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Quantum virtual antigravitation could be possible.

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1) The new airships can fly almost in space. 

The aerodynamic- helium-filled airship can fly near space. And the speed of those systems can be as high as an aircraft. The idea for that airship is taken from the image above that is painted by David A. Hardy. 

The aerodynamic airship (lighter than an air vehicle) can cross even the speed of sound. New materials like extremely strong and lightweight carbon fibers can make it possible. That rocket-powered airship can rise to an extremely high altitude. 

If the airship uses helium or hydrogen for hovering that thing can rise even to the edge of space. And the small rocket engines can move it to any position on the ground. 

2) The ion systems might make it possible that the craft can hover above ground silently.

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In Star Wars movies the famous Imperial Star cruiser of the Star Wars movies is hovering above the ground. The easiest way to make that kind of thing is just to make the aerodynamic airship. The aerodynamic airship can use rocket or jet engines. And they could be as fast as aircraft. 

The thing is that this kind of system requires quite ordinary technology. The ion engine system can use the hatch in the middle of the craft. And pump ions between the ground and the craft. The craft will hover over the ion cushion, and that thing might seem real antigravity. 

The idea is that the high energetic ions will push the craft which body is magnetized upwards. There could be two ion fields one above the craft and one below it. And those ion fields can hover the craft between them. 

The engine system will pull ions from the side and conduct them to the ground by using the ion engine. The power of that system could increase by using the pushing ion field below that craft. And the pulling ion field can make above the ground. 

And how this hypothetical star cruiser can pass the atmosphere. The system uses the rocket and ion engines for slowing its speed. And then the system can just lay over the ion cushion. 

3) The high-power electric magnets can drop to the ground. And power for those systems can deliver by using the maser rays. The system is similar but more powerful than in magnetic levitation (Maglev) trains.

Virtual antigravity means that the object hovers over the ground by using silent systems. One of the systems is the magnetic levitation train where magnets are pulling the train to levitate. The aircraft could use that kind of system a little bit differently. The aircraft can drop high-power electric magnets to the ground. And then they can use it to push the aircraft upwards. 

The power for those magnets can deliver from the aircraft by using maser rays. It is suspicious that the strange light of the UFOs is meant to point the craft in the right position just up of those magnets.

4) Neutron cloud where neutrons are acting like miniature neutron stars can make virtual antigravitation possible. 

Virtual antigravitation by using the particles that are pulling objects upward can be possible. The idea is that the particles are hovering in the quantum field like in laser ray. And then the electromagnetic radiation will point to them. That radiation stress is making them send radiation that could push objects upward. 

The system could use neutrons that are captured and positioned in the laser ray. And the extra energy can be input by using some electromagnetic radiation that makes those neutrons annealing. The idea is that the neutrons are turned to act like miniature-size neutron stars. Which energy beam is pulling the object upward. The neutrons will position between the craft and the ground. 

And that neutron radiation could explain mysteriously burning injuries. Sometimes with so-called UFO cases is seen the mysteriously injured animals that seem burned. Neutron radiation can explain those injuries. But did some governments sometimes make tests by using the engines that are hovering neutrons and annealing them for making thrust? 

5) The superpositioned electromagnetic fields can use to hover objects silently. 

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In some other ideas the superpositioned electrons or electromagnetic fields. For hovering the craft. The idea is that the same polar electromagnetic fields can push the craft up from the ground. 

There is also the possibility to make two ion clouds on both sides of the craft. The other ion cloud is pushing and another is pulling the craft. And that effect can make it possible that the craft can move vertically and horizontally very slippery. 

6) Antimatter and a large number of nozzles can make the craft act extraordinarily. 

When we think that the craft can maneuver extraordinary way the system requires only that there are enough nozzles around that craft. If the system uses antimatter the annihilation reaction can happen in nanotubes. 

The high energetic annihilation reaction allows making the extremely small and effective engines. If we wish to make the imperial starcruiser that can curve like an airplane. We must only put the jet engines to the sides and somehow hover that system. 

7) The sonic whirls and sound barriers can deny the soundwave travel through that thing. 

The acoustic systems like sonic whirls and monotonic sound waves can make the barrier what the pressure impulses or sound cannot pass. If that kind of sound barrier is used around the airfields or rocket sites. That thing makes it possible to deny the noise of the aircraft and rockets. 

If the rocket is surrounded by using sonic whirl that thing makes them silent. If the power of the pressure wave is high enough. This kind of system can interest also people like Elon Musk who might want to operate his spacecraft near the city areas. But the problem is the noise. 

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