser to transport equipment to the ISS (International Space Station). This miniature shuttle can make its missions manned or unmanned. 

The Dream Chaser and its companions can also fix satellites and make many other space duties. The miniature shuttles can carry repairement robots to trajectory. Those robots can also remove critical parts from jammed military and civil satellites that operate in confidential roles. That denies the confidential information transfer to hostile hands. 

The space shuttles can carry radars or telescopes. That can observe ground and other satellites. Those radars can find lost cities in the jungle.  But it also can search underground complexes. That kind of radio signal will not involve data. 

"Illustration of Sierra Space’s first Dream Chaser, named DC#1 (Tenacity). The Dream Chaser spacecraft, developed by Sierra Space for NASA, is preparing for a 2024 demonstration mission to the ISS, focusing on cargo delivery and in-orbit certification. Credit: Sierra Space" ( Space’s Dream Chaser Spaceplane: Revolutionizing ISS Resupply for NASA)

Maybe the Chinese shuttle's six mysterious "wingmen" are some kind of radar satellites. It's possible that the empty signals that some of those wingmen capsules keep the frequency occupied. Or maybe they are targeting signals that the shuttle can find those capsules. And transfer them to its cargo bay. 

In my wildest dreams, those capsules are antimatter tanks. The magnetic bottle has a thin gold layer that turns electrons to positrons. The orbiter is a good place to collect antimatter. And I certainly hope that I'm wrong. 

The miniature shuttle can operate under the AI control and it can record information into its hard disk. Then the shuttle returns and the crew will download its mission data. 

When we think of miniature shuttles as space fighters whose mission is to destroy satellites or incoming missiles we can say that centrifugal cannons are enough for that mission. The projectile's speed must not rise very high if the shuttle starts to orbit in the opposite direction to its target.

When those centrifugal cannons launch projectiles against the target. Shuttle and its target are at impact course. That gives those projectiles a very high impact speed. That kind of system is effective against missiles and satellites. The other thing is this. Space shuttles are multimission systems and modular mission packs that can be positioned in a cargo bay making them powerful and flexible systems.

AI needs better management and understanding, says new research.

    AI needs better management and understanding, says new research. 

We know that the AI is not ready. And another thing is that AI doesn't think. It's a language model that can connect data from different sources. And if we want to make applications using AI we must realize that in the worst case, the AI simply uses preloaded code lists. Then the AI simply "kills" unnecessary code. 

If the hacker can get the code tables that creates vulnerabilities in the application because the program uses static filepaths,  routes, and folder addresses for its database. It's possible that hackers simply order a couple of applications from the AI, and if the database paths and file locations are the same, they can get those locations and filenames in their hands. 

That thing makes the system vulnerable to so-called SQL injection. In the worst case, the hacker involves a couple of new user IDs in the access databases. This thing means that the system should inform supervisors about the changed number of user IDs and changes in the access table's size. 

The AI will not take anybody's work automatically. It makes work effective, but that requires deep knowledge about the language models, or at least well-made, well articulate queries. So the user must make the query using good language and precise determination. And that means we should practice at least grammar if we want to use AI effectively. 

"A new paper discusses the complex role of AI in society, underscoring its potential to both benefit and harm. He explores AI’s contribution to national security, its role in exacerbating societal issues like radicalization and polarization, and the importance of understanding and managing its risks. Credit:" ( Research Warns: AI Needs To Be Better Understood and Managed)

When people develop AI and other applications by using AI they must realize that those tools are more effective than ever before. That means there must be some kind of internal security module that denies that application to create computer viruses or some killer-drone operating systems. 

The fact is that laws are not an effective way to limit advances. In worst cases, laws deny the developers to make reports to authorities about suspicious-looking requests or work offers.  

Always, some people say that lawsuits are needed to control AI or that AI development should stop for a while. That thing is not very effective, because people can use AI by using a VPN. And the AI may run on a supercomputer, that physical location is in a state, that doesn't limit the use of AI. 

The point is a law that controls defense material exports made at a time. Where defense industrial material was physical. However, the militarized AI that can make computer viruses and deny the command systems operation can transmit over borders in the form of text files. These kinds of immaterial weapons are hard to limit. Hostile actors may make firm on some NATO countries. Then they simply hire developers and after that carry the source code to the East. 

Another sad thing is this. When somebody asks to limit the AI development, at next morning, we see that the same persons start their own AI projects. So does that increase trust in those people or their motivations? We know that actors can misuse AI. The AI makes it possible to recognize thousands of people from some demonstrations. When the International Football Association started to use AI to follow the audience they argued that is a necessary thing for safety. 

