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Showing posts from March, 2023

Data security is an important and complicated entirety.

The challenges in the modern AI-based world are enormous. But the thing is that we must solve those problems. We must know the threats that we can fight against them. Without knowing how the enemy acts we cannot make effective counter-actions against it.  We can put our heads into the bush and make laws that limit some research. But the problem is that some other people are making those things. We can say that things like ChatGPT-type artificial intelligence require so expensive hardware that hackers cannot get them. The thing is that governmental hackers have enormous resources. So those governmental hackers need things like foreign identities.  And if some black hat hacker-gang will open those Email addresses the governmental hackers can give access to the servers that can run those AI software. And maybe servers are already the first ChatGPT-based malware generators somewhere in Russia. Also, people like drug barons in Bazilia and Colombia can give financial assistance for those kin

The new way to manipulate quantum light is a breakthrough in science and technology.

If researchers can make energy injections precisely to the atom's nucleus. That thing can make it possible to create a situation where electrons remain in stable positions symmetrically around the atom's nucleus. And the new method to manipulate quantum light can make that thing possible. In that model energy impulses that travel away from the atom's nucleus just lock those electrons in stable positions.  The new way to manipulate quantum light can be a breakthrough in quantum systems from communication to extremely high-precision nanotechnology. The system uses artificial atoms as the lens for connecting photons. That very highly advanced light manipulation technology can use in very small communication tools.  The new system makes photons bound together. And that thing makes it possible to create absolute sterile particles. The interaction with artificial atoms makes that thing possible. There is the possibility that this kind of system can aim photons at the atom's n

The rise of AI makes fast engineering possible.

The new types of AI that can render images by using written or hand-drawn descriptions are tools that can be more remarkable than we ever imagine. If we think the AI as an architect that thing requires a description of what it must make. The system can take those descriptions from the construction agency. And for that, it requires only the GPS coordinates.  Then the AI takes constructional orders and then connects itself to CAD software. After that, it can simply show drawings to the customer. And it is possible. That calls a group of robots to that construction site. Those robots can be the swarm of quadcopters that make the building for the customer.  Or the system can use human-looking robots for that work. When the AI makes images it requires instructions. The simplest way is to combine the text-based description and then the customer can show some hand-made draft to the AI. Then the AI fits those things with the construction orders that it can take from the construction agency. Th

Enormous-scale time dilation can make galactic-scale civilization possible.

How to make slow spacecraft same time fast? The answer is that time dilation gives the spacecraft the ability to travel even between stars. And the crew will not get older. The time dilation can be made by using the plasma whirl that surrounds the craft.  That thing can stop the time in the spacecraft. But how to make conditions where craft can travel between stars and then return to their senders? The idea is that the station where the spacecraft is leaving would also cover with an ion whirl or Tipler cylinder that is making time dilation. If the ion whirl, which travels at the speed of light surrounds the object it causes time dilation.  And theoretically, galactic civilization covers its space stations and planets by using plasma whirls. That is traveling with the speed of light. That means Dyson's spheres or virtual plasma structures are covering all planets and spacecraft that our hypothetical civilization uses. That kind of solution requires lots of energy. But that is a real

The future of computing includes more biological components.

 The future of computing includes more biological components.  The next-generation computing is the OI (Organoid Intelligence) which normally means laboratory-grown human or some other species neurons. The OI doesn't mean only living neurons. The bacteria can also operate as part of the OI. Bacteria is one version of the analog computer.  Their extremely complicated DNA structure controls the operations of bacteria. And that means the bacteria can use to store and transport information to the neurons. The idea is that genetically engineered bacteria can use electric impulses or neurotransmitters to transmit data to the neurons. In those kinds of systems, the information is stored in the DNA.  The artificial DNA forms bacteria, which can communicate with neurons. That communication can happen straight by using neurotransmitters or electric communication between those neurons and bacteria. The artificial DNA  makes bacteria act as living USB memory. The system can secure that informa

AI that bases the atom-size quantum computer-living neuron hybrid can be more intelligent than humans.

