Thursday, November 11, 2021

How to create a neutron ray? (The death ray)

Weapon research is a sad but necessary thing for governments. And here I will write about neutron radiation. The thing that makes neutron radiation famous is the neutron bomb. The neutron bomb is a small fusion bomb that will kill all living organisms. But it leaves the material untouched.  And that means it's justified the most inhumane nuclear weapon in the world. 

Neutron bombs are using quantum annealing for creating the deadly effect. The energy of the nuclear fusion of the small hydrogen bomb would affect free neutrons. There are two types of neutron radiation. The fast neutron particles are extremely dangerous. And the electromagnetic radiation that source is in neutrons. 

When the energy would hit to neutrons that thing causes the effect where neutrons are sending electromagnetic radiation. Neutrons deliver extra energy by sending radiation that oscillates with other neutrons around the neutron bomb explosion. 

But there is another way to create the neutron radiation and send it exactly at the right point. In that case, the neutrons connect to the Wigner crystal. And that crystal will stress by using EM-radiation. One version is to shoot the Wigner crystal where electrons are replaced by using neutrons laser ray. 

The idea is that neutrons would anchor in the fullerene structure. Or sharper saying in the net of the nanotubes. That system can create by putting the Wigner crystals where the neutrons are anchored to the fullerene tube.  And at the bottom of that tube would be the bite of graphene. And then the electromagnetic stress would hit that structure. 

The electromagnetic stress will cause that the neutrons are staying to send the radiation. And if the neutrons would be at the nanotube. That thing would start to send neutron radiation and the bottom neutrons send their radiation through that radiation field. The system can act like the maser gun. But it would be more dangerous. 

The thing is that every kind of particle can anneal by using EM radiation. When the potassium-chloride would anneal as an example the chlorine atoms are stressed by using chlorine laser. The thing is that if the carbon atoms start annealing that thing destroys the carbon chains. The annealing means that the atom is delivering its extra energy in the form of radiation. And that destroys chemical bonds. 

When carbon atoms are releasing their extra energy. That thing affects the carbon chains. And this thing can destroy the carbon bonds in the fuel or even the human body. The thing is that is possible to make the quantum annealing by using free quarks. That thing would transfer the radiation straight to the quarks.

In some far more futuristic and horrifying scenarios, the neutrons would be superpositioned in the bunkers. And then those superpositioned neutrons would stress by using the EM-radiation. That thing will fill the bunker by using deadly neutron radiation.

In some scenarios, the cancer cells would transfer the elements that are not in the human body. And then those elements will be annealed by using the EM radiation which source is in the same element that in the targeted cells. That thing will explode those cells. But there are many problems with that thing.

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