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Showing posts from September, 2023

Photonic and hybrid neural computers are coming.

 Photonic and hybrid neural computers are coming.  The photonic computers can transfer binary data to qubits.  There are two types of photonic computers. The photonic binary computer. And quantum computer that uses quantum entanglement between photons to transport information.  The binary photonic computer requires photonic versions of the well-known electric components. In that computer, the key elements are the light transistors. The light transistor is an optical system where laser rays replace transistor electric parts, stock, collector, and emitter. The light transistor is the system where the data laser transfers information into the carrier wave. Or oppositely. The laser beam that transports information between stock and collector will get more power from the emitter laser.  In photonic computers, lasers are used as diodes. The electric computer transforms information into photonic form simply transferring it into communication lasers. The researchers can adjust those lasers'

CALIPSO Lidar satellite can make incredibly sharp measurements of the atmosphere, ocean, and ground.

   CALIPSO Lidar satellite can make incredibly sharp measurements of the atmosphere, ocean, and ground.  Lidar (light detection and ranging) or "laser radar" systems can accurately measure the atmosphere and its chemical construction. Laser systems can detect pollution and other anomalies by using laser spectroscopy.  The laser beam stresses molecules that send light quantum in their spectral frequency.  Researchers use the same system that determines the elemental construction of the structures by using spectral analysis when they want to determine the star's chemical fingerprint. The same systems can determine any chemical compound in the world.  The lidar systems can also search for pollution that is left in oceans and measure earthquakes. The idea is that the altitude of the laser- or lidar satellites can make many missions by using the different types of laser light.  When a lidar satellite measures earthquakes that system measures land movements. The high-accurate l

The solar sail can travel to Mars in 26 days.

  The solar sail can travel to Mars in 26 days.  "An artist's impression of the LightSail 2 solar sail" ( solar sail spacecraft could reach Mars in only 26 days) Solar sails can travel to Mars in 26 days. That system can connect with chemical rockets or nuclear rockets. The idea is that the solar sail pulls that rocket to Mars, and there the rocket engine. That used as the brake can put the solar sail transit to Mars orbiter.  The solar sail uses the particle flow from the Sun as the propellant. Those ionized particles act like wind and push the sail to Mars. Two types of solar sails can make that trip. The first one is the passive solar sail. That solar sail uses a large-size mylar sail for traveling.  The solar sail can connect with any kind of spacecraft. Those systems are passive. But solar power can also heat rocket's propellant. The system can be parabolic mirrors. Or it can use solar panels to give electricity to ion engines.  ******

The AI can observe animal and human behavior.

 The AI can observe animal and human behavior.  Machine learning means that the AI collects a dataset about the behavior of the animals or humans. Then the system uses that dataset as a matrix. It is used to track individuals with similar abilities. The AI can detect people with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's by searching how they behave in certain situations. When we think about things like animal behavior, AI can collect datasets from surveillance camera images.  The accuracy and extent of the dataset is the thing that limits the accuracy of the AI. If the AI can use multiple sources like medical tests, and the justice system's records. And collect them with surveillance cameras so that the system can make a complete behavior matrix about the person's behavior.  Then the veterinarian can take a sample of the animal's stress hormone level, and then the AI can search for animals with high stress levels. The type of dataset that the AI uses depends on its sensors. The AI

First time neutrinos produced in LHC (Large Hadron Collider)

 First time neutrinos produced in LHC (Large Hadron Collider) The world is waiting for the next big step in quantum information. That thing is the ability to produce and control neutrinos. Neutrinos or "grey photons" are mysterious particles that can travel through Earth without any contact with other particles. Neutrinos are hard to detect, but if some system can trap them and manipulate those particles, that thing can open a new route to the material.  The neutrino is a particle whose interaction with its environment is very weak. The thing that makes neutrinos weakly interacting is the energy travels between neutrinos and their environment very slowly. That could mean that the spin of the neutrino is quite slow. In that model, energy flows through neutrino.  So some researchers suggest that neutrino is the particle between photon and electron.  The thing that makes the photon massless is that there is no energy flow between photons and their environment. If a particle'

CERN experiments debunked antimatter levitation.

