Thursday, September 2, 2021

Is an economy without money possible?

The idea of the money-running economy is a growth that continues forever. 

We always have a money-based society. Money is the thing that keeps our society rolling and live without money feels utopia. Our way to think about the economy is that growth is the thing that makes the economy work. The growth that continues forever will make jobs. And the jobs are giving taxes to the pockets of the government. 

But the problem is that the growth doesn't continue forever. The decreasing economy causes that people are losing their jobs. And the next boom or increasing the curve means that the people will get their work back. So the economy is like waves. Money is the thing that controls the economy. The purpose of money is to regulate consumption. 

But money is a complicated thing. There should be a property that will use to buy the money or currency out from markets. If the value of the currency is going too low. The value of a currency depends on the balance between property and the currency. That is in the markets. If there is too much money in markets that thing will drop the value of the currency. If there is only a small number of money in markets the value of money will get higher. 

Digital currency along with cryptocurrency is also money. They both are the small files where is the verification number. The difference between crypto- and digital currencies is not easy to determine. Digital currency is the official money files made under the control of the government central banks. Cryptocurrencies are shares that are sold to people. 

Cryptocurrencies are owned and created by private companies. Those companies promise that they will buy cryptocurrency investments back when the investor wants. But the thing is that cryptocurrencies are acting like normal currency. The company that sells cryptocurrency will buy them back by using currency what the customer wants. 

The problem with cryptocurrencies is that people can invest as much money in those cryptocurrencies as they want. Because cryptocurrencies are virtual money and the system can make those things limitless. There is the possibility that a large or even major number of the national currency will go to the accounts of the cryptocurrency company. 

And the problem is that if a large number of people are taking their money out of the accounts that thing can cause the reaction that there is too much money in markets. That will cause the collapse of the value of currencies. 

Of course, there is the possibility that the governments deny that kind of thing. The laws can use to control panic in the markets. But there is the possibility that some investors are acting for the nuclear powers like Russia and China. 

Those governments are not following when their investments turn to sand. In that case, the small nations where those companies are registered can only pay the price. What they can do if the more powerful country comes to monitor the interests of its citizens? And the base of markets is trust. Without trust is no investment. If somebody wants to socialize the investments. 

That means that investors will take their money out of that kind of business environment. Things that are causing problems to get investments are violence, civil disorder, corruption, and especially the weak governments that cannot protect the individual people against illegal activities. Things like public provocations are also a good way to destroy the trust of the investors. 

If the nation will deny the payments to other countries can cause problems with investments and also that kind of country will face problems getting financing like loans. Things like socializing the capital might seem very nice. But people should think about what happens after that kind of action? Would you trust that kind of actor?

Could society without money ever be possible?

The question is about the money itself. The purpose of money is to regulate the use of goods. The reason why money was taken into use was that the goods were enough for everybody. But then something happened and some people got more money than others. And the question is, why that happened?

Were the first people who earned better than other people who inherited something that belonged to their parents? If that is true those persons started capitalism, where the people who owned lots of things got more capital. And that thing is called accumulation theory. The large mass of money is bringing more money in the cash of those persons who owned something. But can we turn our society to work without money? 

The argument for money is that it controls people, that they are not going to shop and then take everything with them. So is it possible that the money or currency can replace by some other system, where people have a certain number of every single good? That thing is called the equal economy. It means that every single good is shared before and every people will get everything equally. Is that thing possible? 

Maybe we should change our attitudes very much that our society will accept so radical change in the economic way of thinking. The extreme version of the equal economy is that there are no individual people, and everything is done the same way. People will keep similar clothes, they always eat the same food and probably make similar things. That kind of thing can cause that people are turning to mass. 

The fact is that society must turn more advanced that people can turn to live in an equal economy. People who are working in hard work require more food than people who are working in the office. So the equal economy requires that all work is transfer to the robots. And artificial intelligence must follow how people are using their goods. 

The problem with an equal economy is that we are individuals. We don't like the same things, and we forget our bread in the locker. There are always people who are taking too many products. And those products are going to garbage. The reason why money is so important in our economics is that is always been like that. Money is the key element in our life. And the reason for that is some people are not following the principle of moderation everywhere. 


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