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Data security is an important and complicated entirety.

The challenges in the modern AI-based world are enormous. But the thing is that we must solve those problems. We must know the threats that we can fight against them. Without knowing how the enemy acts we cannot make effective counter-actions against it. 

We can put our heads into the bush and make laws that limit some research. But the problem is that some other people are making those things. We can say that things like ChatGPT-type artificial intelligence require so expensive hardware that hackers cannot get them. The thing is that governmental hackers have enormous resources. So those governmental hackers need things like foreign identities. 

And if some black hat hacker-gang will open those Email addresses the governmental hackers can give access to the servers that can run those AI software. And maybe servers are already the first ChatGPT-based malware generators somewhere in Russia. Also, people like drug barons in Bazilia and Colombia can give financial assistance for those kinds of investments if black hat hackers get data about authorities. 

The intelligent energy environment requires AI. And that thing makes it vulnerable to hackers. 

AI is a challenge for the entire human race. But as I have many times written before AI is the tool that can save energy and someday even save the planet. AI can make our use of natural resources more effective, and the same time decreases the loss of material. AI-driven electric networks can drive electricity to the places where it's needed. And if somewhere is no need for electricity. The system can cut the electric transfer in those points. 

One of the problems is that we use old-fashion electric systems that do not react to things like whether people are really inside the house or they cannot decrease the room temperature to, let's say, 10 degrees while the person is at work. If the system asks for a weekly program or even when a person is at home that decreases energy bills. 

Things like IR-based burglary alarms the low-temperature contrast will be better in low temperatures. The alarm systems require an electric supply that is separated from lights and other systems. Otherwise, intruders can turn it off by removing the fuse. 

The thing is that if things like art like paintings would be behind the safe wall, where is a smaller space, where is a high temperature, and the temperature in museum halls will be lower, that brings also security for paintings. The most famous painting in the world, Mona Lisa is a safe locker. So why cannot be safe walls between other paintings and the audience? That decreases energy bills and denies the risk that somebody attacks those paintings. 

And why would somebody make those things? One of the reasons why vandalism can be made is that hackers can get access to some houses. If they can slip things like remote-controlled computers into those spaces, they can make their operations safer. If they use remote computers, those people are hard to track. 

Another remarkable thing is that the hacker can also operate remotely. The remotely operating mean, that hacker can use some chat program and give instructions to some person who sits at the front of the screen. Then that robot hacker will follow the orders that another person gives. 

When we think about alarm systems and data security all rooms where computers are at risk. If the hackers get access to those places like classrooms where are lots of computers, they can use those internet connections for attacks. And if they can open those computers and change the boot orders they can boot the computer and open it with the Linux-USB stick. 

They can build an AI-based virtual quantum system that can use for attacks. In that system, each computer tries to get access to the target system by using different series of passwords. Or even if the hackers do have not those kinds of super tools, they can use those computers for attacks. The problem with hackers is that they don't use their own computers and data connections they are hard to track. 

If the hackers are using their computers. Those computers will infect because the target system can input tracking cookies to the hacker's computers. And another thing is that hacker who uses their own data connections are also easy to track. So those people need some remote base where they can make their operations. 


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