But the same things can used to recognize people from demonstrations. This is one of the reasons why China and other BRICS nations invest the AI development. The AI-based control systems make this possible. The drones can make escape and evasion movements if they are under AA fire. The thing is that nobody is interested the AI until it takes its job. 

Then we must realize, that people. Those who work in application industries need information about AI. They really must know what they doing, when they use AI to make software. The AI doesn't remove the need to know the code, and especially what the code does.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The laser-sharp GPS is the new tool for global positioning.

  The laser-sharp GPS is the new tool for global positioning. 

Laser retroreflector arrays (LRAs) are laser-based systems that give extended accuracy for the GPS. The system base is in reflectors that are on the ground. Then the LRA satellite aims the laser ray at that reflector. This kind of system can used to calibrate the system. When the laser ray impacts a very high-accuracy positioned mirror the laser system can calibrate the GPS satellite. 

If those reflectors are in the same position, the satellite can measure differences in those reflector's vertical and horizontal positions. The laser reflector can also connected to a man or vehicle. That allows the laser system to locate the person or vehicle.  Or the ground station group can position the satellite at the orbiter using lasers. That gives the system ultimate accuracy. 

"GPS satellites support Earth measurements by relaying information to other satellites. Laser retroreflector arrays (LRAs) are improving this process, enhancing the accuracy of geodesy – the study of Earth’s shape and changes. LRAs enable precise distance measurements, essential for monitoring global phenomena like sea level rise and tectonic shifts. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" ( Sharp GPS: How NASA’s Reflectors Are Redrawing Our World)

The other version uses lasers as the GPS to aim the active laser upward. That laser can also used as laser sight. The laser sights are multi-use tools, that can be used as laser microphones, laser sights, target indication, and laser communication tools. Systems can used to point the person or vehicle, and laser can send an IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) signal for incoming helicopters or aircraft. 

Then photo recon satellite, drone or aircraft, or earth observation satellite (KH13, Landsat) detects that laser ray. That kind of system can also transmit information like encoded data messages to those satellites. That allows engineers to connect communication tools for this kind of system. The laser-based communication is always harder to jam than radio-based systems. 

And even if somebody jams the system, the jammer must use the same frequency as the jammed communication tool. Then the jamming laser ray must have a higher energy level than the communication laser. That makes the jamming laser turn the laser ray that transports data to satellites in another direction. But the satellites and other optical systems can see the point, where the jamming station is. 

The jammer laser must cut the communication laser using very high accuracy. And if the first communication laser uses IR light the other can use UV frequency. That makes it harder to cut the data line. And of course, those satellites can use multi-band systems. Like different wavelength coherent radio waves and optical systems.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

This type of extreme transportation technology is not yet possible.

 This type of extreme transportation technology is not yet possible. 

Hyperloop shuts down. 

Hyperloop the tube train in which low pressure sucks forward in a vacuum tube is one kind of hype. The company ended its operations because it didn't get any customers. But the idea of this kind of train, which reaches about 1500 km/h remains. The political situation is not suitable for this kind of long-distance travel. And there were also some kind of technical problems. But the major problem was the needed infrastructure. The low-pressure tubes were very expensive. And the company ends its operations. Technical and political things destroyed nice ideas. 

The idea of the hyperloop gave another very interesting idea for ultra-fast transportation. The idea is that the magnetic levitation train will connect with the hyperloop. The problem is that the speed of this kind of train could be even hypersonic. And if there is a problem with the brakes, that train will impact to wall with hypersonic speed. 

The idea is that the train hovers in a magnetic field, and the tube is like a particle accelerator. The magnetic accelerated train travels in the magnetic tube in a vacuum. And that allows it to raise its speed to a higher level than any aircraft can move. Steepness of the curve determines how fast the object can travel in that tube. 

The virtualized hyperloop. 

In some visions, there could be systems that create whirls or empty channels underwater. Those whirls and acoustic systems could used to make the channels through the oceans. And those channels allow to use of submarines that use rocket engines to travel through the oceans faster than usual. 

In that kind of system rotating loudspeakers or propellers make underwater tornado that goes from coast to coast. Then acoustic pike pushes water away from that whirl. And then. The rocket will travel through it. This kind of system requires lots of energy. 

The train ride to the future. 

Above is the film "Stephen Hawking's train ride to the future. The system will not work like this, because the shockwave from that train forms when it travels through air can destroy large areas. But if the train is closed in the vacuum tube, that thing denies the forming of the shockwave. This hypothetical system can have multiple layers in the tube, and between those layers would travel ions with the speed of light. That makes the system the giant donut-shaped Tipler cylinder. The speed of light is relative to the speed of the environment. That thing allows the virtual crossing of the speed of light or cosmic speed limit, which is necessary for returning to the past. When each of the internal layers travels at 70% of the speed of light, that thing can make this thing true. 

