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Showing posts from April, 2022

Is technological singularity the next step for humanity?

The allegory of the cave is one of the most well-known philosophical examples. The idea is that. If people see only the cave's wall the cave is their entire world. All information that people in the cave get delivered by some other people. That means the goodwill of those people determines what kind of information those people in that cave get.  So we can say that Plato's Allegory of the cave is the first case of synthetic reality. What differentiates the people in Plato's cave from the people who are serving in the underground nuclear weapon facilities? The fact is that those people who are serving in those underground facilities get also information that other people want to share with them. In the modern nuclear center, high-tech screens have replaced the shadows on the walls. But the set is the same as that cave about 500 B.C. The screen just transmits information to people who are fully isolated.  Allegory of the cave (Wikipedia) Internet is the next-generation Plato&#

The synthetic reality.

The image above is an illustration. In the ultimate version of the synthetic reality, the impulses. Which used to make that effect will be driven to the brain through the cortex. That thing requires that the system can generate synthetic memories. The person cannot make difference between those synthetic memories and real memories. That thing can make it possible to prepare people for ultimate situations. And that thing can also make a revolution in the education area. Also, the entertainment industry might be interesting in that kind of thing.  The term "synthetic reality" means the ultimate version of Virtual Reality. We can make the virtual spacewalk in synthetic space. Which is the combination of the hovering systems and VR glasses. Those airflow-based hovering systems are used in an amusement parks.  The most realistic version of the synthetic reality can be simulated space travel. That ultimate simulation happens in the underwater tank. Where astronauts normally practic

New portable nuclear reactors can revolutionize aviation and many other things.

Image 1) Argonne laboratory's concept of a micro nuclear reactor.  New portable nuclear reactors that can move by using trucks can make a new revolution in nuclear energy. The power output of those miniature nuclear reactors that are under development in many countries is about 20 megawatt per unit. But those units can connect to one larger entirety. And that makes it possible to make large-scale modular systems.  The portable nuclear reactors also make it possible to connect those reactors to any electric network in the world. That means that all ships that have diesel-electric engine systems can get energy boosters from portable nuclear reactors. The nuclear reactor would drive the ship. And then it will connect to the ship's electric system. The system can use a normal high-voltage electric connector.  Image 2) DOD vision of the use of mobile micro nuclear reactors.  And when nuclear power is not needed anymore. That reactor can be driven out from the ship and used in differ

Does that mean AI understands?

Understanding things is an interesting thing. We might feel that we know what understanding means. So let's take an example. We know that in most countries cars must drive on the right side of the road. We know that we must do that thing because regulations mean that we should drive on the right side. But does that mean that the AI understands why it should drive on the right side?  There are, of course, countries where is left-side traffic. When the GPS tells the AI that the vehicle is in Great Britain, the AI knows that it should turn to the left side. The reason for that is that in the certain country is left-side traffic. These kinds of things are interesting. In the databases of the AI is programmed that the traffic is left-side in certain countries. But does the AI even know what is the country or state?  The AI knows the GPS point or GPS coordinates where it is. Then it will compare that parameter to its database. It knows that it's in Great Britain. If we would ask abou

Russia transferred trained dolphins to protect their Black Sea military base.

Image Pinterest The first users of the underwater creatures for military use were ancient Greeks. They put blood into their harbors for making sharks aggressive. Also, South American Indians might use piranha fishes as weapons. If there is blood in the water. Those piranhas turn very aggressive. Romans and their successors used trained dogs on battlefields. And the most brutal version of those things were dogs infected with rabies. There are lots of people who want to end the dolphin training programs. Those animals are intelligent, easy to train, and very capable to search for dropped things from underwater areas. Those people argue that dolphins should be free.  But the protectors of those dolphin training programs are saying that dolphins and orca are like underwater dogs. Orcas are big dolphins that are capable to catch the swimmer. And throw them to the deck of the ships. But as we know the modern technology like neuro-implanted microchips and artificial intelligence that allows b

The antigravitation and gravitational waves

Gravitational waves can be the key to real antigravitational systems.  The formation of a gravitational wave may provide an answer for so-called "real" antigravitation. The supernova explosion or collision of the super heavy objects is forming an energy load that can explain gravitational waves. When that radiation with ultra-high energy level hits the particles it forms an electromagnetic or quantum shadow on the opposite side of the particles.  Energy flows to that shadow and moves the particle away from the gravitational wave source. But if we want to make a "real" anti gravitation system we must be more accurate. When wave movement from the source of the gravitational waves impacts the quantum field of particles, it slides over that quantum field.  The reason why gravitation pulls objects is that something makes the particles act like small rocket engines. So something causes an asymmetry in the energy flow from the objects in a gravitational wave.  The surfer w

