Friday, July 21, 2023

What is the connection between the U-2 spy plane and an MRI scanner?

The AI can detect invisible brain damage and changes in land areas.

We all know that simultaneously repeating punches can damage the brain. The problem is that detecting those damages is difficult. The AI can make that thing in seconds. The ability to detect brain damage and injuries is a very simple process. The AI detects anomalies in brain structures with very high accuracy. The thing that bases the information on how brain structure should change while a person is aging The AI can simulate how brain tissue (or any other tissue) should change over a certain timeline.

The AI requires two MRIs or some other scanner images that are taken at a certain time. The AI detects if there are any anomalous changes in those images. But the AI can also detect if there are any anomalous structures in the brain. Things like miniature blood clots are easy to detect by the AI, which uses extremely large zooms on the brain images. And then the AI marks abnormal structures in the brain.



The same technology that AI uses to compare MRI images can be used in aerial image analysis.

The technology used in this system is also in use in some satellite, airborne, and ground-based surveillance systems. The only thing that the AI requires is two photographs taken precisely from the same spot. The AI stores those images in the databases, and then it can compare those images. The AI searches for changes in the images. And because the system uses CCD cameras, even the changes in single big stones can be detected. The system can use radar, infrared, and visual images. 

When the aircraft flies over a certain point on Earth, it can take images automatically. When the image is taken, the system also stores the zoom level, the camera angle, the used frequencies, and things like the altitude and speed of the aircraft. Then, after a certain time, the second aircraft can fly through the same GPS point and use the same parameters to take the second image. Then the AI can compare those images and see if there are any changes in them.

The word aerial can be replaced by the word "satellite". This kind of system can also follow things like changes in ships and other systems. The AI detects if there is something changed in the images that portray a civil or military ship. Things like docking a well-working ship tell us that there are some kinds of changes in its structures. Missing windows or changed plates can tell that there is some kind of replacements or changes in the ship's structures. One of those things can be an underwater diving chamber that allows for the delivery of scuba divers from underwater hatches.

Protons are a key element in new neuromorphic microchips and memory units.

Protons that are trapped in ferroelectric material are playing a big role in the next generation of neuromorphic microchips. reports that KAUST's researchers used indium selenide for making a ferroelectric film and then put that film over an iridium layer. The report on that thing goes like this: 

"A New Method for Ferroelectric Materials"

"The team’s novel approach hinges on the protonation of indium selenide to generate a multitude of ferroelectric phases. The researchers incorporated the ferroelectric material in a transistor consisting of a silicon-supported stacked heterostructure for evaluation". ( To Power Next-Gen Memory Devices and Neuromorphic Computing Chips)

"They layered an indium selenide film on the heterostructure. Which consisted of an aluminum oxide insulating sheet nestled between a platinum layer at the bottom and porous silica at the top. The platinum layer functioned as electrodes for the applied voltage, while the porous silica served as an electrolyte, supplying protons to the ferroelectric film". ( To Power Next-Gen Memory Devices and Neuromorphic Computing Chips)

"The team aims to enhance the storage capacity of memory devices and ferroelectric neuromorphic computing chips that consume less energy and operate faster. Credit: © 2023 KAUST; Fei Xue". ( To Power Next-Gen Memory Devices and Neuromorphic Computing Chips)

The image shows the way that the protons are trapped in the ferroelectric structure. Those protons can act as antennas that can transmit and receive oscillations that come from other protons. The idea is that above this ferroelectric structure would be the nanostructure where certain atoms or ions are trapped. If some in some part of the graphene structure is hydrogen and some in some other segment is oxygen. That system can be used to search for hydrogen and oxygen. The thing is that if that system looks at some object with similar atoms as it has, those atoms or ions cause oscillation in those atoms or ions trapped in that system.

Protons are hydrogen ions. They can act as oscillators in new types of radio systems. And theoretically, it is possible to create graphene or some other type of 3D structure with trapped oxygen ions, or atoms, and hydrogen ions (protons), or hydrogen atoms. That kind of system can be used to search for water in the universe. If radiowaves that are coming from distant stars cause resonance in both oxygen and hydrogen ions or atoms, that means that there could be water around that star.

The thing is that protons can be used for data storage. And if protons are trapped in graphene structures that hover in carbon baskets, the information can be stored in them. Then That system can send radio or laser rays through that structure. And transmit the oscillation of those protons to receivers that have similar structures. The EM radiation transfers the oscillation of the protons to the receiving protons. And that system can be used to create new types of radio crystals.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

The new materials are revolutionizing material research.

