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Digital twins can help to create treatment programs and protect biodiversity.

   Digital twins can help to create treatment programs and protect biodiversity. 

The digital gaia. 

The new quantum computers make it possible to create digital twins about complicated things like networks in biological environments. Theoretically is possible to create digital things about the entire Earth. This simulation links all environments. And species into one virtual, AI-controlled entirety. That allows computers can simulate the biological processes from the cell level to the complicated biological interspecies networks. 

Digital twin means the digital simulation of the physical thing. Digital twins have been used for a long time in aircraft industries. But the new and powerful computers can also make it possible to create digital twins for biological processes and even humans can have digital twins. In that system, the biological processes between cells and cell groups are simulated digitally. And maybe in the future interspecies networks and interactions can be simulated by using digital twins of animal and human groups. 

In the network-based models, the system can interconnect a theoretically unlimited number of digital twins together. There is the possibility to link digital models from the single cells to the entire global ecosystem in networked entirety. And that allows for simulating things how some chemical saddling affects the species' behavior and environmental tolerance. Those simulations are extremely complicated. And they require lots of highly accurate data. However, it's possible. In the future researchers can create a complete model of interactions between species and individual actors. 

The AI participates in those research, and it can analyze things like a person's behavior. And then it can compile things like DNA samples of people, who behave certain way in certain situations. That uncovers if behavior is genetically hereditary or learned. Also, the AI can see people's social backgrounds and see how those things affect people's behavior in certain situations. 

In the most fascinating models, the complete data makes it possible to create a digital twin of the human brain. If collected data about the neurons and their interaction between neurotransmitters is wide enough is possible to create simulations that can predict human behavior. This type of simulation requires complete datasets about the human type behavior in certain situations. 

And maybe, quite soon every single human has the digital twin in the computer's memories. The digital twin can used to test a person's medical conditions. And it can be used to find out if there are some unnecessary risks in life. Things like hereditary tendency to get cancer require some certain type of lifestyle like stopping smoking. 

"Researchers have identified early indicators of Parkinson’s disease in eye scans, years before symptoms occur. This could lead to pre-screening tools and preventive measures against neurodegenerative diseases through the emerging field of oculomics." ( Into the Future: Eye Scans Unveil Parkinson’s Disease Markers 7 Years Early) 

Researchers can connect this system to regular digital cameras. That allows to use of mobile telephones and laptop cameras for this kind of diagnosis. The system detects the form and reactions of the pupil. And if there are anomalies. The AI can warn the person that there is a need for a medical examination. 

The AI can search anomalies in cell samples' DNA and cell structures to find things like cancer's precursor. The thing is that biometric sensors can detect things like neural damage. An eye scanner can see Parkinson's syndrome years before the symptoms. In those cases, the system detects if the eye's structures are not working as they should. 

The AI can chart the similarities between persons who have certain diseases. Then the AI can find reasons, why some diseases turn active in some people. And some people with the same genetic structures don't have the same symptoms. Things like the connection between some medicals and neural damages are easy to chart by using that method. 

The AI can observe the growth of the muscle mass. It can search for marks of the high metabolism in neural areas from samples. That thing makes it possible to warn people that they can get Alzheimer's. The AI can also detect anomalies in the bones. 

The AI can make many new things. One of the most interesting applications that AI can make possible is the digital twin of the human. If the AI knows people's DNA and lifestyle and the environment where a person lives, the AI can make a virtual or digital twin that it can use to simulate, what kind of risks a person has in life. The AI can warn if a person gets too much UV radiation or eats too many unhealthy things. The digital twin can warn a person.

If there is coming some kind of disease caused by lifestyle. And how accurate those warnings and diagnoses are depends on how many parameters the AI can use. The digital twin is a good tool when a person's health is analyzed. And the computers try to find if the person is a member of some risk group. 

But things like biodiversity and the environment can also have digital twins. It's possible to create macro-level digital twins. That means the natural entireties like forests, houses, societies, cities, lakes, and oceans can have digital twins. In those cases, the system can simulate interactions between species and non-biological environments. 

The digital twin can be used to model environmental tolerance in these cases. That there is some kind of new saddling component like a factory. The environmental and social simulations help to predict problems. And problem prediction helps to cure that thing. The accuracy of those simulations depends on the accuracy and the number of variables. The new powerful computers make it possible to create simulations from cell-level processes and then continue this model to cell groups. The cell groups form individual organisms and the networked model can continue to interactions between species finally, the size of those simulations can be global.


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