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Showing posts from October, 2021

Are we alone in the universe?

The scientific studies about intelligent alien civilizations are a little bit unknown for the great audience. From the OZMA message from the 1960s, the study has become more scientific and the tools are better. The problem with the research of the ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is sometimes attitudes. Jokes about "Little Green Men" are the thing that is sometimes making the life of people who are working in SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) difficult. Also, there is the possibility that somebody doesn't tell everything.  Also explanations for those signals like they are comets or questions "do you believe in "little green men" or "have you eaten some mushroom before you came here?" are things that are making the life of those researchers difficult.  When we are telling jokes about the "little green men". We forget that there are many green reptilians on earth. Green mamba as an example is green.  The fact is that there

The small addition to the qutrit teleportation text

This is a small addition to the qutrit teleportation text. The idea of this test agreement is that the annealing of the first chamber is transported to another chamber. And the easiest way to make that thing is just making the quantum annealing of the quantum fog in chamber 1. Resonate the particles of quantum fog in chamber 2.  Researchers can create that quantum superposition by using two similar particle groups. When the first particle group will get the energy that thing will resonate with the particles in the second chamber. The term superposition or quantum teleportation means. The oscillation of those particles is transferred to other particles. In the cases of electromagnetic fields, superposition means that two electromagnetic fields are oscillating with the same frequency. When two electromagnetic fields are facing and their wavelength is the same but the other is stronger. The stronger electromagnetic field would synchronize the lower energetic field with it. And they are st

Quantum physicists are teleported "qutrits" for the first time.

Image I Qutrits are giving superpowers for a quantum system. Qutrits are giving superpowers for a quantum system. In the most conventional case, the data is transported in the form of qutrit. But if the computer or quantum computer starts to use a ternary system that makes them even faster than they are. The ternary system allows making the virtual layers inside every state of the qubit. Qutrit or quantum trit is the cubit equivalent of a triangular number system, the ternary system. A trit is the bit equivalent in a ternary system. And that means if the quantum computer uses qutrits their power will increase.  X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X The qutrit(1) can give extreme power to quantum computers.  The qutrit means that the quantum computer uses the ternary numeric system in each layer(2). That will give the quantum computer extreme power in data handling.  Normal quantum computers use qubits where the data is packed in many layers. The idea is that t

Why computing is a unique thing in business and the environment?

The "open source" is the new thing in the R&D process. The term "open source" means the use the open data where everybody has access to the development process. The data is collected from the Internet. In the next step, the developer will modify it to the product. The developer can be a single person, or it can be a group of people.  We might say that the Internet is the great gold mine of information. It offers big data that is not sorted but freely accessible. The developer must only need the right search words for sorting the data that the developer person wants and need to get the needed data for the project.  There is a lot of data on machinery, sciences, and especially programming. So the internet allows getting all data that people need for their programming.  Software development benefits the "open source" of all free access information.  The thing is that programming doesn't need anything more than skills. That means everybody can learn pr

China's new quantum computer has a million times the power of Google's.

  China's new quantum computer is the most powerful calculation unit in the world some researchers say. And that thing makes quantum computers very interesting. The Chinese quantum system is programmable and that makes it flexible. The thing in quantum computers is that they are turning more common. And they are the most powerful tools for driving artificial intelligence.  The new quantum systems mean that the data security of the internet is dangered. And there is the possibility that the main part of the protection based on RSA cryptography will break soon. Or are already broken. The AI is a powerful tool. And even the researchers of that thing are not know all its capacities.  The AI can observe areas if it is connected with a sensing neural network. That means the AI can search for things like common clothes. It can find out the favorite color of skirts of certain ethnic groups. But it can also search is there some common clothes like a certain type of slips. That people wear i

The galactic civilizations

Futuristic alien city The galactic civilizations or Kardashev scale 3 civilizations are the speculations of the models of advancing intelligent lifeforms. And I certainly hope that humans would someday in the future after thousands of years reach this scale. But the fact is that before species would turn to galactic or even interstellar scale civilization it must first conquer its solar system.  That is the first step for conquer the entire universe. But for taking the first step in the Kardashev scale the species must have the motive to make that kind of step. Making the bases to other planets is not cheap. And that's why there must be some kind of motive for that kind of investment.  One of the reasons why the civilization would want to establish bases and then cities to other planets could be the lack of raw materials and then overpopulation. The thing is that making the cities for ordinary people who have no training for space operations is a little bit different thing than mak

The AI and computer games

Computer games are offering a good platform for simulating many types of situations where  AI can involve. The game platform might contain man-controlled characters. And AI-controlled characters.  In those cases, the system and programmers are testing the interaction between physical players and artificial intelligence. The conditions in the game area are not always similar to nature. The communication between physical players and AI is always problematic. And the reason for that is that AI cannot flex. In the hierarchical system, those kinds of things are causing problems. The reason for that is if the AI must take commands from all human players. That thing makes those characters vulnerable.  The games which have limited 2D gaming areas like chess are the cases where the AI is always winning humans. The reason for that is that AI ever loses focus. The rules in chess are strict. And they are easy to program for AI. Chess is a solo game where two players are playing against each other.