Connecting the graphene layer with graphite can extend its benefits to regular graphite.

Graphene is the 2D version of the carbon molecule. That 2D material is harder than steel. And it can be used as an extremely strong coating. There is a possibility that ion cannons can shoot the graphene structure onto the metal layer. And that thing gives the metal an extremely strong shell. The armor is suitable for things like armor and many other things. But producing a large mass of that material is difficult.

Graphene is the ultimate tool. The problem with graphene is that its ultimate abilities exist only in its 2D structures. And to transform graphite into graphene, the system must remove all other layers of carbon atoms. That makes it hard to produce the ultimate material. Graphene is a carbon molecule with only one atom layer. There is a possibility that the graphene can connect with graphite, which is carbon's more common allotropic form. In some models, graphite molecules can be put between graphene layers. And there are those graphite molecules forming pillars.

The other version is to install graphene over graphite at a certain angle. That thing is a revolution in graphene production. The extremely thin laser ray can remove the top layer of graphite. The system will remove all extra-atomic layers from that chip. And then that system puts that one-atom layer back on top of graphite. That makes it possible to create graphene bricks that are easier to handle than one-layer graphene.

"A University of Washington-led team has discovered that by stacking a sheet of graphene onto bulk graphite at a small twist angle (top), "exotic" properties present at the graphene-graphite interface (yellow) can bleed down into the graphite itself. Credit: Ellis Thompson" ( to the 3D Material Revolution: Researchers Put a Graphene Twist on Graphite)

"For the first time, scientists have observed metal spontaneously healing its microscopic cracks, a phenomenon that contradicts conventional material theories and opens a new frontier in engineering and materials science. (Artist’s concept)" ("Absolutely Stunning": Scientists Discover Metals That Can Heal Themselves)

The new metals can heal themselves.

The ability to fix small, microscopic cracks makes new metals very interesting tools. This ability makes it possible to create layers that have extremely good abilities to stand against punches. Those abilities are needed in spacecraft, and all other things that must resist suddenly happening have high-power impacts.

This is one version of the material that can revolutionize designs. Nanotechnology makes it possible to create metals that can change their forms from liquid to solid. The idea is that the structure of those metal molecules emulates things like liquid crystals. The metal would be solid when its structure was in crystal form. Then an electromagnetic or acoustic impulse breaks that structure into liquid.

The metal that can transform itself into liquid and solid got its inspiration from the T-1000 robot from the Terminator movies. The metal is full of microchips that send acoustical or EM signals through its structure. And that thing puts that metal in order or breaks the crystal form. The molecules used in those systems might look like water or ammonia molecules.

But as an example, In those "metallic water" molecules, some atoms are replaced by metal atoms. So "metallic water" can be a carbon atom that is connected to some metals, and then that molecule's form is the same as water. Things like the ability to manipulate light and make ultra-thin laser light that can push single atoms make new types of extremely accurate material manipulation possible.

AI and PCR can create brand-new species.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) makes it possible to multiply the DNA. And in genetic engineering, the only thing needed is the DNA. If researchers want to put some cells together to make some new chemicals, they must just find a certain DNA sequence that controls some enzyme production. Enzymes are complicated molecules.

In a natural environment, cells use raw materials that they get from nutrients. Then that cell selects the right components from the food for the raw material that it requires for enzyme production. The AI can provide high enough accuracy for the DNA base pairs that are responsible for the selection of chemicals like selene.

If the AI can search for and locate certain base pairs, that means the system can change the base pairs. Or, as other people say, researchers can rewrite the genetic code with very high accuracy. That means that the cells can reprogram to select another raw material for their production, like enzymes. This is the thing that the cells can do to make many new products, like spider fiber that can be used as bullet-proof material. But the hollow spider fibers can also be used to protect extremely thin optical fibers.

Biotechnology is one of the tools that can be used to create complicated molecular structures. The system that makes high-accuracy biomanipulation possible would use miniature lasers and laser microscopes connected with mass- and plasma spectrometers. That thing makes it possible to create new artificial organisms that can produce complicated molecules like medicines and enzymes that can be used in nanomachines.

"Scientists have engineered bacteria to produce pN-Phe, a non-standard amino acid with potential medical applications. Future work will optimize this process and explore its potential in vaccines and immunotherapies". (

"MIT-Watson AI Lab’s new AI system drastically streamlines drug and material discovery by accurately predicting molecular properties with minimal data. The system leverages a “molecular grammar” learned via reinforcement learning to generate new molecules efficiently. This method has shown remarkable efficacy even with datasets of less than 100 samples". (

AI and genetic engineering can be powerful tools against infections.