     CERN experiments debunked antimatter levitation.  The antimatter levitation could be a simple misunderstanding. Sometimes even the most qualified researchers forget that material and antimatter have different polarity. Anti electron or positron has a positive electric load and antiproton has a negative energy load. That means the antimatter particles are mirror images of their material pair.  The reason why researchers are interested in antimatter is this. Antimatter is the most powerful of known power sources. And that makes it possible to create new and compact space systems. The antimatter's energy load that 1 kg. of it is enough to send spacecraft to Alpha Centauri. Antimatter is also given the idea of Teller's bomb.  Teller's bomb is a small capsule that is antimatter. When that capsule will open it's doors. That thing detonates everything around it. The reaction between material and antimatter is annihilation. In that process, material particles and their mir

Researchers successfully modified cells in living adult animals.

 Researchers successfully modified cells in living adult animals. Do you know the story where spiders created a silk skirt for the knight? In the modern version of that folklore, genetically engineered cyborg spiders make bulletproof vests for soldiers.  One of the genetically engineered tools is silkworm which produces the spider's web. That material is 6X tougher than steel. Mass production of that material revolutionizes bulletproof vests and thin but strong wires. In some visions, the genetically manipulated cyborg spiders can produce spider silk-like silkworms that engineers can use to make a canvas that is 6X stronger than steel. The cyborg spider just pulls the silk wires over the looms. And then the system sums up the tapestry. New genetic engineering tools make it possible to reprogram adult individuals' cells. The RNA-based technology is used successfully to transform and modify the adult mice genomes. And that thing is the new tool for making new and more effective v

The new nanotechnology can make it possible to create new types of electric systems, computers, and sensors.

 The new nanotechnology can make it possible to create new types of electric systems, computers, and sensors.  The new nanotechnology can make many things like clean water or create energy even for larger-scale systems. The new tiny nanomachine or nanodevice uses so-called Coulomb drag to create electricity. The Coulomb drag is the tool that can make nanomachines operate in the dark. And in some visions of the future. There is a large group of nanomachines that can float on the surface. Then those systems can detect things like chemicals, or they can be used to send electricity wirelessly into small flying drones. Or those small drones can land in the sea, and fill their electric load.  The drawing shows how this system works. The thing is that nanotechnology can be used in large-scale entireties. Even full-scale submarines can use these engines. In those systems, large groups of nano- or small-size generators create electricity for electric engines. So in some models, the submarine sh

The AI new Prometheus.

 The AI new Prometheus.  Mary Shelley's Frankenstein can be a prediction about the possibilities of generative AI. The AI is the modern prometheus. A tool that can control millions of robots at the same time, and that makes AI one of the most powerful tools in the world. The opportunities of AI are limitless, and the thing is that everybody who wants to make robots should read the Frankenstein novel.  Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is called the thing, that brings threats of robots in the front of human Eyes. The Frankenstein's monster itself is an example of necrobots. The "necrobot" robot is the robot that was created by using a dead body, which mitochondria will put to operate again. In some theories, the thing behind Frankenstein's monster was the human-looking mechanic robot covered by human skin. That would be a good topic for some techno version of the Dr. Hannibal Lecter.  The fact is that those things are not very moralistic, but it's possible that m

The 5G could make satellite control easier than it is today.

 The 5G could make satellite control easier than it is today.  The 5G communication satellites can make free WiFi all over the Earth. But the problem is who pays those costs? Satellites are not cheap cargo. So if we want, every person on Earth to get free WiFi we must find somebody to pay the costs. The WLAN communication all over the Earth requires lots of satellites.  And private-owned satellites are always a tool that gives their owner power. If some very rich person gets a very large mass of information satellites under their control, that person can cut information from anywhere somebody doesn't please that person. Lots of satellites means lots of ammunition.  All satellites are ASAT weapons. The satellite that collides with another satellite has a devastating effect. And the simplest killer satellites are satellites that collide with other satellites. In some visions, the privately owned company just offers a good deal with the military. That deal can involve things like glob

What would a room-temperature superconductor give to us?

