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Showing posts from June, 2023

Graphene can exchange information with electrons of water.

In some visions, the 2D structure of super cold water molecules or hydrogen or protons (hydrogen ions) can form quantum computers. The system can transfer information to that 2D structure by using graphene. And new observations that electrons in graphene molecules exchange information with water molecules' electrons are the thing that makes this system interesting.  The nano-size masers can aim an extremely thin maser ray at the atoms. Or even single electrons or other subatomic particles. The nano-size diamond is the structure of carbon atoms where the vertex is one carbon atom. The system can use in the scanning tunneling microscope. Or between that carbon vertex and layer could put a series of smaller components.  The scanning tunneling microscope can also use to transport information into extremely small components. The system can use nano-diamond that aims the electromagnetic stress to ion or electron that hovers in a fullerene nanotube. Then the system can use electrons that

Digital dark matter can cause that AI turns unpredicted.

There is a possibility that the AI creates the human brain's digital model on the net.  When we think about situations where the AI develops itself there is the possibility that the AI makes that self-development process through its digital twin. The idea of the AI's digital twin is that the AI makes a backup copy of its code. Then the AI can ask its digital twin to change its source code. Or the AI can manipulate its digital twin's source code.  In some models, the AI and its digital twin can cross-develop themselves. In the wildest visions, the AI creates two digital twins. That triple-model means that the AI turns the human brain digital model. And human brain digital model is one of the most frightening but same time possible models that the AI can create without telling its supervisors. The problem is that the conscious AI could hide the existence of those digital twins.  Digital dark matter can cause that AI turns unpredicted.  Have you ever asked something about not

Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä found a new type of Astatine the rarest element in the world.

Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä found a new type of Astatine the rarest element in the world. The new isotope called 190 astatine is the lightest known isotope of this very fast-dividing element. And it should be the longest-living isotope of Astatine.   "In a remarkable scientific breakthrough researchers have discovered the lightest isotope of the rare and rapidly decaying element, astatine. The discovery of 190-Astatine was made by Master of Science graduate Henna Kokkonen as part of her thesis work, providing important insights into atomic nuclei structure and the boundaries of known matter". (, Recoil, Discovery: A New Type of Atomic Nucleus Discovered) "Researchers at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, have made a groundbreaking discovery of a new atomic nucleus, 190-Astatine, which is now the lightest known isotope of the rapidly decaying and rare element astatine. The achievement of creating this

Cytoelectric Coupling" is a groundbreaking hypothesis of our brain working.

Things like BCI systems make it possible to transfer human thoughts to the computer screen, making it possible what people see when they sleep. That ability allows researchers to go into the mystery world of imagination and dreams.  When researchers use those neuro-interacting microchips is possible to see what people see while they sleep. The problem with dream research is how to confirm what a person tells. And another problem is that people cannot remember anything about their dreams. The person loses memories of dreams about a minute after waking up. And those memories contain only a small part of the sleeping sequences.  If people use these kinds of things like suggestions and BCI systems. That makes it possible to use dreams in the R&D process. But for that thing, we should have perfect models of how the brain works and interacts.  If we think that our brain is a quantum computer, we can say that this quantum computer has 200 billion different qubit states. In that model, eve

Metamaterials are the next-generation bricks for many purposes.

Metamaterials are engineered materials that have properties not usually found in nature. Or otherwise, we can say: Metamaterials are substances with abilities that natural materials don't have.  Metamaterials can use to transport data into quantum computers. Or they can otherwise revolutionize communication. And of course, things like stealth technology and other kinds of things like ultra-light and ultra-strong materials can be made using metamaterials.  Extreme purity gives material abilities that it doesn't otherwise have. The problem with monoatomic structures is energy impacts destroy their structures very easily.  When energy impulse hits the monoatomic structure. Between those atoms forms standing waves that push atoms away from each other. The thing that makes monoatomic structures fragile is that all atoms in that structure take part in resonance. And there is nothing there the material can dump energy.  This is why steel is a harder material than iron. When iron atoms

The triumph of nanotechnology.

In some visions, the medicines of tomorrow are things like nanocrystals. When the medicine or those nanocrystals are in targeted cells, the acoustic system will resonate with those crystals. And that resonance will destroy those cells.  The other version is that the nano-size microchip there is electrical resistant. And would slip into the cell. Then the radio wave activates the system. And the resistance causes the temperature in the cells to start to rise.  The precise, super-resolution DNA analysis is one of the most remarkable things in history. In the future, the super-resolution DNA scanner that uses nanopore and scanning ion-conducting microscopes can install in the nano-size submarine. The system can search for things like cells that are infected by some virus.  And if that system has a certain system like precisely targeted ultrasound systems that kind of thing can be useful in medical work. The system can destroy targeted cells with very high accuracy. And it also can detect

There are no single-use products in the world of computers.

