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Race for next-generation internet is going on.

  Race for next-generation internet is going on. 

The next-generation Internet is more secure and more complicated than it is now. The series of quantum entanglements will transport information in the next generation Internet. 

The quantum-based security makes it impossible to hack into that net. And that means the highly secure quantum net is also more controlled than the net has ever been before. The quantum technology, along with deep learning security programs make the anonymous use of the net completely impossible. 

Otherwise, new applications like drone control, 3D printing, and banking require new encryption technology

But the fact is that things like general-purpose AI and Internet of Things like 3D printing systems require very high-level security because those systems are very destructive. NASA is planning to create rocket engines using 3D printing technology. And that thing means that maybe quite soon the cannons like 155mm. howitzer will create by using 3D printers.

And also things like assault rifles are easy to make by using 3D printers that can print metal parts and rocket engines. The metal-printing 3D printers can create any merchandise by using CAD 3D drawings. And that makes those systems very dangerous in the wrong hands. 

"Advancing quantum teleportation, researchers set a new speed record of 7.1 qubits per second, utilizing innovative technology and overcoming prior limitations, marking a pivotal stride toward an efficient, far-reaching quantum internet." ( Breakthrough: Record-Breaking Quantum Teleportation Achieved Over Metropolitan Range)

The advance of that technology is very fast. Another thing is that the highly secured internet is required for filtering attempts to print illegal weapons using 3D printers. Officials say. That requirement for highly secured neet is for filtering attempts to create unauthorized weapons and make computer viruses, and other illegal malware by using general-purpose AI. That network will also filter hostile trolls and other things from the net. 

Quantum security makes old-fashioned internet crimes useless. People require hard identification when they login to the net. And the argument against that policy is that we don't want to control the government. But then we must realize that this day the fast internet makes it possible to use that thing for illegal activities. Computer criminals and other kinds of people who want to deliver malware that steals people's money must be put under control. 

Hacking is not the only problem that the Internet has. The big problem is hostile actors like criminals and hostile governments. Things like general AI are like nuclear weapons in the wrong hands. The data that GP AI creates can involve very complicated malware solutions. And control is important for avoiding misuse of those systems. Also, things like sensitive emotional AI can misused. 

The emotional AI imitates feelings and emotions. Those systems are easy to misuse. They can used to make letters or messages that make people send money. And that's why those system's use must happen only through a strong identity check. And emotional AI is a devastating tool in the hands of cheaters. The AI should have the ability to tell instances like universities and high schools if their students used the AI for fraud or some other illegal activities that thing should told to the controllers. 

So we must pay the price anyway. The net is the perfect tool for information operations from the Russians and BRICS coalition. The problem with psychological operations is that the highly secured net will not deny those operations if the operator owns and controls the net. The internet interconnects authorities together. But the net is the platform that connects underworld actors. If we keep our net too open that thing would be the tool that hostile operators can benefit from.


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