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Showing posts from August, 2023

Quantum devices can slow down chemical reactions.

  Quantum devices can slow down chemical reactions.  Why does somebody want to slow chemical reactions? The reason for that is simple. When the system can adjust the speed at which compounds between atoms and molecules are forming the system can control those processes better. The ability to create complicated molecules is important in nanomechanics. If the system can connect certain nutrients in certain molecules.  The Van der Waals forces are playing a key role in nanotechnology. And actually, nanomachines are Van der Waals molecules. Van der Waals molecules are complicated structures that researchers use to create new complex molecular structures.  That allows us to make new types of medicines. And nanomachines can clean nervous systems from plaque in the next generation of medicines. Nanotechnology has multiple solutions in the computing, medical, engineering, and also in the military applications. Nanotechnology requires that the system can control chemical compounds between atoms

The new Python profiler increases the power of Python very much.

  The new Python profiler increases the power of Python very much.  The Python language is an effective but slow programming tool. Python is a very popular tool in network programming. But because it's slow it is problematic in complicated solutions that run on network-based decentralized platforms. Things like AI-based Bing and Chat GPT are making programming very easy, and they can create very complicated solutions in any public and open programming language. However, those programming tools do not remove the limits of the programming language itself.  In complex and complicated solutions the program is divided into cells. Each of those cells involves different types of information. And each of those cells is responsible for certain reactions. Another reason for cell-based programming is simple. If one of those cells is corrupt that minimizes damage.  The problem with AI is how it can select the right cell. If AI selects a cell from an interface that controls the physical machine

Integrated AI is the tool of the next generation.

  Integrated AI is the tool of the next generation.  Do you know what a kernel is? Kernel is the border computer program that connects hardware to software in computers. The kernel is the code that microchips and other components use when they interact with each other.  The integrated AI means that the AI is integrated with microchips or their control program. That thing means that the kernel turns into AI. And that could mean that the Chat GPT type program is programmed straight in microchips.  That allows the computer to program other computers and robots. And that ability makes that kind of combination super hot.  The Chat GPT is a chatbot. That means it will not control the robots themselves. But that system can create program code that can control robots when they are operating. This ability makes robots flexible and adapts tools because the AI can modify their control codes anytime. That it can adapt to the environment.  The flexible neuro-network is like brains. The thing, that

The new stereo camera beats lidar.

  The new stereo camera beats lidar.  Lidar or laser radar might be the eye of the tiger. Researchers are operating systems that do not use active radars to avoid jamming and radio radiation that can uncover observers. The problem with lidar is that the system sends laser beams that can cause eye injuries if there is damage in the lens of that system. Also in some cases, the active laser rays can make the lidar system very visible. The lidar can also be used as a laser communicator making the system a multi-use tool.  But passive systems like low-light CCD technology using cameras that can point the cameras by connecting multiple pixels from both cameras can also be very accurate. Those camera systems can measure distances very effectively and accurately. Those CCD cameras can operate in almost total darkness. The AI-based software can interconnect those pixels from both cameras with extremely high accuracy.  "NoDar's software can convert a pair of stereo images from a camera

Chat GPT outperforms university students as text producers.

  Chat GPT outperforms university students as text producers.  The Chat GPT is a very good tool. It outperforms many things and the next-generation coders and other workers might only advise to Chat GPT or some of its successors and the AI makes the calculations and codes for the person who uses it. So maybe Chat GPT is the end of the era of coders or analysts.  When we think about students, they have to learn to work with the newest possible tools. The business and military environments require flexibility and effective tools. The purpose of studies is to give a person the capacity to operate in real-life business and technical environments. Nobody sits in school forever.  We know that some students are cheating. But those students cheat anyway. That means the Chat GPT is a system that requires an honest attitude. Students are cheated throughout history. The most common way to cheat in studies is to hire some other person to do their work. And that means the AI just gives that possibi

Manipulating systems requires complete information about the system.