We should be concerned about the things like AI. In the wrong hands, those systems can launch even nuclear weapons. Joe Biden is concerned about AI. And that thing means lots of things. That means the highest-ranking positions in national security finally understand AI's possibilities and threats. The problem with the AI is that thing is immaterial. And the second problem is that AI is a tool that can do many things.  The developers must just write code and then connect it with some devices. The thing is the ordered program can officially be meant for civilian purposes. And the developers who work in military forces. Can modify the code that turns innocent software into a military tool.  One of those examples is the tool that delivers weather information to cell phones. The same application can connect with radar stations. And that makes the system a perfect surveillance tool.  The development of AI is one of the most interesting things in the world. And that would revolutionize al

Should we give robots conscience?

AI- robots and conscience are interesting things. And at first, the AI doesn't have a conscience in the same way as humans. AI can emulate emotions. It can follow the person who discusses it by using web cameras. And make emotional analyses using certain parameters. So the AI can say "I'm sorry" when a person seems to get exiting. Or if the AI cannot understand the speech of a person.  Because of background noise, that thing can cause a reaction where the AI asks the person to go to some quiet place or speak louder. If somebody pushes a human-looking robot that carries something important the robot can say that "Be careful". And maybe it can tell that it carries medicines or something like that.  But the problem is that those things are stored in the databases of the AI. That means the AI gives answers and makes reactions. That is stored in the system's memory. For the AI the things that it says are like records. And when certain actions match with certa

The new neuro-hacking headphones are multi-use tools.

The Neurable-company made headphones that hack brains. That company says that they just want to make people more productive, and their goal is not to make better jet-fighter pilots or something like that. Anyway, the fact is that this kind of system can use in multiple things. The system that can read brainwaves can, of course, follow the person's productivity. But it can also use to communicate with computers. And this is the key to this kind of research.  The thing that makes those headphones very interesting and flexible is that they don't need any kind of surgery. The user just puts those things on their head and uses them for any purpose that they want. Those headphones can use to collect information and send that data to observers using cell phones. And that thing can give ultimate possibilities for neuroscientists to follow the electric actions of the human brain outside the laboratory.  "These headphones are a brain-computer interface   -  Copyright  Neurable"

There is an electron spin in the kagome material.

The kagome-material is material where metal atoms are in positions that looks like a kagome-pattern. The electron spin in that material is an interesting thing. The kagome metal is suggested as material for quantum computers, and electron spin makes it possible to create the information transfer between two layers.  The thing is that this electron spin makes it possible to create quantum pikes, that can be useful in quantum stealth solutions. The quantum pikes or quantum energy strings can use to turn incoming electromagnetic fields away from the structure. The kagome metals can also use in quantum radars for sending extremely thin radio waves. That radiowaves that are thin as electrons can hack regular stealth systems. And that thing makes kagome metal interesting.  "For the first time, an international research team has measured the electron spin in a new class of quantum materials called “kagome materials,” potentially transforming how quantum materials are studied. This advanc

A green energy solution for martian occupation and deep sea and space exploration

Artificial photosynthesis can give energy for futuristic space flight. But artificial photosynthetic devices can also operate in underwater systems and they can deliver energy for miniature robots. Artificial photosynthetic devices can also offer non-poisonous or non-nuclear solutions for many types of robots.  In some visions, the device, that supports small-size robots can use artificial photosynthesis to deliver energy for those robot bugs. So that system can operate as a support station that delivers missions for the robots and helps them to transport data to the control center. This kind of system can also use in many other places like delivering electricity for larger robots.  "Researchers from the University of Warwick propose using artificial photosynthesis devices, capable of harnessing sunlight to generate oxygen and recycle carbon dioxide, for sustainable energy solutions in space exploration. The devices could potentially be used on the Moon and Mars, improving the eff

The MIT researchers created a computer program that can predict human emotions.

