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Showing posts from May, 2023

How do prepare machines for real life? And how to prepare people for the next technical revolution?

 When we are creating the AI, we are facing one thing. AI is much more than some kind of killer robot. AI is the next big step in the world of learning neural networks. And this is the thing, that we must accept. The reason why people are developing technical equipment is that technology makes our lives easier.  And it makes our life safer if the systems are made as they should and they act as they should. The problem with the people who want to put the point or limit AI development is that in the next week, the same people are telling that they begin their own AI project that is a competitor for the remaining AI systems.  The ChatGPT is one of the most advanced AIs in the world. The thing that makes the ChatGPT almost the thing that is called the "universal AI" is that system can at least in theory connect itself with other software, like CAD programs. Then it can search for data from the Internet. And after that, it can use that data to create CAD images and plans for CAM (

The discovery can make it possible to detect zombie cells in human bodies.

"Senescent cells are cells that have stopped dividing and are no longer able to perform their normal functions. They accumulate with age and have been linked to a number of age-related diseases, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegeneration". ( Strategy Could Eliminate Aging Cells) The aging cells or so-called zombie cells are the main reason for tumors and other kinds of diseases. If the immune system can detect those zombie cells soon enough, it could deny those cells' transformation to cancer. Destroying single zombie cells is not a difficult task, but the problem is how to detect those over-aged cells. There is the possibility that the immune cells can detect the aging cell by using the same antigen that it can use to detect cytomegalovirus.  The killer immune cells called CD4 +T cells are using those antigens to detect aging cells from human skin. So there is the possibility that the reason for cancer is that the aging cells a

AI is always calm. It doesn't have working hours. And that makes it the ultimate tool.

When people ask questions from the AI it doesn't need to go anywhere. That system will never need to go home. It doesn't afraid that something happens to its family. And it will not need to drink or eat. The AI never goes to meetings. So that means the AI has endless patience. That makes AI an excellent doctor. If a patient asks for something unnecessary from the AI that system will not need to take another patient in its room. The AI might be connected with a diagnosis robot that has X-ray and ultrasound systems in its hands.  And if the AI requires the room, it can offer the link to the patient's mobile telephone or guide that person to another room where it can continue the discussion. It might say "I'm sorry but I need that equipment with another patient, but we can continue our discussion outside the room". Or the AI can send a robot to talk with patients. In that case, the robot would be the external body of the AI. The AI runs on supercomputers. And the

Miniaturizing quantum systems.

Miniaturized, atom-size quantum computers base the Rydberg-atoms. The system uses superpositioned and entangled electrons in its electron orbitals to transmit data. The problem with quantum entanglement is that the outside system must separate the radiation that the quantum entanglement sends. If the system cannot read the information, the system is useless. That's why quantum testers use exotic atoms because their radiation is easier to separate from their environment.  The very problematic thing is how to detect errors in the system. The Anyon-particle that remembers where it has been can be an answer. The idea is that Anyon-particle will be used to transmit information back and forth in the quantum system and its environment. Sending a qubit from one point to another is a very easy process. The system can shoot them with the ion cannon. But the problem is how to confirm that the qubit is not changed.  "Figure 1. Conceptual diagram showing muonic atoms and quantum electrodyn

The thing is that AI requires control. But when we want to control something, we must have the right arguments to justify those things.

   The thing is that AI requires control. But when we want to control something, we must have the right arguments to justify those things. Non-democratic governments use the same algorithms that are used to search web cheaters for searching people, who resist governments. And AI-based programming tools can create new operating systems for missiles.  And they can be used to create malware tools for hackers, who can work for some governments.  We living in a time where a single person can keep ultimate power in their hands. The Internet and media are turning tools that can conduct ultimate power. And there is the possibility that some hackers will capture the homepages of some news agencies. That means the person who makes those things must not be some governmental chief. An ordinary hacker can capture and change information on governmental homepages. The problem is that we are waking up to a situation in that in some countries the media has the purpose to support governments.  And anoth

Statistics are things that unite us.

