Saturday, September 23, 2023

The AI new Prometheus.

 The AI new Prometheus. 

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein can be a prediction about the possibilities of generative AI. The AI is the modern prometheus. A tool that can control millions of robots at the same time, and that makes AI one of the most powerful tools in the world. The opportunities of AI are limitless, and the thing is that everybody who wants to make robots should read the Frankenstein novel. 

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is called the thing, that brings threats of robots in the front of human Eyes. The Frankenstein's monster itself is an example of necrobots. The "necrobot" robot is the robot that was created by using a dead body, which mitochondria will put to operate again. In some theories, the thing behind Frankenstein's monster was the human-looking mechanic robot covered by human skin. That would be a good topic for some techno version of the Dr. Hannibal Lecter. 

The fact is that those things are not very moralistic, but it's possible that mechanic robots opportunities understood in the time of Mary Shelley. The mass army of robots would be a dominating tool on the battlefield. And that's why those robots are the tools that are shaking the world. 

Are new Little Helpers, helpers, or destructors? 

The robot that looks like a Little Helper from Donald Duck can form the most powerful modular supercomputer on Earth. Those kinds of robots can walk in the room. And then they will touch each other's hands and that thing forms the large robot entirety. The reason why the Little Helper has the light bulb on the place of its head is seen in the movie " Why The First Computers Were Made Out Of Light Bulbs". That film is below this part of this text. 

The bio- and quantum engineering makes it possible to create small-size robots that can operate very independently. In some visions, the Little Helper from the Donald Duck cartoons turned into independently operating small-size robots. The light bulb over the body would be the quantum computer that operates as the brain for that system. Then in the body would be the DNA-controlled computers that increase that robot's ability to independent operations. 

The DNA-controlled computer that operates with quantum computer, makes those Little Helpers very intelligent and flexible units. In some other mode, the Little Helpers are forming an entirety. The robots can touch each other with their limbs. And then the Little Helpers can form powerful computing entirety.

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