 Manipulating systems requires complete information about the system. Finally, the genome on the Y chromosome is mapped. And that paves the way for new gene therapy. So if we want to give gene therapy, we must know exactly what each base pair in DNA makes. And that's why mapping the human genome is important. Also, if we want to manipulate an animal's behavior, we must have complete information on how axons work. The researchers created the first image of working axons. And that is the route to a complete understanding of neural systems. The ability to control the nervous system is important for things like neurochips. The neurochip is a tool that uses living neurons for higher operations, and those neurons interact with microchips. That should make computers even more powerful and flexible. Also, things like BCI (Brain-Computer Interfaces) require complete knowledge about axons and their functions. Researchers controlled the C. elegans worm's behavior. And produced mRNA mo

The ChatGPT passes the creativity test.

 The ChatGPT passes the creativity test. ChatGPT shows that AI can be productive. The ChatGPT passes the creativity test, which raises it to the level that 1% of people reach. The thing, that makes ChatGPT this kind of tool is that it can collect all kinds of data and then make combinations about that data. The R&D process is where people, and maybe very soon, AI, connect information from multiple sources. And maybe the next-generation cars and aircraft are mostly AI. The best thing about the AI is that it's neutral. And the second thing is that the AI is never tired. The ability to interconnect databases makes that kind of tool extremely powerful, at least when it is operating in a limited and large-scale data environment that is precisely defined. But what is AI? We can describe AI as a computer program that can create other programs or search for information by following the commands given by humans using spoken language. So we can order the AI to create a website by giving

The researchers detected new quantum super chemistry at the University of Chicago.

Quantum super chemistry means particles in the same quantum state start collective actions. This is one thing that we must understand when we want to make and control quantum systems. The problem with quantum systems is that the if we want to create quantum systems, and especially quantum computers we must localize that action.  The problem is that when motion starts to escalate across the quantum system. The single particle precise control turns very hard. Otherwise, quantum super chemistry allows research to connect entireties, like graphene nets and other materials. Things like graphene networks are possible to connect on the metal layer on nanotechnical pillars by using that quantum effect.  "The University of Chicago has unveiled groundbreaking evidence for “quantum superchemistry,” where particles in the same quantum state act collectively. The findings could lead to advancements in quantum computing and offer deeper insights into fundamental laws of the universe." (Sci

Room-temperature superconducting microprocessors. And Lazarus superconductivity.

Lazarus-superconductivity means the case where superconductivity vanishes and returns. That thing makes it possible to adjust the superconductivity or switch resistance on and off. And that makes a revolution for microchips. But first to room-temperature superconductors.  It's possible to make superconductivity at room temperature. That thing requires about 3 million atmosphere pressure. But the fact is that magnetic fields can press the layers with very high pressure. Theoretically, room-temperature superconducting microchips can use 2D material architecture. The 2D materials mean that there is only one atom layer in that structure. That microchip will be in the pressure chamber where the magnetic field presses water.  The fact is that 3 million atmospheres are very high pressure. And researchers must put those microchips in some bunkers because leaks are devastating. But then the high pressure along with the low temperature is the ultimate combination for those systems. It is als

Energy satellites are multi-use tools.

The first plans of energy satellites are from the 1970s. Energy satellites are single-satellite systems or they could be satellite swarms. The idea of satellite swarms is that they collect their energy transmitters at one point. And that allows to make of high-power wireless energy transmission using a large group of small satellites. If the system consists of multiple small satellites. That thing makes it more reliable than systems that use one larger satellite. If one member of the energy satellite group will damage, that thing has a smaller effect than if one large satellite would damage.  The Caltech prototype is the pathfinder for energy satellites. The energy satellites are the systems that harvest solar power and then send it to Earth wirelessly. Those energy beams can use laser, radio, or microwave frequencies. Theoretically, that needed system is simple. The satellites or satellite swarms send energy from the geostationary orbiter to the land-, or sea-based antenna. The antenn

The eye of the tiger: LiDAR.