Do you know, what unites planet hunters, stock marketers, and cancer doctors?  All of those people are working in areas where statistics are important things. By following statistics planet hunters can search exoplanets. The changes in the star's brightness. When the planet travels between them and Earth tells that there is an exoplanet. But noticing those changes requires long-term intensive data collecting. The planets that are orbiting very close to some red dwarf cause very short periods and easily seen changes in the star's brightness.  But if we want to search Earth-type planets that are orbiting yellow stars. We cannot use that method. The orbiting time of those planets is so long, that it requires years of intensive work. And those telescopes have limited observation time. The thing is that AI can measure the brightness of many stars at the same time. The AI can also search for differences in brightness from multiple stars. And that allows it to collect information exte

Large-size neural networks are better actors than small-size neural networks.

The large-size networks can handle information more effectively than small-size networks. The strength of network-based solutions is that malfunction in one data-handling system's part will not cause the end of the operations. In network-based solutions, the loss of one unit will be easier to replace, and damages are not as big as in one centralized solution.  Or actually, the neural network can be virtually centralized. In this kind of system, the user uses the neural network like a centralized system. The user will not see the difference if the centralized or neural-base systems driving that program.  The neural network can be large in two ways. A large number of neurons or actors can make it large. The number of sensors that neural network uses can determine how effectively the system gets information. If the system uses a large-size sensor network it requires lots of calculating or processing capacity.  The image portrays the deep-neural network. In that linear model, the syste

The excitons are quantum ghosts that can play a big role in next-generation computing.

Excitons might have a bigger role in natural information transfer than nobody expected. And they can be the key elements in the next-generation quantum systems.  The world is full of ghosts. Some ghosts are real. And one of those ghosts is a ghost particle called an exciton. The exciton is the quasi-particle where the electron orbit's its hole. That means the exciton is very close to the virtual atom. The exciton should have similar abilities to hydrogen, and the reason for that is that chemical reactions happen between electron orbitals.  A simple exciton is a situation where one electron orbits its hole, and adjusting that hole's depth is possible to lock other electrons around that hole. The excitons have a great role in the new types of quantum switches. The electron will lock in the wanted direction. And then the exciton aims the signal in the direction where the system needs to aim it. That makes that system suitable to use in ultra-small electronics. By adjusting the ene

The new brain activity scanner transforms thoughts in the text.

The new brain activity scanner makes it possible to operate computers with thoughts. If the thoughts-to-text application is connected to radios. That allows it to send text-messages just by thinking. The biggest problem in BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is how to drive EEG to the computer.  The "thoughts-to-text" application makes uses a similar model to "voice command applications". The spoken words will transform to text, and then the system sends that text to the computer's control interface. Researchers can combine this kind of EEG-controlled system with a voice-command application.  The system uses the layer that transforms thoughts into the text as a layer where the system drives thoughts to commands for computers. In the simplest model, the user can activate the BCI system by using the button. Then the system will transform thoughts into text, and then the AI will recognize if there are words that seem like commands. The user can use the small joystick to

The quantum ghosts: the new technology makes it possible to make atoms transparent to certain frequencies of light.

The quantum ghost is the material that lets photons travel through it. The atom-scale quantum ghost technology can turn aircraft or any other object invisible to the human eye. But the same technology used for making quantum stealth can use to make the quantum switches for the quantum- and nano-size microchips. Those "invisible" atoms can also use for extremely high-accuracy measurements. The system bases the idea that laser rays can form a tunnel through an atom by stressing certain electrons in its electron shells.  And you can see the principle of that phenomenon in image 1. The official name for those quantum ghosts is CIT or “Collectively induced transparency”. The CITs can make atoms transparent only a couple of wavelengths. But if lasers use those wavelengths, the CITs can close or open the road for those laser rays. Researchers used Ytterbium atoms for that thing and it can revolutionize the 2D network structures.  "Artist’s visualization of a laser striking atom

The new game-chancing technology makes information transportation between neurons and non-organic microchips easier.

What type of computer is the most powerful in the world? The answer is the human brain that controls the quantum computer by BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). In that kind of system, the brain interacts straight with the quantum systems. That kind of technology is tested in laboratories. And the reason for that is that the BCI can control multilevel computing systems effectively.  The miniaturized microchips called "intelligent dust" can also make it possible. That the AI can interact with every single neuron separately. That thing makes it possible to transfer new information to neurons, that control the OI (Organoid Intelligence). And the most powerful of the OI-based systems is the BCI, the system where the human brain interacts with microchips and microcomputers without borders.  The main problem with BCI is how the system separates commands from the "white noise". The problem with the BCI is that we cannot perfectly control our thoughts. So the system must filter