 What would a room-temperature superconductor give to us?  Some of the most fundamental power sources require superconducting wires. Researchers developed a system that uses natural humidity to create electricity. That system can interconnected with another fundamental power source. The system that makes electricity from droplets can make the power source more effective.  The system can use a membrane or layer that collects water. Then those droplets can travel over nano-size water mills that are boosting the energy production of that system. That system that uses droplets as an energy source can be suitable in nanotechnology. The system that produces energy for 100 LED bulbs might not be very impressive. But that kind of system can connect into series. And that makes them able to deliver energy even for large-size structures. We must remember that those systems operate along with other power sources.  Room-temperature superconductor will change everything. The superconducting radio sy

Researchers possibly found carbon from Jupiter's Europa-moon ocean.

 Researchers possibly found carbon from Jupiter's Europa-moon ocean.  But first thoughts about the journey to Jupiter.  Maybe AI-controlled robots make the first journey to the Jupiter system and they can collect samples from those moons. The flight time to Jupiter is long even if we would use nuclear thermal propulsion. So before we can even think that we could send a manned flight into Jupiter.  We must wait for fusion and antimatter engines that will open the path into the entire solar system. In Jupiter's system, the probe or spacecraft operates with smaller shuttles that collect samples from those moons. The researchers must confirm that there are no harmful organisms in those oceans before they make the site.  In some visions, the astronauts who travel to Jupiter in the future would live in a space station that hovers in those hyacid oceans. In those visions, water in those oceans can be used as drinking water and as a fuel source. There is a vision that the electrolysis

Darpa's Exacto bullets are the next step in the R&D of laser and GPS-guided projectiles.

 Darpa's Exacto bullets are the next step in the R&D of laser and GPS-guided projectiles.  The Excato (Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance) is the new tool for sniping. The bullet is guided ammunition that acts similar way to larger GPS and laser-guided artillery munitions. The guided bullet itself is not a new idea. And it has been tested a couple of times. But modern nanotechnology makes guided ammunition for rifles possible. The Exacto ammunition is highly classified.  However, the information that is given to the public tells that Exacto is following the scope movement. And that thing tells that Excacto is laser-guided. The bullet can turn its route. It uses wings for that purpose. Or the Exacto can use the nanosize scales that are rising on the side, where the bullet needs to turn.  The Barrett M81A1 (Wikipedia/Barrett M82) .50 Browning.  Surely, DARPA develops guided bullets also for smaller calibers than .50 Browning. And maybe, quite soon the smart bullets are coming into

Why is data security always so confusing?

 Why is data security always so confusing?  We all read data security instructions and orders. And sometimes those orders are very confusing. Data security is an important thing. But why those orders are so hard to understand? The reason for that is those orders are written by specialists whose work is unknown to many other, even highly trained people.   People who work outside the ICT world, probably don't know what are IP addresses, switches, or routers. Sometimes we still see the fixed IP addresses written on the top of laptops in restaurants.  They might ever heard about RAID protocols. RAID ("redundant array of inexpensive disks" or "redundant array of independent disks") is the tool that makes so-called cloud services possible. (Wikipedia, RAID)  Those things are vital components in networks. If somebody gets access to routers or RAID backup setups, they can transfer all data from the company into their server. Regular people are never made any computer pr

Computers require new encrypting algorithms.

 Computers require new encrypting algorithms.  The quantum computers can calculate multiple calculations in the same time. The AI can use the group of binary computers as a virtual quantum computer, which can be a more powerful system than ever before. The virtual quantum computer means that the AI cuts the Riemann conjecture that is used to make the binary number series at certain points.  And then those binary computers will act with a certain part of that binary number series. In that case, the group of binary computers acts like quantum computers, and even if they are slower, the system is more powerful than regular binary computers. The AI can also attack 24/7 without breaks. And the system can change the IP address that the attacker uses. That makes it harder to deny those attacks.  The thing that makes next-generation data security more challenging is that attackers more often work for governments. That means hackers can have access to the quantum computers. Even the low-power q

A liquid computer based on DNA can be one of the most promising tools for computing.

   A liquid computer based on DNA can be one of the most promising tools for computing.  The multitask means the ability to drive multiple programs at the same time. And if the DNA-based computer can drive 10 billion programs at the same time it can operate multiple variables at the same time. Multitasking processors make control of large drone swarms and other large-size systems effective. If multitasking processors control drone swarms they can reserve one room for each drone.  DNA-based computers are one of the solutions that can run complicated AI software. One of the biggest problems with AI and compact robots is that the complicated AI-based software that controls robots requires powerful computers. Powerful computers require lots of power. The power source is hard to fit into the compact robot's body. The quantum computers that can theoretically be the atom size can be the answer, but the problem is how to make those atom-size quantum computers operate with robot bodies.  &q

The new systems allow researchers to control qubits better than any time before.

