The new cardboard drones are effective weapons.
Kamikaze drones are cruise missiles, that can patrol over the battlefield. And when their fuel ends, those systems can make a kamikaze attack. Paper drones are effective tools they are cheap and easy to make. But the AI makes them game-changers.
The Ukrainian strike against the Russian airbase shows how effective cardboard drones can be. These drones can equipped with an image-recognition system, that allows them to attack targets in a very long range. The image recognition camera also can operate as a TERCOM (Terrair Countour-Matching) system.
The system requires that their flight route is stored in computer memory as film, and then the AI-based visual TERCOM system can guide the drone to the target with extremely high accuracy. The internal inertia or optical TERCOM navigation system makes those drones immune to regular jamming systems.
Then the image-recognition camera can search for suitable targets. And then the drone can attack the most suitable targets like IL-76 transporters or missile rocket stages. The cardboard layer can equipped with a water-repellent varnish layer. And that makes those drones capable of operating in rain. The cardboard drone is an interesting tool because that system can made by using recycled cardboard. And there is a possibility that this kind of cheap and effective system can created by using 3D printers.
The new warheads that create a hypersonic plasma-metal combination make slowly flying kamikaze drones capable of destroying even large-scale tanks. Tanks are less vulnerable to attacks than aircraft.
Things like microchips and computers can made be using modified cell phones and AI-based systems can be taken from Javelin missiles. The AI is cheap and that means all drones can have integrated computer software. The computer can download needed software to any land-sea and airborne system. And that means even the cheapest units can get effective AI-based systems. That allows them to avoid things like AA flak.
The paper drones with high-accuracy homing systems are also tools that are used to re-estimate the effectiveness of AA systems and security. The slow cheap drone that is invisible in radars is very hard to detect. Image recognition makes those drones capable of hitting individual vehicles or even selected persons. That thing makes those weapons extremely dangerous.
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