There is one place in the universe where time travels backward. That place is the black hole. In the place where the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light, the time moves backward. The reason for that is the time dilation. When a particle travels with the speed of light that stops the time on its surface. When the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light that gravitational effect pulls the particles with the speed that crosses the speed of light. The term event horizon means the point where the escaping velocity is turning higher than the speed of light.
The name event horizon is given to that point because we cannot get observations beyond that point where even the light cannot escape from that area. And logically when the speed of light is crossing that thing causes that time to start to move backward. The time dilation is directly proportional to the speed and escaping velocity. That means the time must move backward beyond the event horizon.
The fact is that we can travel to the future in a very easy way. We must just accelerate the craft to the speed that is near the speed of light. And the time dilation would slow the time in the capsule. But returning to the past is a different thing. For making that thing we should travel faster than the speed of light. And that thing is possible only at the point of the black hole event horizon.
Or maybe WARP-drive can make that thing possible. But the problem is that we don't know exactly are we going backward in time and space or only in time. The term "only in time" means that the material would restore. If we can cross the cosmic speed limit. But that thing is not guaranteed that the traveler can travel to the past. The idea of restoring the material is coming from the time dilation.
In physics, time means that the particles are splitting or turning to wave movement after a certain time. And if we think about the aging of the particle as the loss of energy. When the energy level of the particle is getting low it will turn to wave movement.
The lifetime of particles is longer when their speed or energy level is higher. So when the material is reaching the speed of light it would not get old anymore. That means the energy level of the particle is determining its lifetime.
And if in the speed of light the particle would stay forever if its speed is not slowing. So there is no time on the surface of photons. But theoretically, if the speed of the light can cross. That effect would make material younger. Or otherwise saying, load extra energy to particles.
But can we travel back in time physically? I mean can we travel back to the time as an example of the wild west? That thing requires that time is something else than just energy. The thing is that we don't know the truth. Maybe the black hole can take the material back in time because the escaping velocity behind the event horizon is higher than the speed of light.
And logically, time moves backward behind the point where escaping velocity crosses the speed of light. So black hole itself is the wormhole through time.
But the different thing is can information travel through a black hole in any other form than wave movement.
There is a possibility at the point of the event horizon. The material turns to wave movement like spaghetti. Or maybe the radiation of the black hole crushes the material to wave movement before it reaches the event horizon.
And the next question is, could there be a possibility that material turns to particle form because of wave-particle duality at the other side of the black hole. And then the next thing is that even the wave movement turns to quarks that don't mean that things like spacecraft can return to their original form after traveling through black holes. There is the possibility that the form of the object travels through a black hole turns into a quark cloud. But that thing is not sure.
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