Genetically engineered cells can make non-native amino acids. That is one of the breakthroughs in genetic engineering. Nanotechnology makes it possible to create polymer-type amino acids. And in some visions, the microchip-controlled macrophage can use those amino acids as a tool to destroy targeted cells. The polymer-type amino acid can aim through the false leg of a genetically engineered macrophage. That amino acid can drill the targeted cells like some drills.

And that thing makes it possible to create systems with the ability to destroy unwanted cells with extremely high accuracy. Biotechnology and AI-controlled biomanipulation are the ultimate tools. The AI can control the polymer chains with high accuracy. Things like DNA molecular chains are also polymer chains. And AI makes it possible to manipulate that molecular structure with very high accuracy.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

AI can boost artificial evolution.

AI can make artificial brains possible. 

The AI that is connected with modern brain scanners can observe can follow the functions of the human brain in an extremely accurate way. The ability to control the system requires full-scale knowledge of the system that is under surveillance and its functions. The new AI-controlled systems can interconnect multiple scanners with the same database. And then the system can make it possible to create models of how a complex system like the human brain can work. 

The artificial brain is one of the dreams of computer researchers. The model of those artificial brains is the copper wire which is multiple internal wires. Each of those thin wires is connected to the individual microchip. And then the switches and routers.

By connecting those thin copper wires. And microchips to a large entirety. The problem with this kind of system is that it requires lots of components. There must be switches and routers at the edge of all of those copper wires. 

But theoretically, the electric wire used in stereo sets can act as the artificial axon. There is of course needed to connect those wires by using individual small-size switches and routers. And in these futuristic systems, the microchips are acting as neurons. Each of those wires requires microchips. And that makes this system quite hard to make. 

"Scientists from Johns Hopkins University have harnessed artificial intelligence to visualize and track synaptic changes in live animals, aiming to enhance our understanding of brain connectivity changes in humans due to learning, aging, injury, and illness. By using machine learning, they were able to improve the clarity of images, enabling them to observe thousands of individual synapses and their changes in response to new stimuli". ( Secrets Revealed: Scientists Use AI To Watch Brain Connections Change)

"Evolutionary biologist Jay T. Lennon and his team have been studying a synthetic minimal cell with 45% of the genes eliminated, reducing it to the smallest set of genes required for autonomous life. Despite its reduced genome, Lennon’s team found that this minimal cell evolved as quickly as a regular cell, showing the inherent resilience of life". ( Evolution: Genetically Minimal Artificial Cells Prove “Life Finds a Way”)

Also, artificial life follows the path of evolution. 

Researchers made evolution tests with artificial cells with minimal genomes. They removed all unnecessary genetic material from those cells. And those tests proved also artificial biological creatures can advance by following the evolution models. The minimal number of genetic material didn't stop evolution. And that thing is one of the most important observations when researchers make artificial organisms. 

The ability to control genomes and connect DNA bites from different creatures together is the biggest possibility and the biggest threat. The ability to create artificial cells makes it possible to create cells that viruses cannot infect. The artificial cells can have internal structures that can destroy hostile DNA. 

And one of these possibilities for that thing is the manipulated malaria organism that can hunt those viruses from inside the cells. Manipulation is one of the things where AI can be a more powerful tool than nobody expected. If researchers want to make plants that can resist cold or warm and ultraviolet they must just travel to an area where strong UV radiation or hot temperatures dominate the atmosphere. 

Then they must collect genetic material and find the DNA sequence that unites those plants. Then researchers can transfer that DNA sequence to other species. AI is the ultimate tool for searching and combining DNA because that system can handle multiple objects at the same time. 

AI can make evolution faster than it has ever been before. That thing means new opportunities and challenges for nature and researchers. The problem with AI and evolution is that AI can find wanted abilities from the databases in seconds. And then it can connect the DNA base-pair to the wanted DNA by using nanotechnology.

Monday, July 3, 2023

The many faces of AI

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing the business world. The AI can search multiple objects at the same time. And it can buy and sell to multiple targets at the same time. So that thing makes it possible that AI cannot lose in stock marketing. 

The AI is a tool that is here to stay. We know that some people want to deny the development of the AI. The problem is that this kind of advantage turns the underground. And things like authoritarian governments and criminals can offer money to developers. This is a big problem in the world of AI. The code itself is free. And everybody who has deep knowledge of coding can make the AI. 

The AI is an ultimate tool in intelligence and military operators' hands. There is the possibility that there is a militarized version of the ChatGPT and that system could be more dangerous than nobody expected. The militarized AI that runs on quantum computers is the ultimate tool in the computing world. 