The LiDAR or laser radars can be the next-generation system in AI and communication. LiDAR is a radar that works in optical areas. LiDAR can turn into a laser weapon simply by adjusting its power and the area of the laser beam. So the next-generation radar stations can use radar and LiDAR combination for detecting and intercepting hostile targets.  Laser communication and quantum computing offer ultra-secured data transmission ability, the LiDAR can send information as qubits.  If information travels in the laser ray, that travels inside the hollow laser ray stealing it is very hard or impossible. If somebody wants to steal information that affects the energy level of the outer laser ray. The long-range qubit-based communication can base on the CCD camera or compound eye. This kind of system requires extreme accuracy that they can operate.  The idea is that the laser illuminates a certain number of squares in the receiver. The number of those illuminated squares is part of the key, the

The weak point of Western weapons is the GPS.

The Russians can jam the GPS. That jamming happens by putting lightweight, mobile jamming stations near the front. And that makes some Western weapons unable to work. There is a medicine against that kind of jamming. The idea is that the anti-radiation or anti-radar missiles would adjust to seek targets that send jamming signals in the frequency of the GPS, that bombs and missiles are using. Then the HARM-type of missiles can be shot against those jamming stations. The ability to jam the GPS has shown that there is a needed two types of weapons.  1) Radar or radio-homing missiles and bombs. Those systems detect the radio signals and then their homing system will aim them against those radio sources.  Those missiles can be aircraft-shot or they could be land or sea-based systems. Or maybe in the future the radar or radiation source homing grenades can also use against jammer stations near the front. The radar- or radiation-homing missile can be modified HiMARS or ATAMCS missile, equippe

The problem with Moonbase is how to give supply for it.

The Moon would be a perfect place for nanotechnical and biological laboratories. We cannot use the minerals of the Moon very much, because that makes it too light. And if our Moon turns too light that causes problems for tidal waves. But the Moon would be the perfect place for antimatter and Helium 3 production. The cosmic radiation will just make antimatter that can use in spacecraft.  One thing that limits the lunar base programs is the budget. Launches to Lunar injection are expensive. And if the developers want to give service to those lunar bases they must use some other method than just some chemical rockets.  In some visions, some artists created an idea about the Lunar Highway. The idea was that they would make the bridge between Moon and Earth. What makes this kind of bridge impossible?  Earth's spin is not synchronizing with the Moon. And that makes the highway to the Moon impossible. The idea was that a nanotechnical string will pull from the Moon to Earth's upper at

AI is the next-generation tool for material research.

One of the reasons why researchers are interested in the origins of life is that life is formed in stages. Before the first prokaryotes formed on Earth. The Primordial Sea formed complicated nanostructures. And the thing. What makes those nanostructures interesting is those chemicals were in certain forms, repeating like in fractals.  Those chemical fractals can use in nanotechnology. And AI is a suitable tool for observing and controlling chemical reactions in environments where radiation levels, electricity, and other things. The difference between nanomaterials and regular materials is that in nanomaterials the angles of chemical bonds and the chemical mixtures that make the material are carefully planned and completed.  Researchers created nanomaterial that is 10 times lighter and four times harder than steel. They just created the DNA structure and coated it in glass. That glass-coated DNA can be tougher than even diamond. There is possible to coat this structure using a carbonite

Military concerns about Space X's private control satellite fleet.

The large number of privately controlled satellites is always some kind of threat. Even if they are not meant for killer satellites the wrong control orders or carelessly given commands can drive satellites impact course with another satellite. Another thing is that all satellites are killer satellites if they impact other satellites on purpose.  The thing that makes Elon Musk and his empire problematic is that is private. Elon and his staff must not ask anybody's permission to make something. When NASA or some other governmental actor wants to make some new stuff like killer satellites, they need to ask for money for those purposes. And then the financial committee gives or refuses to give money to those projects. The difference in this thing with Elon Musk is that Space X is a private corporation.  Another thing is that Space X controls things like the Starlink system. That system plays a key role in Ukraine. And the fact is that we know that if Musk wants, he could cut the entir