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The Chinese miniature shuttle is, at the same time, a concerning, and interesting tool.

  The Chinese miniature shuttle is, at the same time, a concerning, and interesting tool. 

 Shenlong "Divine Dragon"-robot shuttle

The Chinese miniature shuttle, which looks very much like X-37B is not completely peaceful. The miniature shuttles are multi-use things, that can operate in many military, but only in a few peaceful missions. And the concerning thing is what causes the highly classified secrecy in those systems. 

As American shuttles, the Chinese shuttle can act as a "super kamikaze drone", that carries nuclear weapons into its target. The miniature shuttles also can collect antimatter from space. Solar wind can form antimatter if it travels through the thin gold plate. 

The other thing is that miniature biological, remote-controlled laboratories can used in that kind of system to handle things like Ebola viruses. If there is some kind of problem, the system can let solar wind travel in the capsule, and that ion flow should destroy those viruses. 

If we think of miniature shuttles as factories that produce nanomachines and 3D nanostructures, we can say that this kind of system's profitability depends on the launch price. It's possible. That mylar balloon filled with hydrogen pulls the shuttle to a very high altitude. And then the auxiliary rocket will launch. Those miniature shuttles can act as chains. The other shuttle in the higher trajectory can act as a space tug, and it can pull the miniature shuttle's higher trajectory. 

So could that be one of the reasons why the Chinese shuttle deployed 6 ‘mysterious wingmen’ into space? And could those mysterious objects be things, that should collect antimatter, or are they for observing the robot plane?

Chinese Harbin H-5 bomber carries Shenlong robot shuttle. 

"China's Shenlong (meaning "Divine Dragon") robotic space plane has something strange four days after it arrives in Earth's orbit. Amateur spacecraft trackers have noticed that it appears to have deployed six "wingmen" objects, some emitting signals. Designated "OBJECT A," "B," "C," "D," "E," and "F" by observers, the signals emitted are similar to those Shenlong released in its previous mission in November last year." (Interesting Engineering, China’s secret aircraft deployed 6 ‘mysterious wingmen’ in space)

 If the launch price is low. The miniature shuttles can be used as nanomachine factories and they can be an economic option. The spaceborne factory satellite, which is in a stable position at the orbiter can also transfer the test-capsules to the miniature shuttle. 

The miniature shuttles that are easy and cheap to transport to orbiters can also be used in the nanotechnical sector as nanomachine factories. The small shuttles don't cause gravitational errors. And the small miniature factories that use things, like light-acoustic devices to transfer particles to nano-entirety. In zero-gravity conditions, the structure is easier to make than on Earth. On Earth manufacturing can happen under liquid. 

But in a miniature shuttle, the particles that form the nanostructure can hover in the zero gravity chamber. The systems can operate also in a vacuum. The system can control molecular interactions. In spaceborne miniature laboratories things like photons and highly accurate magnets push and pull particles in their position in highly complicated structures. That thing is one of the biggest advances in nanotechnology. The ability to hover particles in gas makes it possible to make things like enzymes act more effectively than before. 

On Earth liquids where nanomachines are made can be very cold. And that denies enzyme interactions. Hovering in room-temperature gas makes proteins and enzymes used in the nanomachine's structure act as they act in normal temperatures. And that makes it possible to create more advanced and complicated nanotechnology.


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