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Showing posts from November, 2021

The dancing molecules repair severe spinal cord injuries.

The molecules that can repair the injuries are also giving new visions for nanotechnology and non-organic use. Similar molecules are repairing the injuries in the spinal core can also use to fix all other tissues. The idea is that the molecule itself is repairing the injury. Or it can carry living cells or aim things like fibrine to the right place.  This kind of system can close veins to tumors. Or if the fibrin cell will connect with nanomachines. The system can inject fibrin into cells that operators want to destroy. In that case, the fibrin just fills the targeted cell.  But they can use for many other things. The fibrin can also use in the microchips. The fibrin can form the support structure and small carbon or gold bites can glue on that structure. And that thing can make the thin electric wires for the extremely small microchips.  The dancing molecules that repair spinal cord injuries are opening the road for the new type of surgery. Similar molecules can have many types of use

The brains are like a quantum computer. But brains are more intelligent and more effective than any quantum computer in the world.

The human brains are the quantum computer. Or they are giving an idea for quantum computers. The thing that makes the human brain so powerful. Is that they begin the data handling process in multiple places at the same time. The neuron is a model of the qubit. Because it can send the data to multiple axons at the same time. The neuron can select how many axons it uses in each process. The membrane inside the neuron will act as the switch.  The role of magnesite is that it controls which point the membrane will touch the core of the neuron. But it can also need for short-term memory. When the energy production in the mitochondria is rising that thing makes the magnetite more magnetic. And that thing can benefit in the data transmitted. When the temperature of magnetite would rise they are sending the electromagnetic impulses to the axons.  That thing is one of the theories of how memory is working. The data from the incoming axon is stored in the magnetite. And then the brain selects sh

Vaccines teach the immune system to fight against viruses.

Older people have more chances to fight against viruses than young people because they have more versatile antibodies in their bodies.  The immune system stores antigens and genetic material of viruses and bacteria. In chemical memory. That chemical memory allows the immune reaction to react faster and more effectively to infections. When the immune cells are winning the battles against viruses and bacteria.  They store the genetic information of the successful actions in the genetic memory of the immune system. That genetic information would help the immune system fight against similar viruses in the case that it faces it again. In that genetic databank is stored the knowledge of the antigen of virus and which antibody was the most effective.  When the immune system fights against viruses. It follows the level of the micro-organisms in the blood and tissues. When cells are destroying they are sending chemical marks of that to blood. And following that mark, the immune system will noti

Is time travel possible or not?

There is one place in the universe where time travels backward. That place is the black hole. In the place where the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light, the time moves backward. The reason for that is the time dilation. When a particle travels with the speed of light that stops the time on its surface. When the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light that gravitational effect pulls the particles with the speed that crosses the speed of light. The term event horizon means the point where the escaping velocity is turning higher than the speed of light.  The name event horizon is given to that point because we cannot get observations beyond that point where even the light cannot escape from that area. And logically when the speed of light is crossing that thing causes that time to start to move backward. The time dilation is directly proportional to the speed and escaping velocity. That means the time must move backward beyond the event horizon.  The fac

How to create a neutron ray? (The death ray)

Weapon research is a sad but necessary thing for governments. And here I will write about neutron radiation. The thing that makes neutron radiation famous is the neutron bomb. The neutron bomb is a small fusion bomb that will kill all living organisms. But it leaves the material untouched.  And that means it's justified the most inhumane nuclear weapon in the world.  Neutron bombs are using quantum annealing for creating the deadly effect. The energy of the nuclear fusion of the small hydrogen bomb would affect free neutrons. There are two types of neutron radiation. The fast neutron particles are extremely dangerous. And the electromagnetic radiation that source is in neutrons.  When the energy would hit to neutrons that thing causes the effect where neutrons are sending electromagnetic radiation. Neutrons deliver extra energy by sending radiation that oscillates with other neutrons around the neutron bomb explosion.  But there is another way to create the neutron radiation and se

Superintelligence and unpredicted AI are unable to control by humans.