AI that bases the atom-size quantum computer-living neuron hybrid can be more intelligent than humans.  Above: The new type of miniature computers can look like this: Water molecules inside the fullerene can act as miniaturized quantum computers. Hydrogen atoms are two data-handling lines. And the oxygen atom in the middle of that system is the system that communicates with the fullerene gate. The system sends information to the oxygen atom.  Then it travels through the hydrogen atoms, back to fullerene that resends it to the system. If those answers are identical there is a big possibility that nothing is wrong. The system can use quantum entanglement between electrons on oxygen's orbitals to transfer information to the proton. There the quantum entanglement between quarks is acting like a quantum computer. Then that information travels to the fullerene shell and back to the system.  When we think about the shape of the AI/OI (Artificial Intelligence/Organoid Intelligence hybridiz

New enzymes and superconductors are making new and more effective robots possible.

 New enzymes and superconductors are making new and more effective robots possible.  New enzymes that can generate electricity from the air, with room-temperature superconducting technology make a new type of nano-and miniature technology possible. The main problem with miniaturized technology is the power source. The new enzyme that can create electricity from the air can be an answer to that problem. The new enzyme can also operate with bottled air.  And that makes it possible to use it in the new batteries in underwater conditions. The new enzyme called Huc can be connected straight with microprocessors. And it allows to delivery of electricity for very small electronic components. That enzyme can act as the power source in the most miniaturized systems that we ever can imagine.  If that enzyme can connect with the superconducting material. That allows it to create more flexible systems. And more powerful than anything created before. The basis of new types of superconductors that i

The OI (Organoid Intelligence)makes it possible to create a robot with the same IQ as humans.

The OI (Organoid Intelligence)makes it possible to create a robot with the same IQ as humans.  When we think about organoid intelligence, we can first think about the small microrobots that use cloned neurons as their computers. The fact is that this kind of robot can act as a drone swarm. Those robots can be biological systems where microchips mount to living insects. Or they can be robots with metal or carbon fiber bodies. The thing is that those microchips can connect those insects or their brain to their entirety. And those microchip-implanted insect swarms can theoretically have the same IQ as humans.  The most extreme version of the OI or organoid intelligence is the biocomputer that uses human neurons. And that thing makes it possible to create organic robots and computers. Those organic systems are at the same intelligence level as humans. The real extreme hybridization of the machine and artificial brain makes it possible. The artificial brain can communicate with the robot bo

The reality and metaverse

"Once I saw a dream, that I saw dream"... That quote from some of my friends from childhood came to my mind. And that caused a question: how many layers can metaverse have? Can we someday be trapped in the metaverse so hard, that we cannot find the out from that virtual world in the computer's memories? Or could the metaverse turn so realistic that we cannot separate it from reality?  In that model, the metaverse is the ultimate alternative reality. And things like brain-implanted microchips can make it possible for a person can slip into the metaverse or matrix by using the mobile network.  Even today is possible to connect the brain implanted microchips to mobile telephones. And those kinds of systems make it possible. That people can slip into virtual reality whenever they want. These kinds of systems can control the next-generation machines.  Those brain implants must just communicate with the right areas in the cortex. And that makes it possible to create the ultimat

Molecular quantum tunneling is a breakthrough in quantum chemistry.

"Quantum mechanics allows particles due to their quantum mechanical wave properties to break through the energetic barrier (wall) and a reaction occurs. Credit: Universität Innsbruck/Harald Ritsch" (Quantum Chemistry Breakthrough: Molecules Caught Tunneling for the First Time) Quantum tunneling is one of the most interesting phenomena in the world. The idea is that particles can travel through the wall without harming it. In atomic and elementary particles quantum tunneling mean that those particles push the particles of the wall away from them. In that process, ions can travel through the wall without affecting it.  The ion just pushes atoms away from its route. An ion can travel through a thick wall. And when wave movement hits the wall, it transfers its energy to the power fields of atoms. And then that wave movement travels to the next atoms. Until they travel outside the wall from the other side.  But quantum tunneling in molecular structures is a new thing. When we look