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Technical systems sometimes look supernatural.

 Technical systems sometimes look supernatural. 

Quadcopters can also use gesture control.

One of the things that you must know about things like witchcraft and other types of things like remote-viewing is that those things can base things like hidden eavesdropping tools or informers. So there is somebody next to you who tells everything to somebody else. Another version is that there is some kind of hidden camera or recorder in the room. And those things allow that some "master" can hear everything. 

Technical equipment can use to make people look like some kind of supernatural. Holograms can simply use to create things like ghosts. And extra-ordinary-looking aerial vehicles can use to turn the head of people. The quadcopters can also be equipped with hologram projectors. So those things can make real-looking UFOs:s at the airborne. 

In the same way, the aircraft can have hologram projectors which makes them hunt the UFO. That kind of system might use when some top-secret missiles or other types of secretive technology are tested in some areas. That kind of system can lead the jet fighters away from the secured airspace. Or some flying saucers can be stealth helicopters that are used to collect secretive aircraft away from hostile areas if there are damages in those systems. 

Things like UFO kidnappings called abductions can also make by using virtual reality. Nitrous oxide and some psychoactive chemicals can use to boost the effect of virtual reality. 

A new type of interface can turn techno-witchcraft possible, 

We could almost create "Jedi" by using technical equipment. The quadcopters can control by using gestures. And if those quadcopters have hands or manipulators they can use to operate the computers. The simplest way is to make the manipulators which have cameras. Then the quadcopter needs only to know what the certain letter looks like. The operator could fly that quadcopter to the computer. And simply write the texts by using their computer. 

Or the quadcopter might have a virtual keyboard and the remote controller would connect that thing to the USB gate. Writing the commands can be made by using a remote computer. The mouse can be virtual or the quadcopter can have a manipulator that is acting like a mouse. Or the quadcopter itself is acting like a mouse. 

The system can be on wheels and a manipulator connects it to the USB gate. Then the operator can use a virtual keyboard and move the quadcopter on the table. The operator can see the screen by using the camera that is located in the quadcopter. Or the quadcopter can use the USB- and remote connection for sending the virtual screen to the operator. 

But the system can use also the interface where certain letters can choose by using eye contact. The system is called "Eye Tracker". The prototype of that system allowed the famous physicist Stephen Hawking to communicate with other people even that man had ALS. Today those systems are allowed to buy for gaming and everybody can buy them. 

The computer follows the position of the eye and the selection of the letter happens by blinking the eye. The person sees the activated letter at the HUD screen. That system can use with the portable HUD and VR glasses. 

The same systems are used for controlling virtual characters in games. Can be used to control real physical machines like quadcopters. 

But gesture controls, BCI, and other kinds of systems make that technical equipment more powerful and flexible. The fact is that the controller of the remote systems can use the WEB camera to send those gestures to the remote system. There is the possibility that the user of the system might have certain gloves for confirming those commands. 


When we are thinking about Star Wars and Jedi who have some "supernatural force" there is the possibility that all of those kinds of things are made by using technical equipment. The flying light swords can be quadcopters which are controlled by using the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). Or actually, there is needed the gesture control system. The simplest model uses data gloves. 

So in that kind of equipment would be only the blowers that are controlling its movements on air. And things like remote-killing can make by using a gesture activator. 

But if the person wants to make the magic tricks without gloves. That thing requires only the jewelry where is a certain type of sensors.  To the wrist is put the motion sensor or sensor that searches the electric actions in the nervous systems. That sensor can also install surgically. 

When the person moves the finger or hands a certain way the system will give certain commands. So the light sword can fly to hand when a certain gesture is made. And the other systems can communicate with portable data handling units that can hide in light sword or mobile telephone. And that kind of system can also use to shut down generators. Or remote activate the jet fighter levitation systems. 

When the person who has a certain dress and gloves makes a certain gesture that thing releases botulinum release in the victim's body. The user could activate the system by using a radio impulse that is sent from the hidden radio transmitter. Or there is a small camera in the clothes or body of a victim. And when a certain gesture is made that camera sends the signal to the botulinum capsule. That kind of thing can use to make a vision of the great witch.


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