What do bacteria sound like? (Bacterial drum can use for making complicated nanomachines)

A graphene drum can use to make the bacterial soundtrack. That thing might not seem anything else than some kind of nerd thing. That they can publish on YouTube. But the graphene drum can use to make the real things. Sound waves are the pressure impulses that can move objects. The graphene drums and bacteria can use to transfer parts for the nanomachines. The problem with nanomachines is to create a system that can hold their parts long enough that they can take their part in the entirety.  The bacteria that are in that graphene drum can equip with magnetic crystals. And the magnetic field can use to turn that bacteria in the wanted direction. Many of the nanomachines are operating in liquid. So the bacteria and graphene drum can use for making the complicated structures on a molecular scale.  The magnetic systems allow moving nanomachines where is iron. But with non-magnetic molecules must be found some other method to move them. And one of those methods is the sound waves. That syste

Today the USA successfully tested its hypersonic HAWC missile.

    The Hypersonic Air-Breathing Concept (HAWC) missile has been tested a second time. By the USAF. The biggest difference between HAWC and Russian Kinzhal-missile is that the HAWC uses an air-breathing Scramjet-engine that will give the HAWC system a longer range.  The dropping aircraft was a B-52, and the capacity of this kind of system is huge. The HAWC missile can use as a multi-role weapon, but the most effective is against ships and heavily armed bunkers. The HAWC missile can fly inside the submarine bunkers' doors.  HAWC (AGM-183 ARRW  ("Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon")) -missile under the B-52 bomber But the thing is that this kind of scramjet-driven system can also use to shoot down enemy aircraft. There is the possibility that the successor of the F-35 has the hypersonic capacity that allows it to fly to the operational area very fast.  And then that system can slow down for a normal dogfight. Or the hypersonic attack plane can drop normal smart bombs on the

Artificial intelligence beats humans on the bridge.

Artificial intelligence advances all the time. Things like chess programs that can answer the movements of the buttons on a limited area are impressive. But modern artificial intelligence programs can play cards with people. Those programs can detect the images of the cards. And compare them with the database where is their values. That means modern robots that are equipped with AI can play a card like a poker and now bridge with real living people.  The Guardian tells that eight world-class bridge champions are lost to artificial intelligence in the bridge. The game was a simplified version and there was removed the "offering part" where players are trying to cheat other players. But the fact is that artificial intelligence can notice if the person is telling lies. When people are telling lies.  They are using certain gestures like a touch nose. Those gestures can program to the AI, which can detect them from the film or real-time image. Also, the infrared systems can search

Nanomachine can look like an artificial virus. And in the wrong hands, it can be dangerous.

    Image: Pinterest The nanomachines can be impressive but in the wrong hands, they are the most deadly tool in the world. In this text under observation is the nanomachine that can look like a bacteriophage. The DNA controls the operations of that small robot.  And if that system accidentally transfers too long DNA in some cell. That thing can cause the DNA fills the cell. And that extremely long DNA causes a similar effect to ricin which is one of the most poisonous chemicals in the world. The deadly effect of ricin is that its molecular structure is like may Day Hustle. That molecule fills the mitochondria or cell and denies its metabolism.  There another way, how the molecule can make that action is that. It starts to travel between the structure of the mitochondria. That denies the power production in mitochondria. So the thing is that kinds of molecules are called Ribosome Inactivating Proteins or RIP proteins. in this text, all those proteins are under the title "ricin&quo

The next-generation nanomachines can use DNA as their program.

Nanotechnology is giving huge opportunities almost for everything. Nanomachines can replace many medicals. And improve the effectiveness of other medicals. The next-generation nanomachines can inject into people's bloodstream.  They can remove plaque from the blood vessels and they can carry medicals precisely in the right cells. And those nanomachines can also close the bloodstream to tumors. The opportunities of that technology are impressive. There is the possibility that there are different DNA pieces in small tubes inside the nanomachine. And that thing makes it possible to change the actions of the nanorobots simply by changing the DNA inside them.  But the problem is how to control those nanomachines? The answer could be that there are tanks in the nanomachines where is a certain DNA code. A certain DNA code can control a certain part of the operation. So the operator can give the order "Use DNA number 1" and then the system opens the tank where is the first DNA. T