What are the real capabilities of Dyson Sphere?

When we are thinking about a megastructure. Called Dyson Sphere, we might ask is it sometimes possible. The fact is that if that megastructure will be made in real life. That requires an enormous mass of material. There is needed more than one planet's material for making that hypothetical megastructure. '''' The idea is that the megastructure rotates and that thing helps to make artificial gravitation.  The energy supply for Dyson Sphere can solve by using the natural or artificial star in the middle of it. There could be possible that in the cores of the structures is installed nanotechnical dynamos. Between opposite moving floors of the Dyson Sphere. And those generators can be used to make an electric supply for that Dyson Sphere.  If we are thinking about the Death Star from Star Wars movies as the form of Dyson Sphere we can think that it can use the black hole as the energy source. That means the Death Star is giving an extremely powerful energy load to the t

The problem with AI is that it cannot flex

Artificial intelligence is smart. But the cooperation of AI and others is not so good as it should be. The problem with artificial intelligence is that it doesn´t flex with regulations. One way to demonstrate this thing is to think of the driver who is always following the law.  If there is a "stop" sign at the crossroads that thing shows that another car has the right of way. But the problem is in cases where the AI-controlled vehicle has the right to first. What if another vehicle is near the crossing point and doesn't slow or stop? If the AI cannot flex. That means it would cause an impact.  The problem with the programming of the AI is what kind of actions involve its programming. The traffic regulations are the thing that requires that everybody follow them. But what if somebody doesn't care about rules. And doesn't care about the "stop" sign?  When artificial intelligence operates it doesn't use imagination. So it predicts that also all other p

The fifth fundamental interaction is at the door.

  The LHC tests have supported the Brookhaven and Fermilab Muon g-2 experiments. And there is the possibility that the fifth natural force or fundamental interaction has existed. The form of the fifth force needs description before that result can use for something.  If the observation cannot do for something that thing means nothing. In the case of the fifth force before interaction has been described. That thing is the same as nothing. Making formulas in the world of quantum mechanics requires very high accuracy.  Or description is needed when the scientists are making their models for the interactions. The most interesting thing in the suspected fifth force is what is the transportation particles of it.  So the knowledge of the existence of some force is not enough. For using that knowledge there is needed the knowledge of the form of that thing. Also, the strength of the force compared to other forces must describe before it can use for formulas that are describing quantum level in

Nukes in space

 Nukes in space  Nukes in space  The fact is that the weapon systems might already be positioned to the orbiter. The FOBS (Fractional Orbital Bombardment Systems) is the biggest threat, what people can imagine. The problem is that FOBS weapons are not necessarily big. The 250 mm. nuclear grenade can also be used as the FOBS weapon.  The grenade can install in the satellite or small-size shuttle.  The shuttle allows that the nuclear warhead can return to home. Some of the FOBS weapons are presumed to be single-use lasers. These powerful lasers use nuclear bombs to pump energy into laser elements. If the laser element is installed in a neutron bomb. That thing is not very big.  Polyus spacecraft. The Soviet Polyus project was one of the first attempts to make a spacecraft that can transport nuclear weapons to the orbiter. And if those weapons are not needed. That craft can collect those weapons back and return to base. There is the possibility that the Polyus was some kind of laser weapo

COVID 19 and the visions of tomorrow

COVID Delta plus variants are the things that are causing suspicion that the "delta plus" variants do not even have the same origin as the original COVID-19. There are thousands of other viruses which are looking like same as the original COVID-19. But the surface antigens of those viruses might be different. The problem with coronavirus is that it has two layers. And the changes in the genomes of those viruses. Can cause the changes of antigens only in the inner layer. That makes detection of the changes of the genomes of the virus very difficult. The thing is that HIV is the coronavirus that is causing the horrible visions that the coronavirus can make combination there inside the regular virus is the HIV. And that thing causes a threat for the entire civilization.  When traveling become more common that causes the new type of epidemics. The aircraft is a guarantee that viruses and epidemics are spreading faster than ever before. Quarantine orders are from the era of great

Internet is the biggest opportunity. But also the biggest threat to democracy.

The internet allows to deliver information but also manipulate it in a new way. Internet is allowing that people can communicate straight with politicians. And let them know bout the difficulties and needs of society. But the same thing allows hostile actors to take contact straight with political leaders and offer them something.  Or the hostile actor can introduce the research. That kind of faked research can tell that most people want something that is against the national interest. That thing can make simply introducing the faked polls. There is the possibility that there is no poll at all. And those kinds of things are affecting the politicians. The media companies can be good platforms for cyber attacks.  The thing that makes international web and social media and media operators a threat to democracy and national security is that they can act as a platform for the operations of the GRU and other intelligence services. Social media channels can use for collecting information.  Th

Politicians say that we made 20 times more for the environment than ever before. But is it enough?

