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Showing posts from December, 2021

Nature can give models for the next generation robots and microchips.

    Nature can give models for the next generation robots and microchips. "MIT researchers have pioneered a new fabrication technique that enables them to produce low-voltage, power-dense, high endurance soft actuators for an aerial microrobot. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers" (SciTechDaily/Giving Bug-Like Bots a Boost: New Artificial Muscles Improve the Performance of Flying Microrobots) Muscle cells can rotate small-size generators.  The MIT researchers are creating new. Low voltage artificial cells for improving the performance of the microrobots. (1)This is one way to improve the operational areas of small-size flying robots. There is another way to make the power source that uses biological components. The idea is that the muscle cells of flies would connect to cranks.  And those systems are rotating miniaturized generators. This kind of robot can drink sugar-liquid. And the muscle cells can be natural but genetically transformed that they cannot split. Removing that

Technical systems sometimes look supernatural.

 Technical systems sometimes look supernatural.  Quadcopters can also use gesture control. One of the things that you must know about things like witchcraft and other types of things like remote-viewing is that those things can base things like hidden eavesdropping tools or informers. So there is somebody next to you who tells everything to somebody else. Another version is that there is some kind of hidden camera or recorder in the room. And those things allow that some "master" can hear everything.  Technical equipment can use to make people look like some kind of supernatural. Holograms can simply use to create things like ghosts. And extra-ordinary-looking aerial vehicles can use to turn the head of people. The quadcopters can also be equipped with hologram projectors. So those things can make real-looking UFOs:s at the airborne.  In the same way, the aircraft can have hologram projectors which makes them hunt the UFO. That kind of system might use when some top-secret mi

The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology.

 The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology.  Determining the use of the system is important because that makes systems effective, and the multi-use tools might first seem more uncomfortable and slower than single-use systems. The thing is that when the power of the hardware is rising. Code that is driven on the hardware is turning more complicated.  And the similar advantage continues in quantum computers. The need to drive more complicated code for more independently operating artificial intelligence. Causes that also the power of quantum computers must increase. The thing that makes this need is that if some researcher can leave the entire routine process for computers that releases the time of that person for some other things.  In scientific work and other duties, boring mechanical works can be left for AI-driven systems.  The AI can use for routine duties like observing the searching the changes in the brightness of the stars. In search of an exoplanet, most

Precise logic vs. fuzzy logic.

     Precise logic vs. fuzzy logic. The "barren plateaus" trap is one of the most cutting edge things in computing sciences. The precise data handling is working perfectly in a closed and very unilateral environment. But in the open environment, fuzzy logic is a more effective tool.  And the power of fuzzy logic increases whenever the environment is turning larger and the data is turning more versatile. Fuzzy logic is in the key role for handling non-sorted data mass that is collected from the natural and chaotic environment.  Have you imagined the situation that you go to the flat, where everything is in a certain order? You can't find anything from there, and then some other person comes in. That person finds everything that is needed less than the second.  You cannot ever find anything faster than that person because that person knows everything in that room. The person knows every single nail in that flat. And that thing makes an impression.  But the prime question is