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For the first time in history, researchers trapped electrons in 3D crystals.

  For the first time in history, researchers trapped electrons in 3D crystals. 

Sometimes crystal skulls and Stonehenge were introduced and they were primitive quantum computers. In the crystal skull case. The operator puts crystal skulls into a ring around one skull or some crystal pike. Then that formation turns to operate as qubits. 

The fact is that trapping electrons requires a special 3D structure. And that means crystal skulls cannot operate as quantum computers. The writing of Stonehenge is below this text. 

The crystal brain. 

The ability to store and trap electrons in the 3D crystals opens new paths to superconduction and quantum computing. Flowing electrons can form excellent superconduction. But the problem is how to trap those electron chains into their position. The ability to trap electrons in the crystals is one answer to that problem. 

"The rare electronic state is thanks to a special cubic arrangement of atoms (pictured) that resembles the Japanese art of “kagome.” Credit: Courtesy of the researchers." ( Superconductivity: MIT Physicists Trap Electrons in a 3D Crystal for the First Time)

But another way to use electrons that are trapped in crystals is to use them as quantum computers. The electrons can be put in the quantum entanglement in that 3D structure. And that thing can form compact and powerful quantum computers that are used to control compact-size robots and other things. 

The quantum brain can be a more effective system than any quantum system before. The model of those systems is the crystal or quartz crystal there are trapped electrons or photon-electron combinations. The idea of the crystal brain is "stolen" from the famous crystal skulls. The electrons can trapped in the quartz crystal. 

The piezo-electric attribute in quartz crystal makes it possible to drive information to those electrons.  The system can transmit information to those crystal brains with mechanical stress that transforms into electricity in those quartz crystals. Those things cause ideas that who created the quantum computers? And fact is this. We can use things without knowing it's purpose.

In some theories, Stonehenge is the world's first computer. 

If the iron stick is in the N/S direction between magnetic poles. That position magnetizes it. Maybe Stonehenge was the system whose purpose was to magnetize iron. That thing could be an impressive thing in the prehistoric era. And maybe the magnetic north pole's position change caused Stonehenge to lose its magic power. That made the users of that system to reject it. 

The thing is that Stonehenge might have many purposes. There is the possibility that the same system acted as a calendar and ceremonial place. When we think about the positions of the stones we must remember that the magnetic poles. Those poles are required for magnetizing metals and maybe crystals. Magnetic poles changed their position from the times when Stonehenge was operational. 

And maybe the loss of magic caused Stonehenge rejected. If Stonehenge creators used that thing to magnetize iron they needed knowledge of where is the magnetic north pole. If those metal sticks are not in line between N/S poles that means the system cannot magnetize iron. 

In this wild theory, the druids or persons who operated the Stonehenge, whose purpose remains unknown used that megalithic stone ring as the tool that allowed them to connect their brains. 

Somebody introduced this thing as the model of a high-power computer that uses natural electricity. So I use this system as the name Stonehenge. And its users are called druids.  

Sometimes somebody sees some kind of qubit in Stonehenge's structure. The idea is that information is brought to that system through heel stones and port stones. Then the system harvests natural electricity for operation. But those things are only visions. The fact is that there are a lot of ancient wisdom that were ahead of their time. And that thing causes theories about Stonehenge's purpose. 

The fact is that the megalithic structure had some kind of purpose. It is not made for fun. And because stones for that stone ring are from a long distance. That thing causes ideas that are the purpose of those stones to act as a resonance tool. Because those stones were far away from their origin and their chemical construction is different than local stones. That allows to send resonance impulses through those stones that can be separated from the environment. 

The system that those operators used could be acoustic. Or based on headaches that transmit data to their brain in electric form. That explains the different colors in those stones. Each group of operators is marked with their colors. Then the system shares data with those operators in pieces, which makes the system very effective qubit. 

Then each group returned their answer to their part of the problem to the chorus. Then each singer sings the answer. That the color has given in their turn. And that allows the druids to collect that solution. 

The question is: was Stonehenge analog or did it use some acoustic or even electric method to transmit data into that ancient qubit? 

1) The operators can use paper bites. There were those papers cut in pieces and every circle of those druids thought the solution for the problem. Then the answers are connected to the middle of that system. 

2) In the acoustic version the system sends the oscillation into the operator's headlaces. Then that acoustic resonance system transmits data to those operators' ears. 

3) The piezo-electric crystals could transmit data to the operator's brain. And then the system can work highly secured. In those two last possibilities, the resonance guarantees that outsiders cannot hear those secrets. 

In some visions, Stonehenge is the world's first computer. This theorem seems very abstract and even ridiculous. But then we can start to look at the Stonehenge diagrams. The Altar Stone is in the North-South direction. And if we think that Stonehenge used natural electricity the position of the electric collector should be in the direction between the magnetic north and south poles. Not geological north and south poles. Then the information must drive to something that can store the wave movement. 

Then the crystals on the stones will receive that wave movement and then the druids or whoever operated that system could increase its power by giving mechanic, soundwave stimulation to those piezo-electric crystals. 

The idea is that the system is acting like a qubit. In some wilder thoughts, the druids connected their headaches with the crystal where the "program" stored in the form of the waves transmitting crystals in their brain. The idea is that the headaches transmit that data to those druid's or operators' brains. 

That explains the colors of the stones. Those colors allow the sorting and sharing of the data with each receiver group. This also guarantees that the operators cannot tell that operand to other people. Then the data travels between those druids. Finally, the system collects information in one package. That thing can happen by using a chorus where each circle will send the answer to the singer who represents a certain ring or color in that system. Then each singer tells the answer or their part of the answer in a series. 


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