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Metamaterials can change their properties in an electric- or electro-optical field.


"Researchers have created a novel metamaterial that can dynamically tune its shape and properties in real-time, offering unprecedented adaptability for applications in robotics and smart materials. This development bridges the gap between current materials and the adaptability seen in nature, paving the way for the future of adaptive technologies. Credit: UNIST" (ScitechDaily, Metamaterial Magic: Scientists Develop New Material That Can Dynamically Tune Its Shape and Mechanical Properties in Real-Time)

Metamaterials can change their properties in an electric- or electro-optical field.  An electro-optical activator can also be an IR state, which means. The metamorphosis in the material can thermally activate. 

AI is the ultimate tool for metamaterial research. Metamaterials are nanotechnical- or quantum technical tools that can change their properties, like reflection or state from solid to liquid when the electric or optical effect hits that material. The metamaterial can crumple when electric or optical stress impacts its atoms. The temperature can also change the state of the material. 

"The team has developed a world-leading MWP chip capable of performing ultrafast analog electronic signal processing and computation using optics. Credit: City University of Hong Kong." (ScitechDaily, 1,000x Faster: Ultrafast Photonics Chip Reshapes Signal Processing)

And that thing can make it possible to make new stealth materials or robots that are like droplets when they travel to a target. And then those robots can get solid state. They can used in many ways. Those robots can close blood vessels that transport blood to tumors. Or they can close leaks in oil or gas tubes. 

The new materials can used to cover qubits in new quantum computers. Portable quantum computers require solid-state qubits that can operate at room temperature. This kind of system requires the ultimate AI that can control the qubit and outside effects. The ability to react to outside effects like changes in radiation level requires. The material can start counter-actions right when the system notices changes in radiation stress. 

"Scientists at the DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory have discovered that coating tantalum with magnesium significantly enhances its properties as a superconducting material for quantum computing. This coating prevents oxidation, increases purity, and improves the superconducting transition temperature of tantalum, offering promising advancements for the development of qubits and the future of quantum computing." (ScitechDaily, Breaking Barriers in Quantum Research: Magnesium-Coated Tantalum Unveiled)

Quantum computers can operate remotely from deep underground shelters. Those systems use the internet to communicate with their users. 

The optical neural network can revolutionize the AI. The optical neural network doesn't raise the temperature in the system. The optical neural network can also operate to control with superconducting quantum computers. And that thing makes those systems interesting. The great thing about optical neural networks is that the system can change its mode between binary and quantum modes. 

In that case, the system can have thousands of optical processors, that can turn into a virtual quantum computer. Or maybe, they can create superpositions and entanglements between standing photons in those microchips. However, the optical neural network can be a more powerful tool than nobody predicted. 

"Recent research has made significant strides in the development of optical neural networks, presenting a sustainable alternative to the energy and resource-intensive models currently in use. By leveraging light propagation through multimode fibers and a minimal number of programmable parameters, researchers have achieved comparable accuracy to traditional digital systems with significantly reduced memory and energy requirements. This innovative approach offers a promising pathway toward energy-efficient and highly efficient artificial intelligence hardware solutions." (ScitechDaily, Not Science Fiction: How Optical Neural Networks Are Revolutionizing AI)

The optical neural network can act as the sensor itself. If something closes to the metamaterial layer, that neural network sees energy change in its structures. Laser systems like laser rays, that travel in glass fiber can act as a synthetic sense of touch. When something touches glass fiber that is between certain microchips the system sees that the trajectory of that laser ray changes. 

Those microchips can send the information about that thing to the CPU (Central Processing Unit), which decides what the system must do. And the CPU can also be the neural network of microchips. 

When something touches that optical network it sends information about that touch to the microchips that control the metamaterial and its properties. Because those microchips operate with that metamaterial are sensors themselves, they can react very fast. When the physical environment changes, that neural network changes electric or physical conditions in the metamaterial.


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