Above is a film about the hypothetical time machine. The train travels with the speed of light. The thing that makes this system complicated is that it requires a vacuum tube. That is around the world. And if there is some kind of leak in that tube, this thing causes large area destrouction if the train impacts to air molecules. So maybe this kind of system requires the ultimate, mega-size Stanford torus the giant particle accelerator. That is built around the sun. 

There is a possibility that the in future the researchers will use Stanford torus as the ultimate magnet loop. Stanford torus is the megastructure built around the sun. If the Stanford torus is a particle accelerator, it can transport capsules at the speed of light. That system can get its energy from solar panels and antimatter, that it harvests from solar wind. Those particles will impact thin gold layers. And that forms antimatter, that the accelerator can use as fuel. 

In the wildest vision sometimes in the future. Engineers will build this kind of accelerator around the sun. The idea is that. The system will accelerate the capsule to the speed of light, and then the radio systems start to increase the object's mass. That system makes it possible to travel at least to the future. Then in the future, the system will start to push radio waves to the train. And that thing should cause time dilation that turns time travel backward. But that requires so massive technology, that we cannot make it yet.

The AI solved one new mystery. And maybe in the future, our news will be AI-made.

 The AI solved one new mystery. And maybe in the future, our news will be AI-made. 

The AI can observe and control multiple objects at the same time. That means the AI can find out many new things from the information that it finds from sensors and archives. AI-based news is a new tool for information technology. The AI found the secret of polycrystalline materials. And the thing is that the AI is an ultimate tool for making complex 3D structures. 

The AI can also create 3D models of things like buildings and fit them to the wanted background. So tomorrow AI can act also as a tool for architects. The AI can make wave movement simulations in the building. The system can make simulations of the echoes. And make models. Following the orders that its users give. The AI requires some kind of models and clear orders that it can connect to orders. 

Image: Finlandia hall is one of the pieces of architectural jewelries. 

The AI can search models of famous architecture like Alvar Aalto's and some other architects' works. Then the AI can follow orders that follow Alvar Aalto's style. And make the house follow that architect's style. Then the AI can make a model and fit it into the environment where that building should stand. The system can benefit the mobile telephone group for testing acoustics. These kinds of tools can make it possible to create more customized architecture solutions than ever before. 

A start-up called Channel 1 will start AI-anchored news on its channel. This kind of technology is a tool, that can used for personalized news. And these kinds of things are making news more unilateral because now people can hear only things, that they want. And that is one of the most interesting- and same time saddest things. When people hear only things about topics. That they want to see, and what interests them. AI will be the next tool in the entertainment industry. 

Information that they get turns unilateral maybe somebody will introduce things like news which anchors users can modify or customize by using the AI. These kinds of things can turn into movies and maybe in the future, we can write some manuscript and then download it to AI. Then the AI uses virtual backgrounds and virtual actors turn that manuscript into reality.


Friday, December 22, 2023

Programmable bacteria can revolutionize medical work.

  Programmable bacteria can revolutionize medical work. 

Programmable synthetic bacteria can be game-changers in many places from medical work to nature research and military applications. The customized cyborg bacteria can involve shell antigens that don't activate the immune system. 

The price of robot bacteria is low. The cyborg bacteria cost is less than 1$. And that thing makes them suitable for multiple missions. In nature, researchers can use those cyborg bacteria to remove pollution. They can also research microcosmos like underwater lifeforms smaller than water droplets. 

The cyborg bacteria can also operate as a recon tool. That slips in an enemy base and searches things that happen in there. Like full-scale robots, cyborg bacteria can act as swarms of full-scale drones. Cyborg bacteria swarms can clean polluted watercourse. They can observe many small things. And then those systems can act as the most brutal weapons. That humans ever created. 

"Investigators are developing synthetic programmable bacteria to help kill cancerous tissue. Credit: Texas A&M Engineering". ( $1 Cure: How Programmable Bacteria Are Reshaping Cancer Therapy)

In medical work, cyborg bacteria can used to transfer DNA into another cell. The genetically engineered bacteria that microchips control can move in the human body. Then it can transfer DNA into another cell using its small fibers. The DNA travels in hollow fibers. The cyborg bacteria can travel in the right position in the human body, and transfer the genetic material into the wanted cells and cell groups.

Robot bacteria can remove cancer tissue, but that thing can also fight against other bacteria. Those cyborg bacteria can also remove plaque from blood vessels and make many other things. They can carry another cell to the right position in the human body. And those things can also fix damage in blood vessels. The genetically engineered cyborg bacteria can create fibrine that closes blood leaks, and that fibrine can close blood vessels that transport nutrients to the tumor. 

