Can quantum mechanics explain predictions and prediction dreams? Can the particle superposition between our brains through the wormhole that travels through time?
The idea of the ability to see the future is basing the idea that wormholes and especially quantum-size, short-term wormholes are bringing light and other information from the future. But why we cannot see that radiation? One of the explanations is that we cannot see that radiation because it's too weak and short-term to observe.
While we are awake we cannot separate the radiation that comes out from the quantum-size black holes. Because our nerves are too busy, they cannot notice the short-term flashes of radiation. That means the senses are covering the flashes from the future.
When people are seeing things like prediction dreams the explanation can be that the radiation that comes out from the quantum-size black holes will resonate or induct the radiation to the magnetite crystals in our nervous system.
Or the particles of our brains will superposition from the future through the wormhole in our nervous system. That thing can explain the 1st. person prediction dreams. But that requires the particles must superposition from the future to the past through the wormhole.
One of the introductions for that thing is that if the black holes are making the time and information travel to the past, all of that information is released at the point, where the black hole is forming. So the black hole smashes the information in the form that it cannot separate and sort. The other explanation is that the observer must observe the black hole at the right moment. The wormhole from the future would be open only precisely at the moment when the black hole is forming.
And if we want to see to the future we should find the black hole, that is forming at a certain point, and observe the black hole precisely in the right moment. And the lifetime of the black hole should not be too long, because if a black hole exists too long, there is too much information coming out in a short moment, and that turns the information to the mass, which cannot sort.
So what kind of black hole can bring information from the future? The system can use series of billions of black holes. Every each of them exists extremely short time. And the information would deliver to that series only from the highest point of that chain. That means the information that is transmitted in the black holes will be minimized.
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