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New enzymes and superconductors are making new and more effective robots possible.

 New enzymes and superconductors are making new and more effective robots possible. 

New enzymes that can generate electricity from the air, with room-temperature superconducting technology make a new type of nano-and miniature technology possible. The main problem with miniaturized technology is the power source. The new enzyme that can create electricity from the air can be an answer to that problem. The new enzyme can also operate with bottled air. 

And that makes it possible to use it in the new batteries in underwater conditions. The new enzyme called Huc can be connected straight with microprocessors. And it allows to delivery of electricity for very small electronic components. That enzyme can act as the power source in the most miniaturized systems that we ever can imagine. 

If that enzyme can connect with the superconducting material. That allows it to create more flexible systems. And more powerful than anything created before. The basis of new types of superconductors that idea is a that system stabilizes resonance from material by using pressure is very fascinating. The nano-size tubes allow the creation of a pressure system that can operate even in the smallest-size robots. We can think of the man-shaped robot. That has nano-technical veins where strong pressure keeps the electric wires superconducting. 

The new technology allows the creation of fundamental tools. The enzymes that create electricity straight from the air and superconducting electronic hardware make it possible to create robots that can produce electricity on their skin. That kind of robot's computing system can base on the internal neural network. 

In that version of the robot's body is multiple microchips. That is operating as an entirety. That makes the system less vulnerable than otherwise. If there is a malfunction in one data-handling unit, that doesn't fall the entire system. 

Tomorrow's robots can have two or three-layer computing systems. 

1) Level of living neurons 

2) Quantum computer

3) Binary computers that move legs and arms. 

Even if a robot uses living neurons or OI (Organoid Intelligence) it requires lots of microchips that can communicate with living neural tissue and those microchips can act as a broker between biological and non-organic systems. But the problem with OI or organoid intelligence is that those neurons are vulnerable to poisons. But maybe it's possible to create a robot that uses living neurons to control it by using existing technology, where EEG detectors transmit the neural electric signals to the robot's mechanic body. But also non-organic systems have their abilities. 

Maybe in the future, non-organic robots have two levels of computing systems. The regular, binary system operates the robot when it is in known situations. When a robot faces bigger problems like some new things, the system can turn to use a quantum computer. 

When the quantum system finds an answer it stores it in the robot's mass memories. There the binary system can it in similar situations. That kind of two-layer quantum technology makes robots more flexible and independent. But that makes them also energy economical. That means the system uses a quantum state only when it needs it.


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