Machine learning is not black and white. There are multiple things that AI can make. Same way robotics are not good or bad. The purpose of robots determines whether are they good or bad. If we are middle of a conflict the opponent is bad. And that justifies the use of necessary force against that "bad". 

Everything that robots makes. Is programmed by the programmers and the robot itself does nothing. The robot is only a shell, controlled by computers. Another thing that makes robots good or bad is their access to systems that affect the environment. 

The same robot, that carries pizza into a certain GPS point. Can also drop a grenade to the other point. That means the only purpose determines is AI or robots good or bad. And then the ability to make something like getting weapons determines can a robot do something. 

But we don't realize that AI with quantum computing is a dangerous tool in itself. There is the possibility that the network-based AI can make DDOS attacks against military servers. Things like wireless systems, for example, BlueTooth allow AI can communicate with humans. The system must hack earphones or the computer's loudspeakers. And then it can start communicating with people. 

Learning machines are allowing people to make perfect fakes. Machine learning allows the AI can trace the letters of certain people. The system must just see the text that somebody writes. And then it can trace the style by calculating the average style and phrases. That targeted person writes on the letters. The AI can measure the interest of the target by following how long the target spends with certain letters. 

Today the internet is a more complicated interconnected system than ever before. The interconnection makes it possible, that one data security fail can give hackers access to multiple databases. So the AI can interconnect data from different sources for making certain user profiles.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Laser is the next-generation tool for communication.

Laser-communication systems are the tools that can turn the race of secured communication to the next level. The laser-communication tools are the same systems. The developers planned in the Star Wars program to use ASAT (Anti-Satellite) and ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) systems. The difference between those systems is the laser's power. The laser communication system with power adjusting is a tool that could use to protect satellites against incoming missiles. 

When a satellite detects an incoming missile, it will adjust the power of its communication laser to the destructive module. And then the same lasers can destroy that incoming missile. The laser-communication is the system that makes it harder to detect the satellite. And the laser system that developers install on the black of aircraft can make the next-generation GPS possible. 

The idea is that the photo-recon satellite follows those aircraft and that satellite sees those planes above the ground. And then those systems can exchange information with each other. The photo-recon satellite can simply send its camera image back to those aircraft. And then the pilot can precisely see where that aircraft is. The laser communication system is not as vulnerable to jammers as radio-based systems. 

"Illustration of NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD communicating with the International Space Station over laser links. LCRD has successfully completed its first year of experiments, offering a glimpse into the future of data transmission from space. The system uses infrared light, allowing for 10 to 100 times more data to be packed into a single transmission compared to traditional radio wave systems. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. (’s Laser Communications Relay: Showcasing the Future of Space Data Transmission)

Above: AGM-88 HARM

The AGM-88A HARM-style anti-radiation missiles can destroy things like GPS satellites, radar, and communication facilities. Those missiles can also use against any radio source in the world. Anti-radiation missiles can destroy things like internet support stations and TV network stations. So military operators can use it to deny the effect of enemy propaganda. 

When we think about jammer systems and missiles. We might think that jamming the GPS is a piece of cake. But the jammer systems have one very serious problem. The active jammer system sends electromagnetic radiation around it. So the anti-radar missiles are capable to destroy those jammer systems. And those missiles can shoot against space-borne systems. 

When a jammer operates, the ECCM (Electronic Counter-Counter Measurement) systems start their counter-actions against those jammers. When the jammer starts to send its radio transmission at a certain frequency that covers the GPS, the counter system aims things like AGM-88 HARM missiles at that jammer platform. 

The aircraft that uses jammers is the radio source. And anti-radiation missiles can aim at those aircraft. The next-generation ECM systems use the AI-based power adjustments and in those systems, the counter wave has precisely the same power and frequency as the incoming wave movement. 

The system could use drones. They are flying at a certain distance from the aircraft to detect and analyze incoming radiowaves. Then those drones send the vital information to the manned aircraft's computer that adjusts counter-waves to the precise right energy level. 

Same way anti-radiation missiles can be a threat to combat aircraft. The same system that makes them aim at enemy radars makes anti-radiation missiles aim at all radio sources. Those anti-radiation missiles can be dangerous also to things like radio operators and jammer systems. The new jammer systems are not the same way vulnerable as old fashion systems. In modern systems, the AI adjusts the radio transmission to the level that the counter-wave will not just reflect the radar.

The AI and new upgrades make fusion power closer than ever.

"New research highlights how energetic particles can stabilize plasma in fusion reactors, a key step toward clean, limitless energy. Cr...