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Showing posts from July, 2023

What is the connection between the U-2 spy plane and an MRI scanner?

The AI can detect invisible brain damage and changes in land areas. We all know that simultaneously repeating punches can damage the brain. The problem is that detecting those damages is difficult. The AI can make that thing in seconds. The ability to detect brain damage and injuries is a very simple process. The AI detects anomalies in brain structures with very high accuracy. The thing that bases the information on how brain structure should change while a person is aging The AI can simulate how brain tissue (or any other tissue) should change over a certain timeline. The AI requires two MRIs or some other scanner images that are taken at a certain time. The AI detects if there are any anomalous changes in those images. But the AI can also detect if there are any anomalous structures in the brain. Things like miniature blood clots are easy to detect by the AI, which uses extremely large zooms on the brain images. And then the AI marks abnormal structures in the brain. Satellite U-2S

Protons are a key element in new neuromorphic microchips and memory units.

Protons that are trapped in ferroelectric material are playing a big role in the next generation of neuromorphic microchips. reports that KAUST's researchers used indium selenide for making a ferroelectric film and then put that film over an iridium layer. The report on that thing goes like this:  "A New Method for Ferroelectric Materials" "The team’s novel approach hinges on the protonation of indium selenide to generate a multitude of ferroelectric phases. The researchers incorporated the ferroelectric material in a transistor consisting of a silicon-supported stacked heterostructure for evaluation". ( To Power Next-Gen Memory Devices and Neuromorphic Computing Chips) "They layered an indium selenide film on the heterostructure. Which consisted of an aluminum oxide insulating sheet nestled between a platinum layer at the bottom and porous silica at the top. The platinum layer functioned as electrodes for the applie

The new materials are revolutionizing material research.

Connecting the graphene layer with graphite can extend its benefits to regular graphite. Graphene is the 2D version of the carbon molecule. That 2D material is harder than steel. And it can be used as an extremely strong coating. There is a possibility that ion cannons can shoot the graphene structure onto the metal layer. And that thing gives the metal an extremely strong shell. The armor is suitable for things like armor and many other things. But producing a large mass of that material is difficult. Graphene is the ultimate tool. The problem with graphene is that its ultimate abilities exist only in its 2D structures. And to transform graphite into graphene, the system must remove all other layers of carbon atoms. That makes it hard to produce the ultimate material. Graphene is a carbon molecule with only one atom layer. There is a possibility that the graphene can connect with graphite, which is carbon's more common allotropic form. In some models, graphite molecules can be put

AI and PCR can create brand-new species.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) makes it possible to multiply the DNA. And in genetic engineering, the only thing needed is the DNA. If researchers want to put some cells together to make some new chemicals, they must just find a certain DNA sequence that controls some enzyme production. Enzymes are complicated molecules. In a natural environment, cells use raw materials that they get from nutrients. Then that cell selects the right components from the food for the raw material that it requires for enzyme production. The AI can provide high enough accuracy for the DNA base pairs that are responsible for the selection of chemicals like selene. If the AI can search for and locate certain base pairs, that means the system can change the base pairs. Or, as other people say, researchers can rewrite the genetic code with very high accuracy. That means that the cells can reprogram to select another raw material for their production, like enzymes. This is the thing that the cells can do to mak

AI can boost artificial evolution.

AI can make artificial brains possible.  The AI that is connected with modern brain scanners can observe can follow the functions of the human brain in an extremely accurate way. The ability to control the system requires full-scale knowledge of the system that is under surveillance and its functions. The new AI-controlled systems can interconnect multiple scanners with the same database. And then the system can make it possible to create models of how a complex system like the human brain can work.  The artificial brain is one of the dreams of computer researchers. The model of those artificial brains is the copper wire which is multiple internal wires. Each of those thin wires is connected to the individual microchip. And then the switches and routers. By connecting those thin copper wires. And microchips to a large entirety. The problem with this kind of system is that it requires lots of components. There must be switches and routers at the edge of all of those copper wires.  But t

The many faces of AI

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing the business world. The AI can search multiple objects at the same time. And it can buy and sell to multiple targets at the same time. So that thing makes it possible that AI cannot lose in stock marketing.  The AI is a tool that is here to stay. We know that some people want to deny the development of the AI. The problem is that this kind of advantage turns the underground. And things like authoritarian governments and criminals can offer money to developers. This is a big problem in the world of AI. The code itself is free. And everybody who has deep knowledge of coding can make the AI.  The AI is an ultimate tool in intelligence and military operators' hands. There is the possibility that there is a militarized version of the ChatGPT and that system could be more dangerous than nobody expected. The militarized AI that runs on quantum computers is the ultimate tool in the computing world.  Machine learning is not black and white. There

Laser is the next-generation tool for communication.

Laser-communication systems are the tools that can turn the race of secured communication to the next level. The laser-communication tools are the same systems. The developers planned in the Star Wars program to use ASAT (Anti-Satellite) and ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) systems. The difference between those systems is the laser's power. The laser communication system with power adjusting is a tool that could use to protect satellites against incoming missiles.  When a satellite detects an incoming missile, it will adjust the power of its communication laser to the destructive module. And then the same lasers can destroy that incoming missile. The laser-communication is the system that makes it harder to detect the satellite. And the laser system that developers install on the black of aircraft can make the next-generation GPS possible.  The idea is that the photo-recon satellite follows those aircraft and that satellite sees those planes above the ground. And then those systems can