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The quantum ghosts: the new technology makes it possible to make atoms transparent to certain frequencies of light.

The quantum ghost is the material that lets photons travel through it. The atom-scale quantum ghost technology can turn aircraft or any other object invisible to the human eye. But the same technology used for making quantum stealth can use to make the quantum switches for the quantum- and nano-size microchips. Those "invisible" atoms can also use for extremely high-accuracy measurements. The system bases the idea that laser rays can form a tunnel through an atom by stressing certain electrons in its electron shells. 

And you can see the principle of that phenomenon in image 1. The official name for those quantum ghosts is CIT or “Collectively induced transparency”. The CITs can make atoms transparent only a couple of wavelengths. But if lasers use those wavelengths, the CITs can close or open the road for those laser rays. Researchers used Ytterbium atoms for that thing and it can revolutionize the 2D network structures. 

"Artist’s visualization of a laser striking atoms in an optical cavity. Scientists discovered a new phenomenon called “collectively induced transparency” (CIT) where groups of atoms cease to reflect light at certain frequencies". ( Ghosts: Atoms Become Transparent to Certain Frequencies of Light)

"The team found this effect by confining ytterbium atoms in an optical cavity and exposing them to laser light. At certain frequencies, a transparency window emerged in which light bypassed the cavity unimpeded. Credit: Ella Maru Studio" ( Ghosts: Atoms Become Transparent to Certain Frequencies of Light)

"Two network layers, characterized by intra-network connectivity interactions (electric conductivity), are interdependent via dependency interactions (thermal heating) denoted by the red beams. Credit: Figure created by Shahar Melion inspired by a figure by Maya Zakai" ( Theory to Reality: A Groundbreaking Manifestation of Interdependent Networks in a Physics Lab). The system requires a third layer that can emulate the human brain if it's used in the microchip. 

"MIT researchers have innovated a low-temperature growth technology to integrate 2D materials onto a silicon circuit, paving the way for denser and more powerful chips. The new method involves growing layers of 2D transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) materials directly on top of a silicon chip, a process that typically requires high temperatures that could damage the silicon". (ScitechDaily/MIT Engineers Revolutionize Semiconductor Chip Technology With Atom-Thin Transistors)

"Researchers from MIT and elsewhere have built a wake-up receiver that communicates using terahertz waves, which enabled them to produce a chip more than 10 times smaller than similar devices. Their receiver, which also includes authentication to protect it from a certain type of attack, could help preserve the battery life of tiny sensors or robots. Credit: Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT with figure courtesy of the researchers"(’s Tiny Terahertz Receiver Preserves IoT Battery Life)

The terahertz-based systems can use in next-generation communication tools. Those systems can install with nano-size amplifiers. And they can offer next-generation tools for transporting data between computers and things like intelligent contact lenses. Nanotechnology makes it possible. HUD-contact lenses also have small-size cameras that allow making next-generation action cameras, and in wilder visions, those things have microphones. Those systems can offer the possibility that their user can share everything that they see and hear on the internet. But for working perfectly, those systems require small microchips and effective but small-size power supplies. 

If a person wears contact lenses that have a camera and HUD screen. That system can revolutionize interfaces in augmented reality systems. The user must just point the camera that has crosshair in the contact lens to a certain point and blink an eye. And that thing can take the image of that point. This system can use with other AU headsets. And every action that the headset can order can contain the QR code. But the system can scan the QR codes from the products at shops. Or the user can take an image of any person or other object and then drive that image to the network. There that network can compare that image with other images. 

Quantum ghosts or CITs:s are suitable tools for controlling the new type of atom-thin networks. Some of those microchips are using half-optical data transmission. And those CIT-atoms can control the laser rays that travel in the systems. In those systems, the laser rays will shoot to the miniature light cells that transform photon rays into electric impulses. 

Things like terahertz-frequency circuits. That using laser-LEDs can be used as energy sources for extremely small microchips. The problem with those nanotechnical microchips is that the electricity very easily jumps over the switch. So the system must send energy impulses to those miniature microchips with very high accuracy. 

Terahertz receivers measure the IoT battery life, but those things also can use as radio transmitter-receiver. These kinds of systems can revolutionize communication. Terahertz radiation also can use to transport information to the miniature systems. That is sensitive to overvoltage. And that radiation also can transmit electricity to extremely small intelligent systems. 

The atom-thin transistors, resistors, and other electrical components will revolutionize computing. Those systems can use to make extremely small-size and powerful microchips. The miniaturized microchips allow. Even the bacteria-size nanomachines can operate independently and use similar control algorithms used in regular drone swarms. And those independently operating AI-controlled drones can use as surgical tools. But also the military might be interested in that kind of technology. 

The miniaturized technology can also run hardware- or "iron"-based AI. If the microchips have three layers. That is sending information through the system this system can emulate the human brain. 

Researchers can put nanotechnical processors in the piles like hamburgers. And in that system, most of those miniature microchips is acting as the cortex. Then the center processor acts as the midbrain. And the lowest processor is acting as the lowest area in the brain. The upper layer sends information through that system, and then the system sends an echo through the middle level. The system emulates the human brain and makes the processor very effective in comparison with its size.


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