The cyborg bacteria can also act as immune cells in case people's immune cells cannot operate. That thing can happen in leukemia or AIDS. And the cyborg bacteria can take immune cell's missions in case. There human own cells cannot operate as they should. The genetically engineered cyborg bacteria can create neurotransmitter transporters. 

The ability to make neurotransmitter-transporters can make it possible for neurons. That they can interact with those cyborg bacteria.  Cyborg bacteria can transfer data between the nervous system and other systems. And that thing makes it possible to create a neuraport-type system where microchips swim to the right point of the nervous system. And when those microchips are not needed anymore, they can remove themselves from the body.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

AI has changed the world faster than the net.

  AI has changed the world faster than the net.

The AI or language models like Chat GPT and its followers are the tools that revolutionize the entire ICT infrastructure. Network-based applications are tools that can revolutionize working life and the AI-based architecture will make another bigger revolution. 

The AI makes everybody a programmer. The thing in business life is that the work must done effectively, and it should not be difficult. This thing has been one bottleneck for ICT development. The easiest way is not always the best way. Network-based applications are good tools for attackers. 

That they can ride with those programs. The attackers search for vulnerabilities in software. To make the application safe programmers must make complicated code and observe the source code so that attackers can't replace their source file by using their source files, where there are a couple of viruses packed with that program. 

A simpler way is that attackers cheat their targets to use applications that run on their servers. And that gives them access to all information that is made with that application. 

The AI makes complicated and large-size code very effectively. The code that the AI makes is error-free. One person can make hundreds or thousands of code lines in a very short time using AI. So that means the AI must have stoppers that deny writing malicious software. The AI that works as a language model can create control code for robots. In that case, the robot's operation is highly morphing. 

The AI can make virtual robots. That can collect and handle large data masses. Those applications will change the financial sector very soon. The AI can mine data from stock marketing. Then it can make investments for users. The algorithm can search for advances in marketing. 

AI allows that thing to maximize the profit. In that case, the system can use data. That is collected from trillions of targets. Handling that data mass is not possible for one human. But the AI algorithm can easily handle that kind of non-centralized investment. 

The system can share investments even in millions of points. And then it can sell them when it gets profit. The system can handle trillions of small targets. And that makes it possible to create a mode, where it cannot make losses. This is only one place where AI will make a revolution shortly. AI is best in business when it can handle limited and well-determined information.  But in the longer future AI will be part of our everyday life. 

Can we call morphing deep-learning networks as lifeforms?

 Can we call morphing deep-learning networks as lifeforms? 

Sometimes SETI researchers created a hypothesis about the silicone-based lifeforms. Silicone-based lifeforms are not necessarily "living" like we are. If determination for life is a creature that can create descendants. We can say that things like self-replicating machines called Von Neumann machines are lifeforms as well as some tigers. Also, DNA-controlled crystals that can replicate themselves can be the "lifeforms". 

Same way AI-based computer programs can exchange codes with each other. And the operating system allows the computer to learn things. And that makes it possible to ask, are those self-developing computer programs electric lifeforms? Self-replicating computer programs or computer viruses are electric Von Neumann machines. 

The Von Neumann machine can exchange data with other Von Neumann or self-replicating machines. And if they have a complex, AI-based operating system, they can modify that program code autonomously. The problem with this kind of machine is that it can make something unpredictable. At this moment. e must realize that Von Neumann's machine doesn't work without an operating system.

Things like quantum computers and deep-learning neural networks can control factories that create spare parts for their platforms are some kind of lifeforms. The cybernetical organisms, or robots that can make other robots are one version of the silicone- or non-organic lifeforms. But what is the difference between cyborgs and regular robots?

Robot uses fixed databases. Cyborgs use deep learning neural networks for learning new things. The autonomously learning cyborg can also fill the details of life. One determination for lifeform is that it can autonomously learn new things, defend itself and make descendants. But the question is always, does the robot realize what it does? In the robot's memory is a series of images that activate the defense or offense, if the robot has the authority to make those things. 

But are life and intelligence the same thing? Computers can find answers for many things like calculating complicated calculations. And they can control entireties that are so big and require extremely high accuracy. The next question is: should an organism know what it does and why it does something for being living? The fact is that there is no limit to the size of morphing deep learning networks. Another thing is that all computers in deep learning networks can be quantum computers. That increases its data handling capacity to a level. That we cannot imagine. But are those things alive or dead? That is a good question. 

When we develop deep-learning networks, we collect information about ourselves.

   When we develop deep-learning networks, we collect information about ourselves. 

