Friday, September 22, 2023

Researchers possibly found carbon from Jupiter's Europa-moon ocean.

 Researchers possibly found carbon from Jupiter's Europa-moon ocean. 

But first thoughts about the journey to Jupiter. 

Maybe AI-controlled robots make the first journey to the Jupiter system and they can collect samples from those moons. The flight time to Jupiter is long even if we would use nuclear thermal propulsion. So before we can even think that we could send a manned flight into Jupiter. 

We must wait for fusion and antimatter engines that will open the path into the entire solar system. In Jupiter's system, the probe or spacecraft operates with smaller shuttles that collect samples from those moons. The researchers must confirm that there are no harmful organisms in those oceans before they make the site. 

In some visions, the astronauts who travel to Jupiter in the future would live in a space station that hovers in those hyacid oceans. In those visions, water in those oceans can be used as drinking water and as a fuel source. There is a vision that the electrolysis system splits water split into hydrogen and oxygen. 

Those conventional fuels are used in contact shuttles. That could operate in Jupiter's system and collect samples from its moons. That crew that can travel to Jupiter can be AI-controlled robots. The problem with that journey is that it takes a very long time. And that means the astronauts should spend a long part of their life on that journey. 

Arc jet engines are a good tool for small shuttles that operate in Jupiter's system. 

Another thing is that water is a good propellant for arc jet engines and nuclear thermal engines. An arc jet engine is an electric rocket system that uses an electric arc for expanding propellants. So in that engine system electric arc replaces combustion. 

And the only necessary thing is that the propellant expands in heat. Water is one of the promising propellants for those engines because it is easy to get and handle. But Arc jet engines can also use hydrocarbons like methane or any other liquid gas. 

And that means the same systems can used in Jupiter's atmosphere those electric engines make it possible to create the next-generation aircraft that can operate at orbital trajectories as well as in the atmosphere. The difference between arc jet and nuclear thermal propulsion is that the arc jet can use any type of power source. 

If the Arc jet engine uses liquid hydrogen or liquid helium that thing causes very strong expansion in the propellant. That means the system can cause remote power sources like radio masers or lasers to transmit power to those systems. The other thing is that theoretically, the small shuttle could use even chemical batteries for making electric arcs. But nuclear energy is an ultimate tool also in those cases. 

When that crew returns to Earth, the system uses probably nuclear thermal propulsion. Nuclear rockets can use water as a propellant, that is driven through the nuclear reactor. Maybe things like antimatter or fusion rockets can someday make the journey to Jupiter possible. But the journey is too long for humans even if we would use nuclear thermal engines. 

NASA's vision of a nuclear-powered JIMO (Jupiter's Icy Moon Orbiter) probe. That could take samples from Jupiter in the future. That vision is from the year 2004, and from those days technology has advanced. Things like technological advances like the serious R&D process in portable nuclear reactors, fusion and plasma technology, and AI mean that maybe that vision is closer to turning reality than we ever thought.  

 Researchers possibly found carbon from Jupiter's Europa-moon ocean. 

Europa is the smallest of Galilean moons. Europa is mentioned, as the most promising place in our solar system, where could be active bacteria. And if the carbon in the subsurface ocean of that small world is confirmed, that is one step closer to confirming the existence of the extraterrestrial primitive lifeforms. 

Carbon is a vital element for life. And a long time researchers played with the idea that maybe Jupiter's icy moons and oceans below their icy surfaces host life. When researchers confirmed that Ganymede and Callisto also have oceans below their icy surface that thing became more topical than ever before. The gravity on those moons is lower than Earth and even Earth's moon. 

And that means water can be in liquid form at lower temperatures than on Earth. Also, the tidal forces of Jupiter keep those oceans open. The magnetic field around those moons protects water molecules against cosmic radiation. Because those large oceans are under ice shells. That thing makes it possible that there could be some kind of primitive lifeforms in those oceans. 

The innermost of Galilean moons is IO.  It is the densest of those four moons. Sulfur volcanoes are covering that strange world. The Io could formed of silicates and the tidal forces keep it's core liquid. Those volcanoes send particles to space. And they sometimes travel to other Galilean moons. Also, icy geysers on Europa send particles around Jupiter's system. 

And that thing gives an idea that if there are some lifeforms under those moon's icy shells they could travel between those moons. The source for that hypothesis is Earth bacteria. Some bacteria on Earth create spores that make them very resistant to outcoming effects.

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