Modern killer satellites can use directed energy weapons (Image I)
The ASAT (Anti-Satellite) weapons are a threat to vital military satellites.
The ASAT weapons are a threat to vital military satellites. And the new satellite-killers have the directed energy weapons. Those systems are under development in China, Russia, and the USA. If the technology of the 80s made the limits to those weapons.
But modern technology along with artificial intelligence allows the automatized and independently target identification. And that makes those systems very effective. In the 1980s the problem was in the target recognition and control of the systems. But the modern technology allows those systems to operate independently.
The recon satellites along with the communication- and navigation satellites play a vital role in the modern battlefield. If the recon or GPS satellites are destroyed by using the ASAT weapons. That will make it impossible to aim for GPS-guided weapons.
And if the location of own troops is not sure, that will make it difficult to give air support for ground units. If the communication satellites are terminated. The ability to control drones and battle groups are turning lower. Also, nuclear submarines cannot get their orders or launching codes if somebody destroys those satellites.
And that's why the vital satellites must be masked against the attack of the ASAT systems. The ASAT system can use the regular way to destroy the target by using kinetic energy or some laser or other high-energetic weapon.
Or it can destroy it by using high-power EMP signals that van deliver by using high power radio or microwave transmitters. In that case, the microcircuits of the satellites are destroyed but the core stands in one piece.
Stealth can mean that the real mission of the satellites is covered.
In space systems stealth means that the real mission of the satellite is covered. The new technology like wireless power transmitting can help to cover the recon satellite to the space junk. The space telescope can look like an empty rocket stage. And the ELINT satellite can play the piece of the space junk. Those satellites can store the data in the hard disks, and then deliver it at the point, where the opponent cannot see the transmission.
Or the satellite can transmit the data by using laser transmitting to the higher-flying communication or relay satellites. The energy to those recon satellites can deliver from the ships And other power plants using the targeted radio masers. Those systems can load the batteries of the satellite. And that eliminates the need for solar panels and nuclear batteries. Those things can uncover that the space junk is working military recon satellites.
The use of stealth technology in spacecraft is an interesting thing. But making the stealth spacecraft faces technical challenges, that are different than in regular aircraft. The orbital objects are searched by using optical telescopes. And that means the spacecraft must have a visual stealth system. That can cover the entire spacecraft or the purpose of the recon or attack space system.
One of the versions to cover the military satellites is just making the normal mapping satellite-looking recon satellite. That means that the satellite is taking images as a normal mapping satellite. But the system will just hide the highest-resolution images.
X37B (artists impression) (Image II)
Another version of those systems is the communication satellites with ELINT-role. The simplest way to make that kind of thing is by routing the data to two places. When it travels through the communication satellite. The other receiver could be the client and the other can be the electronic intelligence office.
The real purpose of the satellite can cover by using other secretive missions as the cover-up. The gamma-rays of the nuclear reactors of the satellites can cover the nuclear weapon that is hidden in the core of the satellites. There are two ways to use nuclear weapons in space. One is a simple detonate a nuclear weapon in the orbital trajectory.
And that causes the EMP pulse that destroys the entire electric support and other satellites on that trajectory. Suddenly forming EMP-pulse can cause large-scale damages in the electric circuits in a very large area. The other us just drop the nuclear warhead to the target from satellites.
The new small-size space shuttles can be used as nuclear-armed kamikaze drones. The stealth technology makes those systems very difficult to notice by using radars. And there are rumors that the stealth versions of the X-37B shuttle exist. Or it can be made with a very short warning period.
X37B is the same way a multipurpose system with the "regular shuttles. The system has a cargo bay that can use for many types of cargo. It can of course use for carrying miniature satellites.
But in the cargo bay is possible to install other mission packs, like space telescopes, solar panels and other power supply units, manipulator arms, and robots. There can also connect the lightweight nuclear reactor for extremely long-term space missions.
Things like Pegasus rockets (here under the wing of a B-52 bomber)can use also as low-orbital ASAT weapons. (Image III)
That nuclear reactor can also deliver energy to the ion motors for the asteroid missions. But there can also install nuclear weapons. In those kinds of missions, the shuttle waits at the orbiter for the order and then dives against its target.
One of the versions of the spaceborne stealth systems is that the military satellite is hiding its real purpose covering it with other also secretive systems. Here I mean the nuclear-reactor-powered satellites.
Does the high-power radar system require a kilowatt-class nuclear reactor for its energy source? That kind of satellite can also deliver the microwave-mace on the areas. And they can destroy the drone swarms and communication equipment by using microwave- or radio wave-based EMP weapons.
But the high-power precise aimed laser or maser systems can also theoretically shoot the individual vehicles on the ground. The thing that limits this kind of system is that the radiation weapons need a powerful power source. And nuclear reactor is offering a good power source in that kind of things.
The space is full of the used nuclear reactors. And the radiation of the nuclear reactors can use for covering the nuclear weapon. Normally the counter systems are searching for nuclear weapons in space by using gamma-ray cameras. Those cameras are using the radiation of the fissile material of the nuclear weapon for uncovering it.
The radiation of the nuclear reactor is covering the weapon. That is connected to the satellite. The development of the FOBS (Fractional Orbiting Weapon Systems) or spaceborne nukes is prohibited. But we know. That every government which has nuclear weapons can break every single contract they are made. And even if the USA and Russia are following those contracts, other nuclear-powered governments might be interested in this kind of technology.
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