Deep-learning networks are the tools that can make almost everything. When the deep-learning network is connected with things like video games That thing can used to create and develop new tactics for the business and military worlds. 

However deep learning networks can collect information from anything that it can sense. The system can use three layers. That thing makes the deep learning network operate like the human brain. Those layers are like layers in the brain. 

And that makes the AI a very effective tool. The most out layer brings information into the system. Then the middle layer selects information that the system should save. The most in layer is the thing where that new information table will networked with other data tables. 

"EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne) researchers have developed a groundbreaking algorithm that efficiently trains analog neural networks, offering an energy-efficient alternative to traditional digital networks. This method, which aligns more closely with human learning, has shown promising results in wave-based physical systems and aims to reduce the environmental impact of deep neural networks. (AI-generated DALL-E 3 conceptual image depicting light waves passing through a physical system.) Credit: © LWE/EPFL" ( Deep Learning: Advanced Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Neural Networks)

In this case deep learning network has a three-layer, modular structure where all parts of the deep-learning networks form independent structures or segments that can operate separately or independently making the network operations more effective. And that struture denies the stuck of the entire processing system. If there is a stuck in one segment, the system can call another segment to help, and that releases the stuck segment. This structure denies the escalation of the error very effectively. 

"A groundbreaking study by UCLA scientists has for the first time mapped medium and high-entropy alloys in 3D, revealing their unique combination of toughness and flexibility. This advancement could transform the way alloys are engineered and utilized. Credit:" ( Blacksmiths to Beamlines: 3D Atomic Revelations Transform Alloy Engineering)

Deep learning networks. Advanced photoacoustic systems can revolutionize nanotechnology and biotechnology. 

In biotechnology, the key element is how to dump DNA into cells. The electric eel's electric shock can give nearby organisms new genomes. And that can benefit the systems that should transfer large numbers of the DNA into cells. Another thing that the AI can do is to find out what certain DNA sequences make.

That thing can happen by following the behavior of a certain group of animals. If there is some kind of anomaly in behavior, the DNA test can uncover if there are some kind of genetic mutations in that individual's genetic material. 

The idea is. The targeted organism will get an electric zap that opens ion channels, pushing artificial viruses through ion pumps. That guarantees that those artificial viruses can get access to the cell. Otherwise, the immune system can destroy the virus. That should transfer genomes to the wanted cells. 

If something pushes those viruses through the ion pumps. The genome transfer can turn easier. The electric zap can deny the possibility that the immune system destroys the artificial viruses that carry the DNA or RNA. And that thing can turn complete immune therapy and gene therapy into everyday work. Artificial DNA is one of the tools that can solve many problems. That thing can reprogram cells. And remove genetic errors from them. 

Another way to aim artificial viruses to cells is through photoacoustic systems. In that system, a laser makes vibrations in liquid or solid material. And that vibration makes soundwaves that can push particles in the 3D structure. 

The key element in artificial DNA manufacturing is how to control 3D structure. The 3D structure is an element in nanotechnology. That structure gives new abilities for well-known materials. Nanotechnology requires deep-learning networks that can compile physical and chemical environments. The deep learning networks require all possible information about the process that happens in the reaction chamber.

Did large families decrease children's cognitive skills? 30 years of research claims that.

 Did large families decrease children's cognitive skills? 30 years of research claims that. 

When we think about which child is the best place in large families, we must realize that in large families. Some of the children can slip away from daily duties. Or some children can delegate all jobs to others. 

Large families are living in environments where there is lots of noise. Another thing is that children of large families might not always get all the notice that they need. In large families can also be hard to get sleep, because somebody is noisy and there are many other interesting things than school work or other kinds of things. In the past food in large families could involve less vitamins than in small families. And that can cause problems with children advancing. 

Is the tale about better social skills of children who grow up with large families just a myth? What happens if a family doesn't accept outsiders? Do things like playing games only with siblings thing that make better social skills? Or does it turn those skills worse? 

Of course, people who live in large families are more sociable. And they might seem to have better social skills when they talk with other family members. But is sociable behavior the synonym for social skills? 

But there is the possibility that large families close other people away from their lives. And it's possible that children of large families are more often only with their siblings, and they don't play with other people. But what happens to people's social skills, if that person sees and talks only with their family members? And talk with their siblings? Are those skills as good as they should be? Do they help a person to get a workplace from outside the family? 

If we think that we live in a small society where there are no outsiders. That means we use only certain words in a day. If we don't use the Internet and discuss versatile things that makes our language poor. We need some outside things to enrich our language. Without that outside effect, we would use it all the time, and sooner or later our discussions would be similar. And if we don't find new topics all our communication turns flat. And then our language turns poor.

The AI-controlled robot can be a good research assistant.