Image I:  Nobody can control artificial intelligence. The reason for that is that artificial intelligence learns things that allow it to make unpredictable things. The algorithms that are collecting automatically data from the Internet can create new versions of themselves. Artificial intelligence is turned more common than ever before. And the things that are coming are the programming tools that are controlled by artificial intelligence.  The programmer must order that tool to make some kind of program or macro, and then the AI searches the necessary data from the Internet. And then it just connects the necessary databases to one entirety. Then the system might ask if the client is satisfied.  If the client is not satisfied with things like the interface. The AI might ask that client or user would draw what kind of user interface is the most suitable and satisfying. The thing is that the AI can search the examples of the user interfaces from the WEB and then the system might look for

How to teach social skills to robots and AI?

One of the versions is to make a large-scale database structure where is different versions of words are used in social situations. Then the programmer makes the first connections between databases. After that, the system starts to talk with its creators.  The thing is teaching social skills for AI is quite an easy thing in theory. It's just connecting databases. But social skills are more than just saying words. They are noticing the facial expressions taking the hat off when going to the church. And other kinds of things.   But if we want to make the AI what discusses like a real person that requires a lot of databases and connections between them. If the system would make the job interviews that thing requires lots of data. And if somebody says or asks about things that are not in the database, the system might ask the programmer to answer by talking or writing it to the computer.  The thing is that if we want that AI to talk with us about everyday situations. That thing is real

"Open source" and artificial intelligence are problematic tools.

Image: Artist's impression of the programmer during his work The "open source" AI-development project means that the developers use free software for their development process. The database connections and programming codes can get from the internet. And that means there is nobody who controls that development process. The world is full of artificial intelligence programs.  Some of them are "simple" discussion programs. And the other programs can control robots. But the fact is that there can be millions of developers in the world. They have their own private "free time" application development in progress. The thing is that every programmer in the world uses their personally-owned computers in that kind of project.  This means their own companies or workplaces wound not have a chance to make anything for the things. What those persons do in their part-time. Programming tools like editors are free and there is lots of literature about programming and d

Could the origin of dark energy be in an empty bubble of the universe?

Sometimes is introduced very interesting theory about the origin of dark energy. The theory claims that the empty bubbles in the universe are the origin of dark energy.  The idea is that when photons and all other particles are traveling in the empty bubble they are traveling faster than outside that bubble. And when those particles are smashing to the edge of the empty bubble that particle releases its energy in the form of wave movement.  When a particle would fly in an empty bubble where the effect of the quantum fields is lower than other places in the universe there is the possibility that the particle's speed will rise higher than it would be in the regular universe. And when the particle travels outside the empty bubble. It will release its kinetic energy to the universe around it.  When that particle hits the "core" of the bubble of nothingness. It releases energy when its speed is slowing. The energy will transmit to the quantum fields of atoms and ions.  The thi

Is the hypothetical fifth force between electromagnetism and gravitation?

When we are talking about the fifth fundamental force. We are facing one thing that makes the researchers believe that the standard model in physics is not perfect. That thing is the gravitation.  Why gravitation is not fit in the standard model? So even if the standard model would be ready to this point. There might be something that is needed to include or increase to that model that fits perfectly without gravitation. So there are four fundamental interactions or forces.  1) Strong nuclear force that connects quarks to neutrons 2) Weak nuclear force that connects protons and neutrons to the nucleus of the atom. 3) Electromagnetism that connects electrons to their orbiter around the nucleus of the atom.  4) Gravitation that pulls atoms and atom groups together.  The reason why scientists cannot connect gravitation with other natural interactions. Is that its transportation particle "graviton"  not founded yet. And that means the gravitation is a mystery. All other fundament

Little green men (Are we alone in the universe part II)

Space race There have been many models of what hypothetical aliens could look like and how they can behave. And one of the most interesting visions is that the aliens would be a space race. Those creatures would never land on planets.  Could aliens be the space race? The space race means aliens that live in giant spacecraft in their entire life. Those creatures would be extremely weak, but they can use the remote-controlled robots while they are operating on the surface of planets.  The problem with searching for alien lifeforms is that some reason causes the attitude that the alien civilization must look like us, aliens must behave as we behave. And their home planet must be an exact copy of our home planet. There is a thing called adaptation. If some alien has formed on some other planet they would be fully adapted to that environment.  And even if the hypothetical aliens would be similar to us that means their biochemical processes would be similar they might look different. And the