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Showing posts from October, 2023

Are computer games, and especially online games, so innocent as they should be?

   Are computer games, and especially online games, so innocent as they should be? The thing is that there are many ways to use computer games for research, development, and intelligence work. Computer games or online games also offer online social media platforms. And there people can discuss and ask things from each other. When a person plays 1st. person action games. Some other person can ask, where other players learned some kind of tactics. Or would some other player own some guns that are in those games? That thing allows intelligence officials to ask would some players be some kind of military officials. Or are the player's parents working in the military industry or other military work?  "A study from Aalto University’s Department of Computer Science reveals concerning data collection practices within online games and highlights players’ misconceptions about privacy. The research identified manipulative design tactics that encourage data sharing and highlighted that pl

Bionic limbs are a reality.

 Bionic limbs are a reality. "This bionic hand is fused to a woman’s bones, muscles, and nerves" "The unique integration reduced her pain and gave her more control over the prosthetic." (FreeThink/This bionic hand is fused to a woman’s bones, muscles, and nerves) The limits of innovation are on our minds. And new bionic prostheses are making the sci-fi tales true. The new bionic prostheses interact with the human nervous system, and they are just like real arms. The next-generation bionic prostheses are AI-controlled robot limbs that follow commands from the human nervous system. Those bionic prostheses are tools that can make people feel like robots. Or those highly advanced bionic prostheses will bring people and machines together. The bionic arms and legs are stronger than natural ones. The same technology used in bionic systems can be used in many ways. And that thing brings sci-fi tales like "Star Wars" and "Dr. Adder" to reality. The bionic

Cosmobiology, vampires, and werewolves cause interesting theorems.

   Cosmobiology, vampires, and werewolves cause interesting theorems. Could there be some mirror person of somebody?  Researchers at the Chinese  Hangzhou University researched the DNA and RNA molecules cis-trans isomerism. Researchers created this work to investigate mirror lifeforms. The idea is that in the research the DNA will be injected into the cells in the opposite direction as it normally is.  That thing makes it possible to research things like how the isomerism of the DNA and RNA molecules determines the creature's behavior. We know that things like cis-trans isomerism have an effect on protein behavior in ion pumps of the cells. And if some proteins oppositely go into the cells as it should that protein kills the cell. But what kind of effect does the DNA or RNA if it travels to the cell organelle in the wrong way?  It's possible. That some kind of psychopathic persons were examples of the werewolf and vampire stories. And maybe those stories are told as a warning t

Compositional generalization is the new method for machine learning.

   Compositional generalization is the new method for machine learning. Compositional generalization means the ability to create new entities using existent particles. The idea is like making music by using the same notes but changing words. In the same way, if the system knows the words "walking" and "two times" it's possible to connect those terms and make the sentence "walking two times". This is the idea of compositional generalization. The compositional generalization can extend to physical works. The system can connect certain movements with certain objects and orders that users give to robots. But the key element in that kind of robot is language modeling. The robot must "understand" the things that people want it to do when they say something. The compositional generalization means that a robot can connect some words that it hears to certain movement series. "Researchers have developed a technique called Meta-learning for Composi

AI is a tool that requires understanding.

  AI is a tool that requires understanding.  If we use AI, we must understand what we ask. And we must realize that even if the AI seems perfect. There is the possibility that there are errors in the source. Also, questions that we introduce to AI can involve things that make the AI search for wrong solutions.  Another thing is that the AI can remove answers that might not please its users. In the case. Where the AI's purpose is to please its users. It might be useless to search for relevant and neutral information. Information collected from some sources serves somebody. And the minimum way to serve somebody is to please that actor.  The AI means multiple applications in military and civil areas. The system can make decisions by following some route that seems reasonable. Or the system can take a series of actions that can benefit it and its users.  The term Intelligence means a series of actions that seem functional and logical. Artificial intelligence is the thing that can netwo

Race for next-generation internet is going on.

   Race for next-generation internet is going on.  The next-generation Internet is more secure and more complicated than it is now. The series of quantum entanglements will transport information in the next generation Internet.  The quantum-based security makes it impossible to hack into that net. And that means the highly secure quantum net is also more controlled than the net has ever been before. The quantum technology, along with deep learning security programs make the anonymous use of the net completely impossible.  Otherwise, new applications like drone control, 3D printing, and banking require new encryption technology But the fact is that things like general-purpose AI and Internet of Things like 3D printing systems require very high-level security because those systems are very destructive. NASA is planning to create rocket engines using 3D printing technology. And that thing means that maybe quite soon the cannons like 155mm. howitzer will create by using 3D printers. And al

Cognitive attacks against the VR and automatized computing systems are a real threat.

 Cognitive attacks against the VR and automatized computing systems are a real threat.  Above: Ukranian drone operator uses VR glasses. Those systems are potential targets for cyber-attacks that can deliver propaganda or be used in other psychological or cognitive operations.  The cognitive systems learn from their mistakes. And that thing makes cognitive systems more lethal than any other system. In this version of an essay that handles cognitive attacks, the perspective is on cyber attacks like AI-driven neural networks. Those neural networks operate as independent attackers.  AI must not rest or keep breaks. That means it can attack against other systems 24/7. The attacker can give orders to an AI-based system. Then go to work. When the day is over, return to home or the hacking place. The hacker probably uses an attacking system by using a remote control. That denies the possibility of closing the hacker's internet by tracking the attacking computer. That can hidden in some off

When robots are laughing and crying.

  When robots are laughing and crying.  Does the AI have feelings?  Does the AI have feelings? Or can it be emphatic? The fact is this program code that controls the AI determines if it can give empathic reactions. The problem with the human nervous system is that we don't make a difference in the writing of empathic letters or telling empathic stories human or AI. Our nervous system is not adapted to AI yet. And that's why we cannot separate text written by AI from text that made by humans.  What does somebody make with AI that can emulate feelings? The fact is that the cyborgs are useful tools for infiltration operations. The human-size robots can have WLAN/6G connections with the central computers. Or they can form a neural network that shares information between all group members. The robots can also act as walking neural network-based supercomputers. That can make complicated solutions.  In those networks, each member shares information and their data-handling capacity all

The general AI can be a networked cloud-based system.

 The general AI can be a networked cloud-based system.  The general AI can be a cloud cloud-based system that connects sub-systems under one umbrella. Those sub-systems can be independently operating AIs that central AI can connect to work with the same solution.  Every data system involves hardware and software. In cloud-based AI every part of that system can close the problem from different angles depending on what type of datasets each system can use.  The problem with monolithic architecture is if the server falls the entire system stops its work. Web-based architecture with multiple cores guarantees that the AI works even if there is some kind of problem in one server.  The cloud-based architecture makes the networked AI an ultimate power.  We can think that the future belongs to limited and precise AIs. The fact is that the AI-based chatbots can also interconnect those independently operating AIs under one umbrella. A limited AI could be the AI-based chatbots that collect data fo