  The AI-controlled robot can be a good research assistant. 

The researchers can use the robots as external bodies. They can connect their computers to the robots on the other side of Earth. So researchers can operate remotely in laboratories. That is at the side of the Earth. The robot uses augmented reality to perform operations like chemical tests. That should done in a fully controlled environment. 

The robot that follows the person's every word is always problematic. The reason for that is those systems can allow to circumvent export restrictions. The operator who sits at home in Sweden or Finland can use that robot remotely in the laboratory that is in Indonesia or China. That person can produce things and solutions using that exobody. The robot body that works in the laboratory can also observe people and things that people do in those laboratories. 

The robot can operate in laboratories where is at high risk of getting dangerous biological, chemical, or radioactive exposure. In some visions, those assistant robots will operate at lunar bases and orbital trajectories as assistants for manned crews. 

"Carnegie Mellon’s AI system, Coscientist, autonomously conducts chemistry experiments, significantly advancing scientific research. By using large language models and automating the experimental process, it offers a new level of efficiency and accessibility in scientific research, with an emphasis on safety and ethical use. Credit:" ( Scientific Discovery: Carnegie Mellon’s AI Coscientist Transforms Lab Work)

The lunar laboratory would be an excellent place to work with dangerous biological material.  If there is some kind of leak, the system must only let solar wind sterilize that laboratory. And humans are not risking their lives. The orbital robots can use manipulators that look like human hands. But their shape can be more like tins with rocket engines than humans. 

The idea is that robots can learn things with humans. When this robot faces some new problem it asks humans to solve it. In that process, human operators can use advanced 3D models where is possible to see things from an outsider or the 1st. person view. When the operator makes a solution, it will send it to the command system that controls the robot. The robot or its control system can store the solution for the next use. 

A robot that works with scientists is a very interesting tool. The robot that is connected with Chat GPT or some other language model can operate in flexible situations. The idea is that the AI can make the code, that is customized for every situation by following spoken orders from the user. It's possible that in the robot's body is the screen where the user sees what kind of code the AI makes. 

Or that the robot's user interface can connected to the mobile application. And the user can simply tell the robot, what it must do to the cell phone. Then that application transfers those orders to the robot using the BlueTooth. The idea is that the robot is connected to the central computer through VPN connections. The complicated control code is in the supercomputer far away from the robot. And that thing makes those robots very flexible.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The new studies open the path for interspecies communication. And new types of intelligence work.

    The new studies open the path for interspecies communication. And new types of intelligence work. 

Scientists uncovered the neurotransmitter-transporter's structure. Connecting with nanotechnology and AI, this kind of thing makes it possible for computers can create synthetic neurotransmitter-transporters to communicate with even the human nervous system. The computer-neuron data interaction can make it possible to create new half-organic microchips that use living neurons for data-handling processes. 

The problem with those kinds of systems is been, how to make microprocessors to communicate with microchips. And the grey area in that process has been the neurotransmitter's role in the process. 

The next-generation AI uses similar processes to the human brain for data-handling processes. The system stores things in short-term RAM, and then it connects the previous things with those memory units. And that thing makes those systems learning porcess more advanced and more effective. 

And when we research AI. We are learning something about ourselves and other species. The ability to make synthetic neurotransmitter-carriers opens a new path to interspecies communication. And maybe, quite soon we can see memories of other species. The ability to communicate with other species is partially possible. 

"An interdisciplinary team has found that AI models, particularly the Transformer, process memory in a manner similar to the human brain’s hippocampus. This breakthrough suggests that applying neuroscience principles, like those of the NMDA receptor, to AI can improve memory functions, advancing the field of AI and offering insights into human brain function. Credit:" ( a Striking Discovery, AI Shows Human-Like Memory Formation)

The communication between SETI researchers and humpback whales simulates human and alien communication. 

SETI researchers communicated with humpback whales. This was the first time when researchers talked with other species. The communication between researchers and humpback whales is based on AI and the knowledge of how those whales react to sounds that their packmates send. 

That communication test was interesting, and it can open new roads for AI and protect diversity in the sea. Maybe in the future. Nature protectors can simply tell whales what they should avoid. The AI makes it possible to crack the secret code of nature. And maybe someday in the future, we see what animals remember. 

The same technology that SETI used to hack the humpback whales' communication can be used to hack the enemy command system. The AI-based multisensor system can collect data from enemy communication, and then the system compares signals to enemy maneuvers. This is the new way to crack enemy communication systems. And the AI makes reaction time for those things very short. 

The stealth technology makes it important to find new systems that can replace regular AWACS aircraft. One of them is a stratospheric miniature helicopter swarm that uses IR- and visual sensors to track low-flying stealth systems. If the system knows what signals predict certain maneuvers that thing can make it more effective than anytime before.

