Enormous-scale time dilation can make galactic-scale civilization possible.

How to make slow spacecraft same time fast? The answer is that time dilation gives the spacecraft the ability to travel even between stars. And the crew will not get older. The time dilation can be made by using the plasma whirl that surrounds the craft. 

That thing can stop the time in the spacecraft. But how to make conditions where craft can travel between stars and then return to their senders? The idea is that the station where the spacecraft is leaving would also cover with an ion whirl or Tipler cylinder that is making time dilation. If the ion whirl, which travels at the speed of light surrounds the object it causes time dilation. 

And theoretically, galactic civilization covers its space stations and planets by using plasma whirls. That is traveling with the speed of light. That means Dyson's spheres or virtual plasma structures are covering all planets and spacecraft that our hypothetical civilization uses. That kind of solution requires lots of energy. But that is a realistic version of the Alcubierre drive and WARP systems fail. The crafts and cities can cover with Tipler cylinders. Fast-orbiting plasma or fast-rotating cylinder-looking structure makes time dilation possible. And those systems can have enormous scale. 

Galactic civilizations and interstellar travel are possible without the ability to travel faster than light. And that thing is an interesting solution for futuristic galactic civilizations. The idea is that every single planet, space station, and other base that this hypothetical civilization uses is surrounded by plasma balls their plasma travels with the speed of light. 

In that model, the civilization will use time dilation for making interstellar travel, communication, and other things like routine trips to other solar systems possible. The thing is that civilization will just stop the time in its bases and vehicles. And the requirement is that every colony, planet, and craft that our hypothetical civilization uses. Is surrounded by a Tipler cylinder that is making the ultimate time dilation possible. 

When we talk about electromagnetic wormholes or so-called virtual wormholes those things can make interstellar travel possible. The idea is that the energy that is running away from the craft is replaced by using ion beams or laser rays. That thing makes it possible to create a virtual wormhole where time is extremely dilated or even stopped. This kind of system makes it possible to create a situation where time is stopped in the spacecraft. But how we can get the crew back? The electromagnetic wormholes are making it possible to create time dilation in the craft, but outside it time moves like in normal space. 

The answer is that our hypothetical civilization requires technology that allows us to create time dilation also on the planets or bases that galactic-scale civilization uses. The civilization can use giant Dyson's spheres for accelerating plasma around the planets or even in the solar systems that the civilization controls. The enormous technology used on an enormous scale makes it possible to make the civilization whose base is in time dilation. 

The galactic-scale civilization can cover all its crafts and planets with plasma structures that are forming the Tipler cylinders around them. These kinds of systems are making it possible to create enormous-scale civilizations and in those civilizations. Time is different than it is otherwise. The time-dilation-based civilization can travel between stars very easily. And because time moves very slowly that civilization can even get astronauts back. 




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