But is it enough? When we remember the history of climate chancing. We have to know that thing. And nothing is done. Now we are facing the fact that the rains are making the cities flooding. And the question is that why we should pay for energy more than ever before? The answer is that we should make investments in green technology. Or we must make investments in new flood dams. So we must take money for both investment targets. Or we might move away from the coastline and build a new city. The fact is that even if we will not do anything for renewing our energy source we should build protection against storms.  And otherwise, even if we can stop the carbon dioxide emission immediately the greenhouse effect continues. Removing carbon from the atmosphere takes time. A warming atmosphere increases the clouds. That means that the visible radiation of the Sun will decrease at sea level.  But the infrared radiation will cause the rise of the temperature in the atmosphere. And that means the

How do the robot and AI predict the unexpected?

People have many skills that they don't need. Many people have driven things like heavy vehicle driver's license even they never drive those things. Sometimes people have hobbies like martial arts. And they ever need those skills.  In the same way, the programmers must think about what kind of skills the robot must have. Every skill that a robot has must determine in its programming. If the robot has many skills that make its programming complicated.  And preparing for the unexpected causes a vision of the "shadow protocol". The thing is that the AI-controlled robot itself is a multipurpose tool. The same body can use for cleaning but also the military robot. The thing that determines the skills of the robot is the programming. So the term "shadow protocol" means that when the robot sees a trigger like the wanted person, that thing activates the attack programming in its computer.  The robots can make an independently operating network. Or they can communica

Quantum virtual antigravitation could be possible.

Image I 1) The new airships can fly almost in space.  The aerodynamic- helium-filled airship can fly near space. And the speed of those systems can be as high as an aircraft. The idea for that airship is taken from the image above that is painted by David A. Hardy.  The aerodynamic airship (lighter than an air vehicle) can cross even the speed of sound. New materials like extremely strong and lightweight carbon fibers can make it possible. That rocket-powered airship can rise to an extremely high altitude.  If the airship uses helium or hydrogen for hovering that thing can rise even to the edge of space. And the small rocket engines can move it to any position on the ground.  2) The ion systems might make it possible that the craft can hover above ground silently. Image II In Star Wars movies the famous Imperial Star cruiser of the Star Wars movies is hovering above the ground. The easiest way to make that kind of thing is just to make the aerodynamic airship. The aerodynamic airship c

There are two types of AI. Machine-based and program-based AI.

There are two ways to make AI. Another way to make artificial intelligence is programming. And another is machine-based AI. Machine-based AI is made by using artificial neurons. The artificial neuron can be the microchip that has its mass memory. That mass memory has its database or table. In that table is stored the thing that the system must know. And the thing that the system must do when it faces the thing. Artificial intelligence is the group of databases. Machine-based artificial intelligence is similar to program-based artificial intelligence. But in machine-based artificial intelligence, every table has its individual computer. When the computer finds a suitable solution it stores it in the database. And the learning happens by making new databases but also interconnecting databases. The reason why we cannot make artificial brains is that there is needed 200 billion microchips.  One of the most futuristic versions of machine-based artificial intelligence is the atomic or ion cl

Are the complex numbers real?

  "An illustration of the complex number z = x + iy on the complex plane. The real part is x, and its imaginary part is y". ( Are the complex numbers real? One of the least known irrational numbers is imaginary or complex numbers. Some mathematicians are said that complex numbers are only the form of imagination. The reason for that is the complex numbers are hard to position on the number straight.  The imaginary unit means that the number has at least two positions in the number straight. So we can think that complex numbers are the numerical and virtual introduction of the superposition.  Imaginary numbers or complex numbers are the numbers where is the imaginary unit. When the normal number is z, the form of the complex number is z=x+yi. And the Yi is the imaginary unit. The number of imaginary units is unlimited.  And that means that the complex numbers have two or more places in the number straight. That means the imaginary o

How to detect weak signals of the changes in the environment? That's the primary element for making predictions about trends and megatrends in the future.

The problem with weak signals is that they are not causing headings and scandals. The weak signals are the things like the development of the Internet. And that kind of thing is making the revolution in the business environment.  Today almost everybody can have access to data that has been very difficult to get in the past. And the spies and researchers can store the data in databanks for future analysis by using a quantum computer. So we must prepare for the ultimate challenges, threats, and opportunities in society.  Today in the digital world there is no so small actor it cannot affect the big things. Everything that we publish and share on the net has meaning. The internet has turned from data storage to a multipurpose platform that can use to control the manufacturing process of physical items. And nobody knows where the R&D (Research and Development) process is taking the net.  The thing is that the Internet can use to control robots. And even small robots like quadcopters ca