Should I choose an open or closed source for the ICT environment?

   Should I choose an open or closed source for the ICT environment? 

How to avoid Trojan Horses, the malicious software, camouflaged as utility software or hidden in utility software code? 

If I cannot see the source code. Somebody may hide malicious software in that code. But to get full benefit from the open source I must know something about programming. 

This is a good question. Open source allows one to see the source code. And that gives freedom, flexibility, and customization for the data environment. That allows to make custom modifications for applications. But there is one problem. People should know about programming. They should know what they do in the system when they configure code. And that thing has limited the use of open source applications in the business environment. 

And need to know the coding sometimes mentioned, as the reason for choosing closed code. The company should hire some coders, that don't fit their image or something like that. Sometimes the reason for choosing closed code is that the company has no time to test systems. And they want a complete and key-to-hand solution that works from the first day.

The problem is that the customer doesn't see the source code. And that makes it possible to hide so-called parasite programs in that code. The parasite program is sequenced in program code that steals information. And it's one subtype of the Trojan horse. In Trojan Horse, the malicious software is like a parasite in the utility program code. The utility program acts as a carrier. 

Making that kind of software and controlling the code requires programming skills. But the new tools make the world easier to live in. 

But the AI is the game-changer. The Open-source language model applications make it possible. That system can generate new and complicated code quickly and with low-level errors. The same systems can also make code checks to discover the parasite program from the source code. The program can cut spyware into pieces in the computer program. This kind of malware is hard to notice. And sometimes it's marked as "dead code". 

Then the system will connect those code bites when the program is assembled. The problem with this kind of parasite program is that it might written using a different programming language than the program itself. When the utility program comes to the computer, it loads connector applications into memory. That collects those code bites together. 

If the hacker wrote that malicious code using some other programming language. The connector separates the malicious code easily. Hackers can send those malicious program bites to targeted systems using different channels. 

The attacker cuts that kind of stealth algorithm cut in as small bites as possible. There is some collector program that recognizes the code. Then that program connects the code bites and decodes those bites. In that case, the malicious software is masked as non-functional or "trash" code. 

The antivirus cannot see it if those code bites are small and they involve minimum information. Also, programmers can cut critical lines that make it harder to detect malicious code. There is a possibility that a hacker cheats the antivirus by sending the program packages using different carrier programs on different days. But the success of that thing requires the ability to slip the collector-connector program in the system. There is the possibility that the malware writer uses multiple programming languages. And then there is a translator in some program code that connects that thing into entrirety. 

The AI can notice those code bites from a very large program. It can be the next-generation tool for programming and malware detection. The AI also makes it possible to create customized software for users. And that means hackers in China and Russia can also benefit from that kind of thing. 

It's not an ordinary cat video.

    It's not an ordinary cat video. 

NASA sends cat video 19 million miles away using laser rays. That technology means the LiFi or light-wifi is probably a next-generation communication tool. The system will revolutionize satellite data transmission. But this kind of light WiFi may operate as an everyday data network. 

The biggest problem is how to transport information through walls and other hindrances. If there is a thing like a chair between the optical support station and the computer. That hindrance makes optical communication between the computer and its support station impossible. 

Light-based communication is harder to jam and eavesdrop on than regular radio-based networks. The system can use aimed laser rays or diodes to transmit data. It is possible to use different color or wavelength LED or laser systems to create qubits or some kind of quantum computers. 

"NASA achieved a breakthrough in deep space communication by transmitting a high-definition video from 19 million miles, paving the way for advanced data transmission in space exploration. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" ( Purr-fect Deep Space Breakthrough: NASA’s Laser Tech Streams Ultra-HD Cat Video From 19 Million Miles)

That can operate at room temperature. The different color LEDs can make it possible to create a network system that shares information in different wavelengths. And that kind of network requires complex applications that can break into it. Light-based networks are far more secure than radio wave-based systems. 

Precisely aimed IR and UV lasers are not very easy to break. And if the data transporter travels in another hollow laser ray the system sees the change in the laser ray's energy if somebody wants to put the meter in the laser ray. 

The problem with the LiFi (Laser or light WiFI) is that the receiver must have visual contact with the transmitter during the network session. One solution could be that users use fixed workstations. But also mobile systems can use this kind of thing. In some visions of the future city hovers airchips that retransmit information that laser rays transmit to the right buildings. And inside the building small quadcopters can act as relay stations that allow users to move in that area. 

The AI-based systems can read text from the screen and then send that request to the server. The system can use fixed surveillance cameras and a quadcopter combination. The quadcopter also works as a moving support-relay station. The system also makes it possible for the quadcopters that the system uses as relay stations can be right positions so that they can transmit and receive optical data all the time. 

