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Are we alone in the universe?

The scientific studies about intelligent alien civilizations are a little bit unknown for the great audience. From the OZMA message from the 1960s, the study has become more scientific and the tools are better. The problem with the research of the ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is sometimes attitudes. Jokes about "Little Green Men" are the thing that is sometimes making the life of people who are working in SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) difficult. Also, there is the possibility that somebody doesn't tell everything. 

Also explanations for those signals like they are comets or questions "do you believe in "little green men" or "have you eaten some mushroom before you came here?" are things that are making the life of those researchers difficult. 

When we are telling jokes about the "little green men". We forget that there are many green reptilians on earth. Green mamba as an example is green.  The fact is that there is the possibility to make hybrid cells like skin cells that involve chlorophyll molecules. 

The genetic engineers must just connect the DNA sequence that makes the vegetable cells to make the chlorophyll molecules. So genome technology makes it possible to make hybrid organisms that skin can use photosynthesis. The photosynthetic skin would be green because chlorophyll molecules are green. 

When we are talking about "alien signals" that term means "signal which source is unknown". Or it means the "signal which has unknown component". like unusual frequency or some other unknown forms. The term UFO means the "Unidentified Flying Object". That thing involves many things like aircraft with a strange shape. 

Image II: Green mamba

There is no confirmed contact with alien civilizations. There is a couple of strange radio signals what are promising. But the problem with those signals is that they are unique. And some of them are recorded by using old fashion systems. 

And then we must describe what alien means? There is the possibility that the alien has an extraterrestrial origin. But it might have a terrestrial origin. The genetic experiments and powerful computers which are running complicated artificial intelligence might create a creature. That is filling the definition of "alien". Term alien technology means the technical advance that is unknown and surprising. 

When we are making things like genetic engineering we can create intelligent creatures that are far away from us.  We can cross the species by connecting the DNA. The creators of Artificial Intelligence can also create a creature that can be "alien".  If a robot starts to fight does it know what it does? Fights are only a series of movements and actions for robots. 

The AI can be a threat

There are many fictional stories about the criminal AI that makes crimes and dangers the life of people. The AI doesn't itself make crimes like burglaries. The AI makes the things that its programmers and controllers want.

If we want to say that alien is the creature that can make controlled actions that have a purpose we can say that the things like Artificial Intelligence are aliens. But if artificial intelligence does something does it know what it is doing? If we are thinking about the case that the abandoned alien spacecraft arrives in our solar system that kind of thing can be very dangerous. 

In most of the visions, the extraterrestrials are sending the unmanned probe to research our solar system. There are also visions that the programmers of the crafts that are using the AI for controlling just forget to program the approaching and slowing method of the interstellar probe. And that probe with a mass of about 100000 tonnes. Will smash to our planet at a speed of about 30% of the speed of light. 

In some visions, those kinds of crafts are equipped with AI-controlled robots. Which have the mission to protect their crew. The purpose of those robots might make the base suitable planets. And they might be programmed to defend their area. Or in some other visions, the hypothetical aliens would make mistakes. 

So the crew abandoned their craft because for some reason like a malfunction in hyperdrive. And then they forgot to activate the self-destruction or maybe they just programmed craft to fly to the base. 

The journey would take a couple of thousands of years. And then the craft arrives in our solar system between the threaded branches of the Milky Way. The crew might just forget to turn off the defense and in that case, the robots might believe that they are protecting the living crew. So that thing can cause dangerous situations.

Image II:


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