 The new systems allow researchers to control qubits better than any time before.  The new observations about electron's permanent dipole movement are pathfinders for atom-size quantum computers. Precisely working quantum computers require the ability to control the system with extremely high accuracy. That ability requires that the system can observe its actor and a new type of sensor makes it possible to create new types of qubits. The ability to measure electrons' dipole movement makes it possible to create sterile photons with high-accurate energy levels. Because the system sees the actor like electrons it can shoot very highly accurate laser beams into those quantum systems. If the system can make atom-size quantum computers those systems will be the most advanced tools that researchers have ever created before.  The atom-size quantum computer that operates at room temperature can turn even nanomachines intelligent. In some visions, researchers can put atom-sized quantum c

Why researchers are so interested in laser weapons?

  Why researchers are so interested in laser weapons?   The arm race is a race between an improved attacker and an improved defender. Things like Javelin missiles have two-stage tandem warheads that send hypersonic metal beams against the target. The improved weapons require improved counteractions. One of those counteractors is a laser weapon, which can destroy incoming missiles and ammunition over long distances.  Laser weapons are the next-generation tools against grenades, drones, and low-flying aircraft. Laser weapons can also cut holes in the ship's hulls and the thing that makes laser weapons so interesting is simple. It gives also small-size crafts the ability to make fatal damage to large ships.  If a laser cuts a slit in the ship's bow that kind of damage will be fatal if the ship must run at high speed. The Ukraine war has shown how difficult is to protect targets against drones. Even simple, straight-flying drones are difficult to defend. The drone itself is an easy

The next-generation quantum chip looks like a chessboard.

 The next-generation quantum chip looks like a chessboard.  The ideal neural network is multiple independently operating microprocessors. The most powerful version of that kind of system is a neural quantum network. The neural quantum network is like a regular neural network. That works on binary computers.  However, the neural quantum computer is more powerful than any binary network ever can be.  The reason why researchers are working in this kind of area is that. New material types require extremely highly accurate cooperation between sensors and systems that manipulate molecules and atoms.  The brand new quantum chip makes the controlled quantum neural network closer than ever before. The new quantum chip has 16 squares. Those squares can activated by using number and letter combinations. In that model, the quantum computing system can use a similar system as a chessboard.  The chessboard-like structure where every single square is independently operating microchips. In that kind o

Shield AI successfully coordinated three Lockheed-Martin 3V-BAT drones as a team.

  Shield AI successfully coordinated three Lockheed-Martin 3V-BAT drones as a team.  This kind of experiment might not seem very impressive. The fact is this: the ability to control ultimate situations requires full cooperation between manned and unmanned systems in and over operational areas. The new systems require new tactics and countertactics. Drones have shown their capacities in the Ukraine war.  And especially, cheap cardboard drones are the tool that requires new types of counteractions. Those drones are hard to detect, and they can be loaded onto vans or even garbage trucks. Then the patrol can slip to the strike distance from the airbase.  Cardboard drones are cheap next-generation tools. They predict the next-generation military thinking. There are two routes in military systems. The first route is expensive manned systems. Those systems use quantum stealth and sophisticated systems.  Above: Three V-BAT Team (Interesting Engineering/Shield AI's 'Hivemind' contro

The AI takes jobs from trained people.

  The AI takes jobs from trained people. It's not a coincidence that CHat GPT and AI are becoming common things in the ICT sector. The competition in the ICT sector is very hard. And even if a person works for years for the same company, that doesn't guarantee that the ICT worker even sees other workers or talks with anybody in the workplace.  Outsourcing the ICT operations causes a situation even if a person works years for the same wage payer. The entire career feels like a series of fixed employment. Customers can offer competition once a year for ICT operators. And if own company does not get the job, that causes a situation, where those workers must change their workplace.  Remote work guarantees that the company where those ICT- people work is only the name on the salary receipt. And if that name hangs years in those papers, the workers change their working position maybe once in month or week. Some people have an attitude that ICT is the sector for people who will not ge