Limits of the LiFi are that the system cannot send data through walls and even paper can stop regular laser beams. But things like mirrors and holograms can help the system see the information visible in large sectors. The data transfer between rooms can happen through mirrors that are outside windows. And hologram paintings and other things can flash and transmit information.  

The LiFi network's receiver can be a regular (or IR and UV) web camera. The system can operate by using support stations that use holograms or large-area laser rays and things like self-operating, small quadcopters that can use laser LEDs to communicate with computers. The quadcopter that can use wireless battery load can keep it in the right position with the computer. The computer can use LEDs connected to the computer itself. Or it's a USB port. In some visions computer can use its screen to transmit data. 

The AI-based camera system in drones or action cameras in the user's bandanna can read texts from the screen. And then send the request to network operating servers to search for things. The system can use laser-LED groups that the quadcopters see. If the system requires light in the data. That the user sends to the network. And that makes this system fully optical. 

That is visible to the optical sensor. Another thing that can make the Light-WiFi more practical is X-ray lasers. The X-ray lasers can transmit data through walls, but the problem is that those systems cause cancer.

The Chinese miniature shuttle is, at the same time, a concerning, and interesting tool.

  The Chinese miniature shuttle is, at the same time, a concerning, and interesting tool. 

 Shenlong "Divine Dragon"-robot shuttle

The Chinese miniature shuttle, which looks very much like X-37B is not completely peaceful. The miniature shuttles are multi-use things, that can operate in many military, but only in a few peaceful missions. And the concerning thing is what causes the highly classified secrecy in those systems. 

As American shuttles, the Chinese shuttle can act as a "super kamikaze drone", that carries nuclear weapons into its target. The miniature shuttles also can collect antimatter from space. Solar wind can form antimatter if it travels through the thin gold plate. 

The other thing is that miniature biological, remote-controlled laboratories can used in that kind of system to handle things like Ebola viruses. If there is some kind of problem, the system can let solar wind travel in the capsule, and that ion flow should destroy those viruses. 

If we think of miniature shuttles as factories that produce nanomachines and 3D nanostructures, we can say that this kind of system's profitability depends on the launch price. It's possible. That mylar balloon filled with hydrogen pulls the shuttle to a very high altitude. And then the auxiliary rocket will launch. Those miniature shuttles can act as chains. The other shuttle in the higher trajectory can act as a space tug, and it can pull the miniature shuttle's higher trajectory. 

So could that be one of the reasons why the Chinese shuttle deployed 6 ‘mysterious wingmen’ into space? And could those mysterious objects be things, that should collect antimatter, or are they for observing the robot plane?

Chinese Harbin H-5 bomber carries Shenlong robot shuttle. 

"China's Shenlong (meaning "Divine Dragon") robotic space plane has something strange four days after it arrives in Earth's orbit. Amateur spacecraft trackers have noticed that it appears to have deployed six "wingmen" objects, some emitting signals. Designated "OBJECT A," "B," "C," "D," "E," and "F" by observers, the signals emitted are similar to those Shenlong released in its previous mission in November last year." (Interesting Engineering, China’s secret aircraft deployed 6 ‘mysterious wingmen’ in space)

 If the launch price is low. The miniature shuttles can be used as nanomachine factories and they can be an economic option. The spaceborne factory satellite, which is in a stable position at the orbiter can also transfer the test-capsules to the miniature shuttle. 

The miniature shuttles that are easy and cheap to transport to orbiters can also be used in the nanotechnical sector as nanomachine factories. The small shuttles don't cause gravitational errors. And the small miniature factories that use things, like light-acoustic devices to transfer particles to nano-entirety. In zero-gravity conditions, the structure is easier to make than on Earth. On Earth manufacturing can happen under liquid. 

But in a miniature shuttle, the particles that form the nanostructure can hover in the zero gravity chamber. The systems can operate also in a vacuum. The system can control molecular interactions. In spaceborne miniature laboratories things like photons and highly accurate magnets push and pull particles in their position in highly complicated structures. That thing is one of the biggest advances in nanotechnology. The ability to hover particles in gas makes it possible to make things like enzymes act more effectively than before. 

On Earth liquids where nanomachines are made can be very cold. And that denies enzyme interactions. Hovering in room-temperature gas makes proteins and enzymes used in the nanomachine's structure act as they act in normal temperatures. And that makes it possible to create more advanced and complicated nanotechnology.

The AI and new upgrades make fusion power closer than ever.

"New research highlights how energetic particles can stabilize plasma in fusion reactors, a key step toward clean, limitless energy. Cr...