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Internet and social relationships.

   Internet and social relationships. 

The Internet has a bigger influence on society than we thought. It modifies our brains and ways of thinking. 

Internet and electronic devices affect brains. The fact is that the brain doesn't fully separate reality from reality that computers offer. This means the person might realize that things that person sees are virtual reality. But deep in the subconscious brain can handle data. That comes from the screen as a real thing. When people learn something that process changes neural networks 

Our brains are excellent tools. They are the reason why we adapt to many conditions. The last thing that human faces. And what requires adaptation is the Internet. When we learn something our brain remakes its neural connections. All actions that we do affect our neural connections. And that's why the internet modifies our brains. 

Computer games and the Internet require learning. That thing is clear and everything that we see teaches us something. The Internet modifies our way of seeing the world. That is one of the things that we must realize.

"A comprehensive review of 23 years of neuroimaging studies highlights the significant, long-term effects of screen time on children’s brain function, including both negative and positive outcomes. The study calls for innovative policies to support children’s brain development in the digital age, while acknowledging the complexity and evolving nature of this research field." ( Research: Children’s Brains Are Shaped by Their Time on Tech Devices)

When we think about the internet's role in evolution we must realize, that people who use the internet as a search tool for partners use similar categories for searching for partners in that virtual world as humans who date in the real world. But there is one big difference in those worlds. The internet is a frame that a person must cross if that person wants to make dates on the internet. 

Same way. The person who dates in the real world must step inside the bar or some other dating place. But the difference is that the Internet addicts different types of people than some disco. If we think the AI and its effectiveness in searching for "perfect partners" AI can sort a huge mass of data. If the AI can use social media platforms it can make the user profile and find out does the data that the person gave to the dating service matches with reality. 

We must realize that people are not always what they claim. That means things like dating applications should have some kind of tool that can see if a person is dangerous. If the profile seems empty or fake, there must be some reason why that profile is made. And in some cases the person who uses fake profiles is dangerous. 

But then we must realize that computer games and other kinds of things are also media platforms. Their discussion channels are also social media. The problem with this thing is that similar people are playing similar games. Sometimes opinions on those platforms turn quite radical. 

And that thing affects a person's behavior and neural tracks. Those things offer a social environment where people can discuss with some other people. And then that thing can cause very interesting and sometimes negative things in the human mind. The thing is that the internet is an excellent tool for supporting positive and negative advances. 

And the user of the net decides what kind of things that person wants to do. Otherwise, developers decide what tools they offer on the net. We decide what controls the net. Is it money or some other thing? Do we offer positive things like education on the net? Or do we offer something, that we don't even dare to say?


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