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The digital divide is visible everywhere.

The AI is coming. And we must prepare for that. The worst thing we can do is try to slow advance with regulations like prohibiting some software. We must understand the opportunities that AI can give. But we must know that AI has a weakness. It doesn't know if the person who fills the forms tells lies. 

If AI doesn't get the right information. It's useless. Sometimes somebody says that AI takes our workplaces. But some other people ask what kinds of jobs the AI takes. Are they some well-paid and wanted workplaces? And would those skeptics make those works themselves? 

The digital divide between people increases inequity. The problem with the digital divide is that not formed between poor and rich countries. It's visible even in small workplaces and small communities. 

Even in western countries, and in high-tech corporations are people with no necessary computer skills. That kind of thing is problematic. We know that some people resist any kind of changes in workplaces. 

They use their power to deny things like Google Translate. The justification for those web-based applications is a risk to data security. Maybe the thing is true, but some people think it. That those prohibitions make their work slower and more difficult than it should be. 

During pandemics, we saw cases where people resist their remote work. They think that the workplace is meant for social behavior. But the problem is that the employer doesn't pay for social relations. The employer pays for work. And every euro that the employer pays for some other things is euro that the employer can put in some other place. 

Artificial intelligence is a good tool for many things. It is useful for a support system. The AI can use for sending personal support requests to the right person. If a person studies in some school the AI can offer the form, that the person can get the right help. If the person lost the password, the system doesn't need to call the doctor. Or if the person's work clothes break up. That doesn't mean that person needs some micro-support. 

When AI assists medical doctors with diagnosis, we must realize one thing. The AI must get the right information. When the AI starts the assistance. The patient can fill out the form like we do when we go to the dentist. 

But the problem is that the patient must give the right information. If the patient tells lies like claims to be a no-smoker but still smokes that thing causes a situation where the doctor might not even suspect that cigarettes cause some breathing problems. 

When we think about sleeping problems, alcohol use, and smoking. Those things can tell about mental problems, like stress. Many people think that it's embarrassing to talk about mental problems. And that's why there should be questions that person is easy to answer. 

Those questions can be questions, about sleeping, how much alcohol a person drinks, or smoking. And a computer can simply ask when the person goes to sleep. A person who fills out those forms must dare to tell the truth. If there are problems, the staff must find out the problem. We all have problems. 

And we must understand that we must not give up even if we are depressed. But are we depressed or just tired? This is one of the biggest problems. 

The researcher can ask how much a person walks, or make some other physical exercises. Those things tell about how the person handles life. And research is important for finding out the right way to help the person. 

When a team recognizes a person's need to get assistance or help they must know the problem. Without that thing, a person will not get the right kind of help. Sick leave is not always the right solution. 

If a person doesn't handle stuff. That is need for work causes stress. New situations are always stressful. And people must understand that thing. Things like a new environment, new responsibilities, and many other things are stressful. That thing causes sleeping problems. And if the person just plays some computer games all night long, that causes a situation that looks like depression. 

Does the person need a psychologist to tell the need to change lifestyle? The problem is that if a person has some kind of problem with computer games, sharing time, or some other things, that person needs help.  But how to describe the problem, or what makes something a problem?

Description for a gaming problem could be that person is late from lectures or work because that person plays some computer game. We can describe the problem using this description: those things start to dominate life. That domination is visible when the person is always late because of gaming etc. 

But the problem is that the person who has a gambling or game problem doesn't recognize the problem. The last one plays other computer games than gambling. When we see one visible problem, there might be more problems behind them. 


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