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Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä found a new type of Astatine the rarest element in the world.

Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä found a new type of Astatine the rarest element in the world. The new isotope called 190 astatine is the lightest known isotope of this very fast-dividing element. And it should be the longest-living isotope of Astatine. 

 "In a remarkable scientific breakthrough researchers have discovered the lightest isotope of the rare and rapidly decaying element, astatine. The discovery of 190-Astatine was made by Master of Science graduate Henna Kokkonen as part of her thesis work, providing important insights into atomic nuclei structure and the boundaries of known matter". (, Recoil, Discovery: A New Type of Atomic Nucleus Discovered)

"Researchers at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, have made a groundbreaking discovery of a new atomic nucleus, 190-Astatine, which is now the lightest known isotope of the rapidly decaying and rare element astatine. The achievement of creating this novel isotope was made possible through the fusion of 84Sr beam particles with silver target atoms. The isotope was then identified amid the fusion products using the RITU recoil separator’s detectors". (, Recoil, Discovery: A New Type of Atomic Nucleus Discovered)

During those experiments, researchers created fusion by bombing silver atoms using 84 Sr (Strontium) beam particles. During those fusion experiments, researchers found a new isotope of Astatine. And that thing is one of the most interesting things in history. Astatine is one of the fastest-dividing radioactive isotopes. That extremely rare halogen doesn't have any known role in chemical reactions. And the reason for that is that element is so short living.  But in next-generation computing, the astatine can offer the possibility to store information. 

Some very advanced systems tested the model where the system decreases the temperature to zero kelvin. The system drives information to short-living nuclear isotopes. When that information is needed the system reads it from those isotopes. And after that, the short-term isotope will divide. And that makes it impossible to return information. The problem is that short-term isotope production requires lots of energy. 

Certain spectrum lines in laser communication systems can use as access to the system. 

The half-time of that element is about 5-6 hours. The abilities of Astatine are not known. And it's predicted to be solid. But there is the possibility that a couple of atoms for nano-size lasers can use. 

The short-term radioactive isotopes can offer very high security in data transportation. When the message is left those short-term atoms are destroyed. And without those atoms, the system cannot allow access. Making those short-term isotopes is difficult. That means faking the key is almost impossible or requires particle accelerators. 

There are many theoretical systems where things like radioactive noble gas radon are used. And one of them is a gas laser that uses radon. Same way astatine can use in laser systems. But the problem is the short-term existence of that gas. If communication lasers use Astatine that could help to make contact in a long distance. 

The laser-based communication system can use short-living elements as the key. If a laser ray comes in a radioactive element's frequency the system can see that the user has authorization for that system. That thing can use to confirm access to the system. 

The lower-level users can use different spectral lines for the key. The Astatine-based laser system can cause unique resonation at longer distances than other lasers. And when the message is left those Astatine atoms the laser system used to make the laser ray lost in seconds. Then another gas can use to fill the laser element.


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