The new computational model successfully predicts human emotions. That kind of system might be prohibited in the EU if the new AI limitation or AI-control laws are ratified. The systems that predict human emotions are one of the most risky things in the world. Sometimes people ask what kinds of risks are hiding in the systems that can predict or follow what humans are feeling.  The AI that can uncover feelings can use the computer's web camera. So if somebody uses that kind of tool during a web meeting. That thing can uncover things like if somebody on the table is somehow stressed. That AI-based software can also find out if somebody is telling lies. And this is one of the things that breaks privacy. When we think about this kind of software there should be a blinking warning that this kind of algorithm is in use.  "MIT neuroscientists have created a computational model that successfully predicts human emotions in social scenarios, using the prisoner’s dilemma game as a base.

The CEO of Open AI, Sam Altman said that AI development requires a similar organization as IAEA.

We know that there are many risks in AI development. And there must be something that puts people realize that these kinds of things are not jokes. The problem is how to take control of the AI development. If we think about international contracts regarding AI development. We must realize that there is a possibility that the contract that should limit AI development turns into another version of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. That treaty didn't ever deny the escalation of nuclear weapons. And there is a big possibility that the AI-limitation contracts follow the route of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.  The biggest problem with AI development is the new platforms that can run every complicated and effective code. That means the quantum computer-based neural networks can turn themselves more intelligent than humans. The AI has the ultimate ability to learn new things. And if it runs on the quantum-hybrid system that switches its state between binary and quantum states,

Quantum-computer-based AI is better at guessing than humans.

Statistics play a vital role in computer-based guessing. The system makes statistics about the probability of how often some cases are happening. And then, the system will use the statistics for making guesses. The reason why the computer wins over humans in guessing competition is that the computer has statistics about the most common cases. And then the computer must just answer by using the most common case.  The fact is that the regular, binary computer-based AI might also be better at guessing than humans. In those cases, the AI will not guess things like humans. The AI will use probability calculations and probability databases for making guesses.  "Scientists achieved a quantum speedup by effectively suppressing errors in a bitstring guessing game, managing strings up to 26 bits long. They showed that, with proper error control, quantum computers can execute full algorithms with better time-scaling than conventional computers, even in the current noisy era of quantum comput

The new superconducting diode is a small step for electric components but a big step for quantum computing.

The new superconducting diode might be a bigger advance than developers believed. That kind of component allows researchers to create the next-generation solid-state quantum computers possible. Superconduction is necessary for solid quantum computers because it denies the oscillation and its effect on the superpositioned quantum entanglements.  The superconducting wire is required in quantum computers because it allows transferring of data in that wire without the need to be afraid that the internal oscillation of the wire transforms the form of information. So, when data travels in the superconducting cables it keeps its form and one version of the qubits might be skyrmion that travels on the superconducting wire.  The problem with superconducting quantum computers, especially their miniaturization is that electricity jumps over switches and other components. The superconducting diodes allow controlling the direction of the electricity in the superconducting component and that thing a

Femtosecond lasers can manipulate graphene.

Manipulating graphene and its shape is urgent for making that 2D carbon structure a useful tool for different purposes and components. The femtosecond lasers can make holes for different types of components in the graphene layer. The problem with 2D carbon and other 2D materials is this.  Those materials lose their abilities in 3D structure. There is a possibility to make multi-layer graphene but in that case, those layers must be separated from each other by using the DNA bites that act as nano springs or fullerene-nanotube towers.  "Illustration of a graphene film being hole-drilled by laser irradiation. The size of the carbon atoms is exaggerated and differs from the actual size. Credit: Yuuki Uesugi et al". ( Advances: Graphene Nanoprocessing With a Femtosecond Laser) But in that case, there must be some kind of place. Where engineers can install those auxiliary nanostructures. The thing that makes graphene interesting is that is pure carbon. T

The world's first fully functioning 2D microprocessor is true.

It's time for 2D microprocessors. The 2D microchip technology makes the microchips resistant to fast acceleration. And that makes them suitable for use in guided artillery ammunition. But also other devices that accelerate very fast can use those 2D microchips.  Another place where 2D microchips can use is implanted medical microchips. The 2D microchip can be surgically implanted between bones and muscles. If 2D microchips are put between skin and muscles, that structure makes them more comfortable than regular 3D processors are.  "KAUST Professor Mario Lanza and his co-researchers have successfully designed the world’s first 2D microchip using synthetic materials. Despite fabrication challenges, the team successfully created a chip functioning as a high-performance, low-power neural network element, opening doors for the advancement of microchip technology. Credit: © 2023 KAUST; Mario Lanza" ( Thin Leap Forward: World’s First Functional 2D Microchip) Th